

Poor Spatial Navigation Could Predict Alzheimer’s Disease Years Before The Onset Of Symptoms

People at risk of Alzheimer’s disease have impaired spatial navigation prior to problems with other cognitive functions, including memory, finds a new study led by UCL researchers. The research, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia, used virtual reality to test the spatial navigation of 100 asymptomatic midlife adults, aged 43-66, from the PREVENT-Dementia prospective cohort study. ...

Register Now For GEO Business 2024

Visitor registration is now open for GEO Business, the UK’s largest geospatial event. The free-to-attend expo designed for geospatial professionals who want to unlock the power of location intelligence, returns to ExCeL London on 5-6 June 2024. The highly anticipated 2024 instalment is set to be the best yet, as it returns for its landmark ...
Un Equipo Multidisciplinar De La UBU Hace Posible Visitar Las Alturas De La Catedral

Un Equipo Multidisciplinar De La UBU Hace Posible Visitar Las Alturas De La Catedral

Si aún lo ha probado, no tarde en hacerlo: la experiencia es fascinante. No es de extrañar, pues, que se esté poco a poco convirtiendo en uno de los grandes atractivos de la Catedral, que ya es decir tratándose de la gran joya del gótico español. Acertó de pleno el Cabildo metropolitano cuando, ante los ...

메타버스 공간에서 진행할 협업 연구 플랫폼 만든다

실제로 건설 현장에 가서 직접 둘러보지 않고 가상공간에서 진척사항을 체크하고 변경 내용을 확인하거나 시뮬레이션을 돌려보며 상황에 따른 최적의 방안을 마련하는 것이 가능하게 되면 얼마나 좋을까. 이같은 환경을 현실화 하기 위한 연구가 한창이다. 바로 개방형확장현실(OXR) 융합연구단(단장 조금원)이 진행하고 있는 메타버스 기술을 활용한 디지털 협업 플랫폼 연구다. OXR융합연구단은 지난 2021년 말 출범한 연구조직이다. 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI), 한국과학기술원(KAIST), 한국건설기술연구원(KICT), 한국한의학연구원 ...
Meta Quest Pro Becomes A Mobile Emergency Response Center

Meta Quest Pro Becomes A Mobile Emergency Response Center

A new software solution called “Headwall XR Command Center” displays geographic and spatial information of accident sites in virtual reality. Using VR headsets, first responders can quickly and easily access all relevant data, such as 3D maps or live video feeds. This would make emergency centers on site much more compact. The technology aims to ...
Maxar Unveils 3D Digital Twin For VR And Simulation

Maxar Unveils 3D Digital Twin For VR And Simulation

Maxar Technologies and have collaborated to develop SYNTH3D, a synthetic 3D digital twin of the Earth’s surface that is highly compatible and visually pleasing for use in gaming, simulation, entertainment, virtual reality (VR), smart city, and metaverse applications. This high-performance 3D model, created using’s patented generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology and Maxar’s Vivid ...
VR App Reminiscent Of Black Mirror Lets You Relive Your Memories

VR App Reminiscent Of Black Mirror Lets You Relive Your Memories

A new virtual reality (VR) app lets a user rewatch and relive memories they recorded on a smartphone. Developed by California-based company Wist Labs, Wist: Immersive Memories is an app that lets people save old “memories” and interact with their once-lived experiences on a smartphone, in mobile augmented reality (AR), or a VR headset. The ...
Un Estudiante De La UCAM Introduce Al Museo Del Cristo De La Sangre En El Metaverso

Un Estudiante De La UCAM Introduce Al Museo Del Cristo De La Sangre En El Metaverso

El mundo de la cultura en general y de los museos en particular están explorando las infinitas posibilidades de expansión que les ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías. El desarrollo del metaverso, gracias al avance de los dispositivos y aplicaciones, ofrece experiencias que eran impensables hasta hace poco y que ya son una realidad. Una buena muestra ...