

Karte Zeigt Hitze-Hotspots Für FußgängerInnen In Salzburg

Karte Zeigt Hitze-Hotspots Für Fußgänger:Innen In Salzburg

Die hohen Temperaturen machen gemütliche Spaziergänge durch Salzburg zu einer Herausforderung. Die Sonne heizt Gehwege und Straßen extrem auf, und schattenspendende Bäume für Fußgängerinnen und Fußgänger sind vielerorts Mangelware. Der Verkehrsclub Österreich (VCÖ) ruft daher die Bevölkerung dazu auf, Hotspots in einer Online-Karte zu markieren. Die Hitze belastet nicht nur die Gemüter, sondern auch die ...

El Municipio Veinticinqueño Se Suma A La Infraestructura De Datos Espaciales Bonaerense

El Municipio de 25 de Mayo se ha unido a la Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (IDEBA), convirtiéndose en uno de los 30 miembros comprometidos con la gestión eficiente del territorio. A través de esta integración, tendrán acceso a una serie de recursos tecnológicos que facilitarán el seguimiento preciso de ...
New GIS Tool Offers Maps Of Safest Bike Routes, City Capital Improvement Projects, More In Menlo Park

New GIS Tool Offers Maps Of Safest Bike Routes, City Capital Improvement Projects, More In Menlo Park

Have you ever wondered who provides your sewer services, when your street is scheduled to be swept, what average daily traffic volumes are on streets near you or when the sidewalk in front of your house was last replaced? Menlo Park residents can now find the answer to these questions and more on Menlo Park’s ...
A New Google Maps Layer Shows Public Restrooms In NYC

A New Google Maps Layer Shows Public Restrooms In NYC

There’s no elegant way to say this: going to the bathroom in New York is a nightmare. Public restrooms in the city are hard to find and are often either out of order or require you to buy something at a store or café to be able to use. The problem is so bad that ...
Stormwater Hits D.C.'S Poorest Neighborhoods Hardest, Study Finds

Stormwater Hits D.C.’S Poorest Neighborhoods Hardest, Study Finds

A new University of Maryland study suggests that Washington, D.C.’s most socioeconomically vulnerable neighborhoods are less equipped to handle runoff from heavy rainfalls made more frequent by climate change. Published this month in Cities, the study reveals that the most densely populated communities in the District of Columbia, particularly in historically Black Southeast D.C., lack ...
Urban Tree Canopy Affects How Heat Stress Impacts Residents

Urban Tree Canopy Affects How Heat Stress Impacts Residents

One natural strategy to reduce heat-related deaths is to increase tree coverage in urban areas, which helps lower temperatures. A recent study highlights the disparities in health and energy consumption across the United States, stemming from insufficient urban tree coverage. It also details the potential health and economic advantages that increased tree presence can offer ...
HKU Remote Sensing And Landscape Scholars Reveal Global Wildfire Risk Trends In Wildland-Urban Interface Areas (1985-2020)

HKU Remote Sensing And Landscape Scholars Reveal Global Wildfire Risk Trends In Wildland-Urban Interface Areas (1985-2020)

Wildfires present complex socio-economic and ecological challenges, as they devastate vegetation, endanger communities, and cause extensive environmental, wildlife, and human health impacts. These consequences include severe air pollution and soaring firefighting costs. Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) areas, which are transition zones between wilderness and human-developed land, are particularly susceptible to wildfires. The risk is heightened due ...
Crean Plataforma Para Democratizar La Información Histórica De Bogotá De Hace Más De Dos Siglos

Crean Plataforma Para Democratizar La Información Histórica De Bogotá De Hace Más De Dos Siglos

Con la intención de acercar y facilitar el acceso a toda la información de Bogotá, la Sociedad de Mejoras y Ornato de Bogotá creó la plataforma digital DataCivilidad, una herramienta que recoge cientos de miles de datos de la capital desde hace más de dos siglos para que, tanto personas naturales como organizaciones estatales y ...
Fujitsu And Carnegie Mellon University Develop AI-Powered Social Digital Twin Technology With Traffic Data From Pittsburgh

