

Empowering Citizens To Map Air Quality In Overlooked Corners Of The City

Empowering Citizens To Map Air Quality In Overlooked Corners Of The City

An EU-funded initiative is transforming the way cities tackle air pollution by engaging citizens in the collection of high-resolution data on frequently visited spots – neighbourhoods, schools and lesser-known city pockets often missed by official monitoring. The EU boasts a rich and advanced history in pollution monitoring, offering one of the most advanced and detailed ...
Madatlas Digital Cartography For Madagascar

Madatlas: Digital Cartography For Madagascar

An ambitious project launched in 2021, Madatlas aims to build an LMD training program in digital cartography at the University of Fianarantsoa. With the aim of enabling the Malagasy people to play an active role in the creation of a digital atlas of the island, Madatlas has given rise to training, research and partnerships between ...
How A ‘Citizen Map’ Is Helping Brazil Prepare For Next Big Flood

How A ‘Citizen Map’ Is Helping Brazil Prepare For Next Big Flood

In the wake of last month’s disastrous flooding in southern Brazil, researchers are asking residents to use their smartphone cameras to document the damage and high-water marks. The data collected will help scientists map flood risk and inform decisions on where to rebuild. When Lucas George Wendt arrived in Lajeado in late May, the water ...

In A First, Japan Doctors Sue Google Over Negative Reviews On Firm’s Map App

A group of 63 doctors filed a lawsuit with the Tokyo District Court on Thursday against Google seeking ¥1.45 million (about $9,400) in compensation for causing harm to their businesses through what they described as one-sided, hateful reviews for their clinics on Google Maps. The suit is the first in Japan — and possibly the ...
Mom Makes Map For Vancouver Baby Changing Tables 'You're Flying Blind When You're A Parent'

Mom Makes Map For Vancouver Baby Changing Tables: ‘You’re Flying Blind When You’re A Parent’

Michelle Cyca has had to change too many diapers on bathroom floors. The mother of two (her youngest is in his peak diaper phase right now), says she finally had enough after having to change her child’s diaper on the concrete floor of an Oak Street deli. So she decided to do something about it. ...

Coinvolge Anche Il Friuli L’audio-Mappa Digitale Dei Dialetti

Una mappa interattiva open con migliaia di file audio, registrati dai cittadini, in 18 dialetti e lingue minoritarie darà vita alla più grande banca dati digitale mai realizzata dedicata allo studio, alla documentazione e alla ricerca sui dialetti e le varietà linguistiche con status di lingua minoritaria parlate nelle regioni del Nord Italia. Questo uno ...
Cartographie Des Traditions Orales Terrastories Arrive Sur Le Maroni

Cartographie Des Traditions Orales : Terrastories Arrive Sur Le Maroni

Déjà testée et approuvée au Suriname, l’application Terrastories est désormais en train d’être introduite sur le Haut-Maroni et Papaïchton, afin que les communautés Wayana et Aluku puissent cartographier leurs traditions orales sur des lieux qui ont une signification ou une valeur importante pour elles. Terrastories est une application mobile permettant aux communautés de cartographier, protéger ...
Projeto Biogeomar Convida O Público A Fotografar Animais E Plantas Marinhos

Projeto Biogeomar Convida O Público A Fotografar Animais E Plantas Marinhos

Onde estão as espécies do litoral brasileiro? Buscando conhecer melhor a biodiversidade marinha brasileira, o Programa BioGeoMar acaba de lançar a campanha de ciência cidadã BioBlitz Verão 2024. Nela, o público é convidado a explorar, identificar e registrar a vida dentro e fora da água, sejam animais ou plantas, encontrados em praias, mergulhos ou em ...

Online Interactive Map Allows Public Input For Traffic Improvements In Northwest Ohio

The City of Bowling Green, along with the Wood, Lucas, Ottawa, and Sandusky County engineer’s offices, is seeking the help of every citizen in Northwest Ohio to improve the safety of the transportation network across the region. Community members are encouraged to submit traffic improvement suggestions by accessing the Northwest Ohio Transportation Safety Plan public ...
¿A Qué Huele Málaga Un Proyecto Permitirá Elaborar El Primer Mapa De Olores De La Ciudad

¿A Qué Huele Málaga? Un Proyecto Permitirá Elaborar El Primer Mapa De Olores De La Ciudad

¿A qué huele Málaga? A esta pregunta tratará de responder la Fundación Aula del Mar Mediterráneo (FAMM), que realizará el primer mapa de olores de la ciudad gracias a la colaboración ciudadana y técnicas de ‘big data’, es decir, de macrodatos. La iniciativa se enmarca en el proyecto LifeWatch Eric y en ella pueden participar ...

