

Hastings Introduces Online Snowplow Tracking System

Hastings Introduces Online Snowplow Tracking System

To keep the public up to date on snow removal efforts, the City of Hastings is launching an online snowplow tracking system. The tracking system gives the almost-real time location of city snow-removal vehicles, and identifies with a color coded system where snow-removal vehicles have been. Two years ago, the city implemented AVL (Automatic Vehicle ...
¿A Qué Huele Málaga Un Proyecto Permitirá Elaborar El Primer Mapa De Olores De La Ciudad

¿A Qué Huele Málaga? Un Proyecto Permitirá Elaborar El Primer Mapa De Olores De La Ciudad

¿A qué huele Málaga? A esta pregunta tratará de responder la Fundación Aula del Mar Mediterráneo (FAMM), que realizará el primer mapa de olores de la ciudad gracias a la colaboración ciudadana y técnicas de ‘big data’, es decir, de macrodatos. La iniciativa se enmarca en el proyecto LifeWatch Eric y en ella pueden participar ...

India’s Genesys To Digitally Map Mecca’s Holy City

Genesys International Corporation’s subsidiary in Saudi Arabia, Genesys Middle East Ltd., has been awarded the prestigious contract for the 3D Digital Twin mapping of the Holy City of Mecca by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This pioneering project, valued at Rs. 26 crores in this phase marks a historic venture into utilizing digital twin mapping ...
GSA Created Buzz Around Google's Geospatial Software

GSA Created Buzz Around Google’s Geospatial Software

To inspire artists and creators to learn about and use Google’s new Geospatial Creator in Adobe Aero, Google Arts & Culture partnered with Global Street Art and three reknown artists to bring city streets in London, Mexico City and LA to life. The results picked up the AR/VR Award at The Drum Awards for Out ...
New York Will Plant Thousands Of Trees Using New Tech To Maximize Foliage Impact

New York Will Plant Thousands Of Trees Using New Tech To Maximize Foliage Impact

New York City is poised to get a lot more trees. Last month, the city council passed a measure calling for 30% canopy cover by 2035, up from its current cover of 22% – which could mean 250,000 new trees. More trees, with all their cooling benefits, is a clear win for the environmental justice ...
Researchers Propose New Method for Large-Scale Urban Building Function Mapping Using Web-Based Geospatial Data

Researchers Propose New Method for Large-Scale Urban Building Function Mapping Using Web-Based Geospatial Data

In a pioneering study published in Geo-spatial Information Science, a research group led by Yuyu Zhou from The University of Hong Kong developed an integrated framework that achieves 94% accuracy in mapping building functions across 50 U.S. cities using multi-source web-based geospatial data, offering potential for worldwide application. The team utilized and Google Maps ...
New Heat Map Explores Potential Benefits Of Philly Tree Plan With Block-by-Block Detail

New Heat Map Explores Potential Benefits Of Philly Tree Plan With Block-by-Block Detail

As Philadelphia plants thousands of trees to help cool heat-stricken sections of the city, residents can use a new online tool to see how the decade-long project might help their neighborhoods. You can slide between two overlapping maps of the city: one that reveals how bad the summer heat problem is on a detailed, block-by-block ...

Crowd-sourced Project To Map NSW’s ‘Creepy’ And ‘Safe’ Spots In Bid To Improve Women’s Safety

Dark streets and risky intersections as well as well-lit parks and vibrant night-time destinations will be mapped in New South Wales for the first time in an effort to improve women’s safety. Women and gender diverse people are being asked to contribute to a digital crowd-mapping project by anonymously identifying places where they have felt ...
“Mancano Centinaia Di Alberi” I Cittadini Fotografano I Marciapiedi Spogli Del Nomentano

“Mancano Centinaia Di Alberi”: I Cittadini Fotografano I Marciapiedi Spogli Del Nomentano

Quanti sono gli alberi mancanti nelle strade di Roma? Non è semplice rispondere a questa domanda. A Roma manca un censimento aggiornato degli alberi e per farsi un’idea di quale sia l’effettiva carenza, si dovrebbero incrociare i dati dei tagli e delle nuove piantumazioni. Ma sono informazioni che saranno disponibili solo con il prossimo bilancio ...

