
The Institute Of Geosciences And Georesources Of The National Resource Council Has Published An Update Of Geothopica

The Institute Of Geosciences And Georesources Of The National Resource Council Has Published An Update Of Geothopica - Italy's National Geothermal Data Platform. The updated version of GeoThopica, which was originally created in 2007 by CNR-IGG, benefits from the BNDG currently containing about twice the data compared to when it was originally created. The most recent update of these data was made possible by the two national projects coordinated by the CNR, VIGOR and Geothermal Atlas of Southern Italy, dedicated to regions of Southern Italy. GeoThopica 2.0 contains geothermal evaluation maps on a global scale obtained with machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies: a frontier research that the CNR tackles thanks to its wide multidisciplinarity.