
“Together For COOL Earth!” International Satellite Image Contest Starts

“Together For COOL Earth!” International Satellite Image Contest Starts
The fourth edition of an international competition ‘Seize the Beauty of our Planet’ has just started. As previous editions, it combines space technologies with a pro-environmental approach, and this year’s motto is “Together for COOL Earth!” as it focuses on global warming and its impact on our planet.
The contest is organized by CloudFerro, the provider and operator of Earth Observation platforms with access to Copernicus satellite data and a cloud environment to process it. All who wish to enter the competition need to submit a satellite image that depicts an area impacted by global warming and its consequences. The image should come from one of the Earth observation platforms provided and operated by CloudFerro i.e. CREODIAS/Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, WEkEO, CODE-DE or EO-Lab. The images will then be put to an online vote of the general public, and 13 images with the highest number of votes will proceed to the 2nd stage, where a Jury of Earth Observation experts will choose the best three.