

New Way To Spot Beetle-Killed Spruce Can Help Forest, Wildfire Managers

New Way To Spot Beetle-Killed Spruce Can Help Forest, Wildfire Managers

A new machine-learning system developed at the University of Alaska Fairbanks can automatically produce detailed maps from satellite data to show locations of likely beetle-killed spruce trees in Alaska, even in forests of low and moderate infestation where identification is otherwise difficult. The automated process can help forestry and wildfire managers in their decisions. That’s ...
Remote Sensing Characterization Of Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery

Remote Sensing Characterization Of Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery

Remote sensing is a powerful tool to measure fire’s effects on plant life. How severe was the damage to vegetation? How quickly can a landscape recover? A new project is looking at those questions from a before, during, and after fire perspective, and the Wildland Fire Team at EROS investigates how using different remote sensing ...

NASA “Wildfire Digital Twin” Pioneers New AI Models And Streaming Data Techniques For Forecasting Fire And Smoke

NASA’s “Wildfire Digital Twin” project will equip firefighters and wildfire managers with a superior tool for monitoring wildfires and predicting harmful air pollution events and help researchers observe global wildfire trends more precisely. The tool, developed with funding from NASA’s Earth Science Technology Office and NASA’s FireSense Program, will use artificial intelligence and machine learning ...
Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards

Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards

This book presents a comprehensive coverage of remote sensing technology used to gather information on 12 types of natural hazards in the terrestrial sphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. It clarifies in detail how to yield spatial and quantitative data on a natural hazard, including its spatial distribution, severity, causes, and the likelihood of occurrence. The ...
HKU Remote Sensing And Landscape Scholars Reveal Global Wildfire Risk Trends In Wildland-Urban Interface Areas (1985-2020)

HKU Remote Sensing And Landscape Scholars Reveal Global Wildfire Risk Trends In Wildland-Urban Interface Areas (1985-2020)

Wildfires present complex socio-economic and ecological challenges, as they devastate vegetation, endanger communities, and cause extensive environmental, wildlife, and human health impacts. These consequences include severe air pollution and soaring firefighting costs. Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) areas, which are transition zones between wilderness and human-developed land, are particularly susceptible to wildfires. The risk is heightened due ...
Inaccurate Government Data May Be Stoking Wildfires UBC Study

Inaccurate Government Data May Be Stoking Wildfires: UBC Study

Wildfire fighting and forest management decisions are potentially being hampered by inaccurate government data that misrepresents forest fuel loads in British Columbia’s Interior, a new study has found. The B.C. government says the provincial wildfire service is working with the study’s lead author and others to close the data gap, which involves “mismatches” between remotely-sensed ...

El Estudio Que Revela Posibles Vínculos Entre Incendios Forestales Y Expansión Urbana En Chile

Apartir de la catástrofe sobre los recientes incendios forestales que afectaron a distintos sectores de la Región de Valparaíso, nuevamente se ha puesto la atención sobre la eventual relación que tendrían estos siniestros con el interés inmobiliario por ocupar los espacios que fueron damnificados. En el estudio “Construyendo sobre cenizas. ¿Son utilizados los incendios forestales ...

The Impact Of Wildfire Smoke On Rooftop PV

Researchers from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia have investigated the effects of wildfires on the electricity production of rooftop PV systems and have concluded that residential solar arrays could be used for wildfire detection and monitoring, due to their sensitivity to smoke. In the study “Quantifying the impact of wildfire smoke ...
Counting Canada’s Hidden Tundra Fires

Counting Canada’s Hidden Tundra Fires

In wildfire season, sometimes you can’t see the tundra for the trees. Most Northwest Territories communities facing any kind of wildfire threat are the ones in the boreal forest. For obvious reasons, the forest gets all the attention. That’s where the fuel and danger is. As a result, nobody has really been counting the tundra ...