El Proyecto DATAPASS Elabora El Primer Mapa Interactivo Sobre Vivienda Que Integra Las Bases De Organismos Públicos Transfronterizos

El proyecto DATAPASS de cooperación transfronteriza, en el que participa el Gobierno de Navarra y Nasuvinsa-Lursarea, ha elaborado un mapa interactivo que integra las bases de datos de los organismos implicados en el diseño de políticas públicas en ordenación del territorio y urbanismo, en el marco de un estudio sobre vivienda y territorio en el ...
Gdańsk Ma Nowy Geoportal

Gdańsk Ma Nowy Geoportal

Zaprezentowane właśnie narzędzie zapewni mieszkańcom i odwiedzającym Gdańsk dostęp do bardziej zaawansowanych, wszechstronnych map oraz informacji o mieście – pozwoli na jego odkrywanie w zupełnie nowy sposób. GeoGdańsk to kompleksowy i intuicyjny portal mapowy, który oferuje użytkownikom znacznie więcej niż tradycyjne mapy on-line. Portal umożliwia szybkie przeglądanie map, lokalizowanie ważnych punktów, dostęp do informacji o ...
Track-a-Truck Interactive Map Available For Customers

Track-a-Truck Interactive Map Available For Customers

Track-a-Truck is a pilot program with the City of Hendersonville. This online application available on the City’s website shows the near real-time location of garbage and recycling trucks as they drive along their collection routes. It is also a way to see what day of the week your garbage will be collected in an interactive ...

New Crowd Control System To Trial Run Fri. In Bid To Prevent Incidents

A new crowd management system will be put to use as the government attempts to ensure that a tragedy like last year’s Itaewon crowd crush does not happen again. The safety ministry announced on Thursday that the system will undergo a trial run from Friday to December 15, using mobile data to track crowd density ...

Casablanca-Anfa : Lancement D’une Vaste Opération De Recensement Des Bâtiments Menaçant Ruine

Un appel d’offres relatif au recensement et à l’expertise des bâtiments menaçant ruine au niveau de la préfecture d’arrondissements de Casa-Anfa a été lancé récemment, à l’initiative de l’Agence nationale pour la rénovation urbaine et la réhabilitation des bâtiments menaçant ruine. Concrètement, cette opération va permettre de recenser et d’expertiser un parc de 5.000 bâtiments ...
City Planning Announces NYC Street Map To Show Historical Information About City

City Planning Announces NYC Street Map To Show Historical Information About City

On October 12, 2023, Department of City Planning Director Dan Garodnick announced that the NYC Street Map will now include access to the original street mapping of the City. Users can see the width, angles, and other dimensions of the City’s over 32,000 streets when utilizing the interactive map for requests to change their street, ...
London Pollution Maps Shows Worst Areas For Road Run-Off Pollution

London Pollution: Maps Shows Worst Areas For Road Run-Off Pollution

A new online map has been created to show where contaminated rain water from roads is polluting rivers in London. Environmental charity Thames21 has launched the site to help local authorities, as well as local communities, identify problem areas. Thames21 said contaminated run-off was caused by oil spills and tyre wear on the roads which ...

Cidade De São Paulo Apresenta GeoSampa Para Dez Cidades Ibero-Americanas

A Prefeitura de São Paulo está levando a dez cidades ibero-americanas seu conhecimento na utilização de georreferenciamento de dados e a sua contribuição para o incentivo de políticas públicas. As cidades participam de um workshop on-line, que teve a primeira aula realizada nesta terça-feira (10) com o tema “Geoprocessamento de Dados para o Planejamento Urbano”. ...

Greenville Unveils Ambitious, One-of-a-kind Accessibility App To Help Everyone Navigate Downtown Areas

The city of Greenville has unveiled an ambitious, one-of-a-kind app to increase access for all. For the past two years, city staff has partnered with the Barbara Stone Foundation to create an accessibility app for downtown. ‘“Greenville has so much to offer,” said risk manager and ADA coordinator Mike Jank. “We want to make sure ...

Politechnika Lubelska Opracowuje Cyfrowego Bliźniaka Zamościa

Model cyfrowego bliźniaka Zamościa powstaje w ramach międzynarodowego projektu naukowego „Zero energy buildings for zero energy neighbourhoods ZEB4ZEN”. Jego budżet to ponad 2 miliony euro. Głównym celem przedsięwzięcia jest opracowanie ponadnarodowej metodologii i regionalnych planów działania, które pokażą, jak do roku 2050 przekształcić historyczne dzielnice miejskie w dzielnice o niemal zerowym zużyciu energii. „Miasta idealne” ...
PBH Apresenta Base De Dados Urbanos Em Evento Diálogos Urbanos

PBH Apresenta Base De Dados Urbanos Em Evento Diálogos Urbanos

A Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte realizará nesta quarta-feira (27), às 14h, no Teatro Francisco Nunes, o evento Diálogos Urbanos para apresentar as plataformas de dados públicos sobre o planejamento urbano da capital. A intenção é publicizar as ferramentas e permitir a participação da sociedade nas discussões. O evento é destinado a professores, estudantes, pesquisadores e ...
Merseyside Police Adopts Geospatial Technology To Support Crime Prevention

Merseyside Police Adopts Geospatial Technology To Support Crime Prevention

Merseyside Police is using technology to answer the “where and why” of serious violence across the region, to support crime prevention and to enhance public safety. Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM), powered by Simsi, focuses on places, not people, to prevent crime. Simsi is a startup out of Rutgers University in New Jersey. Analysts from Merseyside ...
Using Remote Sensing Technology To Measure Vehicle Emissions

Using Remote Sensing Technology To Measure Vehicle Emissions

While laboratory-based emissions testing can help keep polluting vehicles off the road, they alone are not enough. What is needed is new technologies, such as remote emission sensing (RES). RES uses sensors and cameras to automatically measure exhaust emissions from vehicles in real-world operation. While RES may be a proven technology, it is not widely ...

