
Woolpert And Ecopia Collaborate To Create 3D Maps Of Australian Metropolitan Areass

Ecopia AI and Woolpert have expanded their partnership to map Australia’s top metropolitan areas in 3D. The resulting vector maps will provide Woolpert’s Asia-Pacific clients with a detailed, accurate and up-to-date foundational layer of geospatial data that represents the dimensional world as we know it. This expanded partnership builds upon Ecopia and Woolpert’s previous collaborations. In 2021, the two companies partnered to map the City of Perth in 3D for a state land information authority. Through that engagement, Ecopia leveraged Woolpert’s high-resolution aerial imagery to map all of Perth’s buildings in 3D, plus surrounding land cover in 2D. Ecopia’s AI-based mapping systems were able to digitize these features in just 12 days, with 40% cost savings for the Local State Information Authority. Woolpert and Ecopia have partnered on other projects as well, mapping complex change detection in New Zealand and analysis to support stormwater fee calculations for local governments in Australia.