
WisDOT Interactive Map Shows Where Infrastructure Funding Is Awarded

WisDOT interactive map shows where infrastructure funding is awarded
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) announced it launched an interactive map and dashboard that will show where federal discretionary grants were awarded to municipalities across the state. As of Monday, the department said more than $888 million would come to Wisconsin for transportation projects in all corners of the state.
“WisDOT is committed to improving Wisconsin’s infrastructure, public safety and the future of our transportation system. This innovative map illustrates the state’s efforts to meet these goals, maximize federal funding opportunities and improve the quality of life for everyone in Wisconsin,” said WisDOT Secretary Craig Thompson in a statement.
The map uses graphic information systems (GIS) technology and lets users view detailed project information and track funding from federal agency grant programs, applicant types, grant types and project stages, officials said. The map links out to project fact sheets and includes data from grant opportunities going back to 2009.
Users can also filter projects in the map view by selecting a bar or pie piece, officials noted. The Proposed Award Total tallies the amount awarded by issuing agencies, officials added.
WisDOT also included a guide with specifics on the abbreviations used, officials said. The guide also has detailed information on discretionary grants by agency, program descriptions, helpful links and more, officials added.