Dubai Municipality Launches Digital Platform Empowering Senior Leaders With Customer Requests

Dubai Municipality has launched an innovative ‘Services 360’ policy digital platform, leveraging cutting-edge technologies and Geographic Information System (GIS), to provide its senior leaders and executives with real-time insights into customer requests and communications. This innovative platform empowers executives to oversee the progress of specialised tasks, ensure adherence to the highest service standards, and accelerate ...

Esri Canada Acquires Ratio.City To Help Address Canada’s Housing Crisis

Esri Canada, today announced its acquisition of Ratio.City, a Toronto-based urban planning software and data company. This acquisition expands Esri Canada’s community planning solutions portfolio, enabling customers to better collaborate within the land development and planning community, and accelerating the design and approval of more affordable housing. “Ratio.City’s extensive expertise in planning, design and development ...
New Pittsburgh Database Can Help You Find Recycling Locations

사천시, 디지털트윈 스마트도시 구축 현실화

사천시가 지난 13일 한국국토정보공사(LX) 경남지역본부(본부장 배종욱)와 ‘디지털트윈 기반 스마트도시 구축을 위한 업무협약’을 체결했다고 14일 밝혔다. 양 기관은 이번 협약을 통해 디지털트윈(가상모형) 플랫폼 구축 및 서비스, 인프라 지원·협력과 3차원 데이터 구축 등에 대한 상호협력을 약속했다. 주요 내용은 △디지털트윈 기반 스마트도시 실현을 위한 정보 및 기술 공유 △한국국토정보공사(LX) 플랫폼 기반 행정 및 산업서비스 모델 공동 활용 △스마트 ...
New Pittsburgh Database Can Help You Find Recycling Locations

New Pittsburgh Database Can Help You Find Recycling Locations

Responsible recycling in Allegheny County just got easier. County officials this week launched the Recycling Drop-Off Finder, an online database and map that identifies drop-off locations, including places to take hard-to-recycle items. The site, a collaboration between county health, sustainability and information technology departments, is now live. The tool will also be helpful for residents ...
Images Of Simulated Cities Help Artificial Intelligence To Understand Real Streetscapes

Images Of Simulated Cities Help Artificial Intelligence To Understand Real Streetscapes

Recent advances in artificial intelligence and deep learning have revolutionized many industries, and might soon help recreate your neighborhood as well. Given images of a landscape, the analysis of deep-learning models can help urban landscapers visualize plans for redevelopment, thereby improving scenery or preventing costly mistakes. To accomplish this, however, models must be able to ...
Geoportal Und Stadtplan Überarbeitet

Geoportal Und Stadtplan Überarbeitet

Das Geoportal der Stadt Mannheim erscheint ab sofort in neuem Gewand und ist auf allen Endgeräten abrufbar. Federführend ist dabei nach Angaben der Kommune das Geodatenkompetenzzentrum im Fachbereich Geoinformation und Stadtplanung. „Im Sinne einer modernen Stadtverwaltung optimieren wir stetig unsere digitalen Angebote. Das Geoportal bietet kostenfrei und von überall zugänglich eine Vielzahl an nützlichen Informationen ...
¿Sabías Que Hay Un Portal Web Con Más De 2.200 Datos Sobre Bogotá Conócelo Aquí

¿Sabías Que Hay Un Portal Web Con Más De 2.200 Datos Sobre Bogotá? Conócelo Aquí

El portal web Datos Abiertos Bogotá es una plataforma digital que reúne un vasto y diverso conjunto de datos geográficos y alfanuméricos que pueden ser útiles para investigadores, docentes, veedores, estudiantes y ciudadanía, interesados en explorar el pulso de la ciudad. El portal alberga una colección de más de 2.200 conjuntos de datos, publicados de ...

First Atlas Of Urban Nighttime Light Remote-Sensing Data Unveiled

The International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS) has released the world’s first atlas of urban nighttime light remote-sensing data, providing support for the research on urban sustainable development. The atlas contains 10-meter resolution nighttime light data on 147 cities in 105 countries around the world. The data was captured by ...