
UK Government To Share Digital Map Technology With Canada

UK Government To Share Digital Map Technology With Canada
The UK government has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Government of Ontario, Canada, to share knowledge and technology related to creating digital maps of underground infrastructure.
The agreement was signed by Viscount Camrose, Minister for Intellectual Property, and Kinga Surma, Minister of Infrastructure with the Government of Ontario.
The MoU outlines a sharing agreement for the knowledge and technology used in the UK’s National Underground Asset Register (NUAR), which is a geospatial mapping project that stores the location of underground pipes and cables.
The agreement sets the stage for the UK’s Geospatial Commission to share the best practices and technology utilized by NUAR with Infrastructure Ontario. The parties involved will work collaboratively to improve worker safety, decrease the number of asset strikes, and enhance the accuracy of geospatial infrastructure data.