New GISTDA App Warns Of Hot Spots To Reduce Wildfire Risks

The GISTDA is continuing to develop its application called FAIPA, “Forest Fire” in English, to notify hotspots at the sub-district, district, and provincial levels, using real-time or near real-time satellite data for primary users, including agencies like the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, volunteer groups, and local residents. The application provides nationwide hotspot data, ...
La Xunta Participa En Un Proyecto Europeo Para La Alerta Temprana De Incendios Forestales Mediante La Gestión De Datos Vía Satélite Por Inteligencia Artificial

La Xunta Participa En Un Proyecto Europeo Para La Alerta Temprana De Incendios Forestales Mediante La Gestión De Datos Vía Satélite Por Inteligencia Artificial

La Xunta, a través de la Dirección General de Defensa del Monte de la Consellería de Medio Rural, participa en un proyecto europeo Interreg centrado en la gestión conjunta de servicios relacionados con las nuevas tecnologías para la prevención, preparación y respuesta frente catástrofes naturales e incendios forestales. El proyecto, que se financia en un ...
New Study Shows Surprising Effects Of Fire In North America’s Boreal Forests

New Study Shows Surprising Effects Of Fire In North America’s Boreal Forests

A new study, using a first-of-its-kind approach to analyze satellite imagery from boreal forests over the last three decades, found that fire may be changing the face of the region in a way researchers did not previously anticipate. Historically, fires in North American boreal forests have led to coniferous trees being supplanted by deciduous trees, ...

Orman Yangınlarının Önüne LİDAR Teknolojisiyle Geçilecek

Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyesi Doç. Dr. Alperen Coşkuner, orman yangınlarını, LİDAR olarak bilinen lazer tarama teknolojisi ile belirlenebileceğini, bu alanda yaptıkları ilk araştırmaların yüksek doğrulukta sonuçlar verdiğini bildirdi. Orman yangınlarıyla mücadelede başarılı olabilmek, yangın risk ve tehlike potansiyeli ile yangın davranışı hakkında doğru ve hızlı bilgi verebilen kapsamlı sistemlerin varlığıyla mümkün olabilirken bu sistemlerin ...
In 2020, 30% Of The Pantanal Was Burned To Cinders By Wildfires

In 2020, 30% Of The Pantanal Was Burned To Cinders By Wildfires

In 2020, the Pantanal, the largest tropical freshwater wetland in the world and a biodiversity hotspot, was swept by high-intensity fires that destroyed native vegetation in an area totaling 44,998 square kilometers (km²), or about 30% of the Brazilian portion of the biome, which spans some 150,000 km². The estimate is presented in an article ...

As Wildfires Worsen, Canada’s Space Agency Wants To Become Firefighters’ Eye In The Sky

Canada’s fire forecasters will be getting a new tool in their battle against out-of-control blazes. In this year’s record-scorching fire season, provincial and federal wildfire agencies had to rely on a mix of European and NASA satellite instruments to help monitor and predict fire behaviour. Now, however, the Canadian Space Agency is preparing to launch ...
Una Cartografía Online Detallará A Diario El Peligro De Incendios Por Regiones

Una Cartografía Online Detallará A Diario El Peligro De Incendios Por Regiones

La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgo Climático, Catástrofes y Protección Civil presentó la nueva cartografía provincial de Índices Meteorológicos de Peligro de Incendios. Se trata de una serie de mapas en los que se incluye información técnica y visual de toda la geografía provincial con indicadores que determinan la ocurrencia, comportamiento y efectos probables de ...
U Of A’s Wildfire Analytics Team Develops Tool To Support Communities

U Of A’s Wildfire Analytics Team Develops Tool To Support Communities

Wildfire Analytics, the University of Alberta’s wildland fire research team, has developed a new tool that assesses directional vulnerability to wildfires in communities. The tool looks at what drives fire across a landscape, according to PhD student Air Forbes. Forbes is using directional assessment in her PhD thesis. She has created the directional vulnerability assessment ...
La Tecnología Geoespacial Permite Predecir La Evolución De Los Incendios En Tiempo Real

La Tecnología Geoespacial Permite Predecir La Evolución De Los Incendios En Tiempo Real

La solución, creada por Vexiza, compañía española especializada en desarrollo de soluciones GIS y partner de Esri España, ya está implementada en las soluciones para la gestión de incendios forestales de organismos como la Unidad Militar de Emergencias (UME) y, a nivel regional, en Navarra y Castilla y León, permitiendo hacer una monitorización y gestión ...

Orman Yangınlarıyla Mücadelede “Yapay Zeka” Desteği Artıyor

Bakanlık orman yangınlarıyla mücadelede üst düzey teknolojik sistemlerden faydalanarak projeler geliştiriyor. Bu kapsamda, Orman Genel Müdürlüğü ve özel sektör işbirliğiyle yapay zeka destekli “Yangın Risk Yönetimi Projesi” uygulanıyor. Projeyle orman yangınlarının önceden tahmin edilebilmesine yönelik çalışmalar yapılarak bu bölgelerde gerekli önlemler alınmaya çalışılıyor. Çeşitli faktörler göz önünde bulundurularak geliştirilen projeyle meteorolojik veriler, bitki örtüsü, topografya, ...
Wildfire Watch Forest Fuel Mapping And Drones Represent The Next Wave Of Firefighting

Wildfire Watch: Forest Fuel Mapping And Drones Represent The Next Wave Of Firefighting

Technology is furthering innovation in wildland firefighting across the west, including the Tahoe Basin — and not just in the process of extinguishing flames but in prevention of these catastrophic burns. Last fall, researchers at the University of Nevada, Reno, kicked off a series of projects that seek to map out the vegetation in the ...

Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Team To Assess Grapevine Fire

A Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Team is being established to begin a burned area assessment of the Grapevine wildfire on the Verde Ranger District. Preliminary evaluation has found no immediate or downstream values at risk, including the community of Whitehorse. BAER teams consist of scientists and specialists including hydrologists, geologists, soil scientists, engineers, botanists, ...
Oregon Beginning Work On Revised 'Wildfire Hazard' Map

Oregon Beginning Work On Revised ‘Wildfire Hazard’ Map

What was called the ‘wildfire risk map’ is now the ‘wildfire hazard map.’ The map is intended to educate homeowners about their exposure to wildfire risk, determine where fire mitigation resources should be prioritized and identify where future state rules on home hardening and defensible space will apply. The name change reflects a shift by ...
Study Wildfire Spread Risk Increases Where Trees, Shrubs Replace Grasses

Study: Wildfire Spread Risk Increases Where Trees, Shrubs Replace Grasses

A new study, led by University of Florida forest management researcher Victoria Donovan, found that as woody plants like shrubs and trees replace herbaceous plants like grasses, spot fires can occur farther away from the original fire perimeter. This “woody encroachment” is not only a major issue in grasslands where the study takes place, but ...
Realiza UNAM Monitoreo Satelital Permanente Para Detectar Incendios Forestales

Realiza UNAM Monitoreo Satelital Permanente Para Detectar Incendios Forestales

Ante el incremento de incendios forestales en nuestro país, el año pasado consumieron más de 730,000 hectáreas de bosques y selvas, investigadores del Instituto de Geografía (IGf) de la UNAM, realizan un monitoreo satelital permanente a través de un sistema automatizado de visualización para la detección de puntos de calor que permite alertar de forma ...
Could AI Save The Amazon Rainforest

Could AI Save The Amazon Rainforest?

The tool, PrevisIA, is an artificial intelligence platform created by researchers at environmental nonprofit Imazon. Instead of trying to repair damage done by deforestation after the fact, they wanted to find a way to prevent it from happening at all. According to SAD, Imazon’s Deforestation Alert System, deforestation this March tripled compared to the same ...
ICEYE Announces Beta Release Of Wildfire Data Product

ICEYE Announces Beta Release Of Wildfire Data Product

ICEYE, a provider of natural catastrophe insights, has announced the beta release of its Wildfire Insights product. ICEYE Wildfire uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide building-level impact data for wildfires in near real time based on satellite imagery. The product captures data for any wildfire that impacted communities throughout the US, ICEYE said. ...
Brasil Queimou Área Equivalente A Colômbia E Chile Juntosentre 1985 E 2022

Brasil Queimou Área Equivalente A Colômbia E Chile Juntosentre 1985 E 2022

Um novo mapeamento da superfície queimada pelo fogo no Brasil revela que a área queimada entre 1985 e 2022 foi de 185,7 milhões de hectares, ou 21,8% do território nacional. A média anual alcança 16 milhões de hectares/ano, ou 1,9% do Brasil. São extensões comparáveis a países: no caso do acumulado em 38 anos, a ...
Hackathon Gathers Global Students To Tackle Social, Environmental Issues

Hackathon Gathers Global Students To Tackle Social, Environmental Issues

Nearly 150 students from around the world convened in person and virtually in March to take part in the Interplanetary Initiative pilot project SpaceHACK for Sustainability Hackathon at Arizona State University. Participants worked in teams to explore how satellite Earth observations and remote sensing technology from space can be used to better understand and address ...
How AI Is Saving Homes And Lives In California During Wildfire Season

How AI Is Saving Homes And Lives In California During Wildfire Season

In California, extreme heat and drought conditions now occur at regular intervals, drying out grassland, pine needles and other foliage, adding to the century-old tinderbox that stokes these enormous fires. However, the state is now harnessing a powerful tool to dampen the effects of these fires, namely artificial intelligence, and specifically machine learning. The abundance ...