Crowd-sourced Project To Map NSW’s ‘Creepy’ And ‘Safe’ Spots In Bid To Improve Women’s Safety

Dark streets and risky intersections as well as well-lit parks and vibrant night-time destinations will be mapped in New South Wales for the first time in an effort to improve women’s safety. Women and gender diverse people are being asked to contribute to a digital crowd-mapping project by anonymously identifying places where they have felt ...

Stadt Bochum Und Hochschule Für Gesundheit Starten Beteiligung Gegen Lärm

Die Stadt Bochum ist gesetzlich verpflichtet, alle fünf Jahre Umgebungslärm, der von Hauptlärmquellen wie zum Beispiel Straßen- und Schienenverkehr ausgeht, zu kartieren und den Lärmaktionsplan zu aktualisieren. Dabei sind auch die Bürgerinnen und Bürger gefragt. Wo sind besonders laute oder auch, um diese zu schützen, besonders leise Orte? Was hat sich seit dem letzten Lärmaktionsplan ...
Crowdsourcing Bathymetry Could Provide Near-time Picture Of Nation’s Inland Waterways

Crowdsourcing Bathymetry Could Provide Near-time Picture Of Nation’s Inland Waterways

The more the merrier. That common saying could be the motto for an effort within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to create a near real-time system that would track the safety and accessibility of our nation’s inland waterways. Taking advantage of vessels already on the water, an effort in the works at the ...

Khanan Prahari App Helping To Curb Illegal Coal Mining Activities Through Public Participation

The mobile app Khanan Prahari, which allows citizens to report incidents of illegal coal mining through geo-tagged photographs and textual information, is a significant step taken by the Ministry of Coal towards curbing illegal coal mining activities. The corresponding web portal called as Coal Mine Surveillance & Management System (CMSMS) has been developed in association ...

USF Receives A $1.5 Million Grant To Develop An App That Identifies Climate Risks In Coastal Communities

The University of South Florida has received a $1.5 million National Science Foundation grant which will allow researchers at the university to develop an application to identify flood risks. The app will combine volunteered geographic information and community crowdsourced data such as photos, and videos, with near real-time data on flooding. Using dynamic modeling and ...
The Interactive Map That Shows You How To Pronounce Welsh Placenames

The Interactive Map That Shows You How To Pronounce Welsh Placenames

Happening on the Welsh version of Wikipedia has led one man to create a brilliant online tool that allows people to learn how to pronounce Welsh placenames. Dafydd Elfryn has created Map Llais (Voice Map) which features more than a thousand audio files of placenames in Wales, pronounced in local dialect. It has become a ...
Paris City Hall Supports An Interactive Map Of 1-euro Coffee In The City

Paris City Hall Supports An Interactive Map Of 1-euro Coffee In The City

The rising inflation in the past year has caused coffee and espresso prices to double or triple (these days, the common cost for these is well over 2 euros). Despite this, some establishments have said “non” and have maintained affordability. This interactive map shows all of the bars, restaurants and cafes in Paris where you ...
Estudiantes Y Vecinos De Las Nieves Continúan Mediciones De Precipitación Este Invierno 2023

Estudiantes Y Vecinos De Las Nieves Continúan Mediciones De Precipitación Este Invierno 2023

Con el invierno en pleno desarrollo en la región de Coquimbo, la iniciativa de ciencia ciudadana toma protagonismo en los sectores cordilleranos: escuelas y vecinos trabajan en conjunto al Centro Científico CEAZA, en el que desde el 2018 realizan mediciones de las precipitaciones de lluvia o nieve que ocurran en sus comunas. Al finalizar un ...

Kölner:innen können schattige Geheimtipps in interaktive Karte eintragen

Die Stadt Köln möchte mit einem neuen Projekt kühle Orte im Stadtgebiet sichtbar machen und somit Bürger:innen weiter für das Thema ‚Hitze‘ sensibilisieren. Auf der städtischen Internetseite im „Kölner Hitzeportal“ wird eine Stadtkarte freigeschaltet, in denen Kölner:innen „ihre“ Orte eintragen können, die ihnen bei hohen Sommertemperaturen Kühle und Erholung versprechen. Bei diesen kühlen Orten kann ...

Una Mappa “Digitale” Della Lettura In Città: Al Via Un Questionario Online Per La Ricognizione

Una mappa per rendere i luoghi della lettura di Firenze visibili e accessibili, questo è il progetto che il Comune di Firenze attraverso le Biblioteche Comunali Fiorentine sta disegnando. La mappa raccoglierà sia i luoghi della lettura più conosciuti, ma anche quelli più insoliti, in cui la lettura è presente come veicolo di socialità e ...
Bióloga Cria Aplicativo Para Mostrar Localização Dos Ipês Do DF

Bióloga Cria Aplicativo Para Mostrar Localização Dos Ipês Do DF

Este período do ano é considerado a época em que Brasília se pinta. As cores dos ipês se misturam ao azul do céu, ofuscam o verde das árvores e combatem o cinza da cidade. Talvez você nem tenha saído de casa, mas com certeza viu um nas redes sociais. Ao mesmo tempo em que brotam ...
Así Puedes Personalizar Los Mapas Cartográficos De Madrid Para Planificar Una Escapada Al Aire Libre

Así Puedes Personalizar Los Mapas Cartográficos De Madrid Para Planificar Una Escapada Al Aire Libre

Con la llegada del verano y las vacaciones las ganas de descubrir nuevas rutas de senderismo, bicicleta o, en definitiva, para practicar cualquier disciplina deportiva al aire libre aumentan, con una Comunidad de Madrid en la que hay infinidad de rincones que son desconocidos… hasta ahora. Porque con el «Mapa a la Carta» del Ministerio ...

New Website Allows People To Report And Track Non-emergency Issues In Santa Maria

The City of Santa Maria has launched a new website that allows people to report and track non-emergency issues located within the city limits. Called Neighborhood Connect, the website is a GIS (geographic information system)-based program designed to help city government track and identify trends, and to improve overall customer service. The website allows users ...
Researcher’s Giant Feat Defending Native Forest And Prime Koala Habitat

Researcher’s Giant Feat Defending Native Forest And Prime Koala Habitat

Dr Timothy Cadman has successfully secured the protection of local hardwood areas once primed for logging, including native forest belonging to the proposed Great Koala National Park along the Mid North Coast of New South Wales. Dr Cadman has employed geographical information systems (GIS) for data mapping and analysis of the local environment, providing evidence ...
Social Media Snaps Map The Sweep Of Japan’s Cherry Blossom Season In Unprecedented Detail

Social Media Snaps Map The Sweep Of Japan’s Cherry Blossom Season In Unprecedented Detail

Social media contains enormous amounts of data about people, our everyday lives, and our interactions with our surroundings. As a byproduct, it also contains a vast trove of information about the natural world. In a new study published in Flora, we show how social media can be used for “incidental citizen science”. From photos posted ...

Maptitude Revolutionizes School Redistricting Process For Nashua School District

The Nashua School District (NH) has successfully utilized Maptitude Mapping Software and Maptitude Online, powerful Geographic Information System (GIS) tools, to streamline the complex and time-consuming process of school redistricting. With the assistance of Maptitude, the district was able to complete this challenging task in under 25 hours, involving a committee of 25 people. Traditionally, ...
Un Proyecto Realizará Un Mapa Actualizado De La Presencia De Garrapatas En España

Un Proyecto Realizará Un Mapa Actualizado De La Presencia De Garrapatas En España

La importancia de las garrapatas ha trascendido el ámbito veterinario y se ha convertido en un problema sanitario de creciente actualidad. Enfermedades como Lyme, Rickettsiosis o Enfermedad Hemorrágica Crimea Congo son habitualmente diagnosticadas en nuestro país. Además, el cambio global está permitiendo la dispersión de algunas especies de garrapatas produciendo una creciente alarma social. En ...

Permafrost Kartieren Und Klimavorhersagen Verbessern: „Undercovereisagenten“ Launchen Neue Mapping-app

Das Projekt UndercoverEisAgenten hat eine neue Mapping-Anwendung entwickelt, um dem auftauenden Permafrost auf die Spur zu kommen. Ab sofort können interessierte Bürgerforschende online direkt dazu beitragen, zuverlässige und aktuelle Daten über das Tauen der arktischen Permafrostlandschaften zu sammeln – und damit die Grundlage für Klimavorhersagen verbessern. Das Projekt UndercoverEisAgenten, eine Kooperation zwischen dem Heidelberg Institute ...

Gemeinsam Zum Ziel: Citizen Science Liefert Wertvollen Beitrag Zur Verhaltensbeobachtung Von Vögeln

Langfristige Aufzeichnungen von Daten über das Verhalten von Tieren stellen für die Wissenschaft wichtige Quellen für die Entwicklung von neuen, überprüfbaren Hypothesen dar. Für die Erfassung solcher Langzeitdaten ist die Einbeziehung und Beteiligung von Bürgerwissenschafter*innen ein Gewinn für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Inwieweit die so erhobenen Daten auch verlässlich sind, hat ein Forschungsteam rund um Didone ...
SAS Seeks Crowd-driven AI To Protect Endangered Sea Turtles In Galapagos

SAS Seeks Crowd-driven AI To Protect Endangered Sea Turtles In Galapagos

As an organization dedicated to responsible innovation and using technology to ignite positive change, SAS will apply crowd-driven AI and machine learning to help protect endangered sea turtles. Similar to SAS’ recent project to help track deforestation in the Amazon, the analytics leader is now working with the UNC Center for Galapagos Studies (CGS) to ...