Fujitsu And Carnegie Mellon University Develop AI-Powered Social Digital Twin Technology With Traffic Data From Pittsburgh

Fujitsu Limited and Carnegie Mellon University today announced the development of a new technology to visualize traffic situations, including people and vehicles, as part of joint research on Social Digital Twin that began in 2022. The technology transforms a 2D scene image captured by a monocular RGB camera (1) into a digitalized 3D format using ...
Communities Severed By Roads And Traffic Experience A Larger Number Of Collisions In New York City

Communities Severed By Roads And Traffic Experience A Larger Number Of Collisions In New York City

New York City neighborhoods with disrupted community connections, due to traffic, roads, and transport infrastructure, are experiencing an increase in traffic collisions. This increase is seen both in total collisions and for those in which pedestrians or cyclists are injured or killed, according to a new study from Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. ...
Tendrá Monterrey Su “Gemelo Digital”

Tendrá Monterrey Su “Gemelo Digital”

El Gobierno de la Ciudad y el Tecnológico de Monterrey firmaron un convenio de colaboración para desarrollar una réplica virtual del territorio del municipio, comúnmente conocida como “gemelo digital”. Se trata de una representación virtual de la ciudad que será construida a partir de la cartografía con la que cuenta el Gobierno Municipal en conjunto ...
Il «Gemello Digitale» Di Brescia Pronto A Nascere Al Via La Sperimentazione Sulla Linea 3 Del Tram

Il «Gemello Digitale» Di Brescia Pronto A Nascere: Al Via La Sperimentazione Sulla Linea 3 Del Tram

Il gemello digitale di Brescia è pronto a vedere la luce. Entro l’autunno il Comune si doterà infatti dell’infrastruttura di base (il software) che verrà popolata e modellata a seconda delle esigenze che verranno individuate e ritenute importanti. E una sperimentazione è già attiva e fa riferimento al tracciato della ipotetica linea 3 del tram ...

I Dati Satellitari Per Il Controllo Del Microclima Urbano. All’oar Il Convegno Con L’agenzia Spaziale Italiana E Il Politecnico Di Milano

Arrivano dai dati satellitari gli strumenti per mappare il fenomeno dell’isola di calore urbana e capire come la struttura fisica della città e l’uso del suolo influiscano sul microclima urbano. Se ne parla al convegno che si terrà venerdì 23 febbraio presso il complesso monumentale dell’Acquario Romano, sede dell’Ordine degli Architetti di Roma e Provincia. ...
Prosegue La Mappatura Degli Alberi, Già Censite 3500 Piante 60 Dovranno Essere Abbattute

Prosegue La Mappatura Degli Alberi, Già Censite 3500 Piante: 60 Dovranno Essere Abbattute

Geat, società di gestione servizi per l’ambiente e il territorio, è stata incaricata dal Comune di Riccione di condurre un censimento completo del patrimonio arboreo presente sul territorio comunale. Il progetto, avviato nel 2023, ha l’obiettivo di valutare lo stato di salute e la sicurezza di circa 10.500 alberi, pari a un terzo del totale ...
Municipality Maps Commercial Buildings That Could Have Distressed, Potentially Dangerous Roofs

Municipality Maps Commercial Buildings That Could Have Distressed, Potentially Dangerous Roofs

Municipal engineers released a new online resource on Thursday meant for commercial building owners to identify if their building in the Anchorage area contains a roof type that has been blamed for numerous snow-induced collapses. The resource comes as the municipality says the snow load on buildings is approaching 90% of the 40 pounds per ...
Wrocławskie Budynki Zeskanowane W Ramach Projektu NEEST

Wrocławskie Budynki Zeskanowane W Ramach Projektu NEEST

Ograniczanie zużycia energii i poprawa komfortu życia mieszkańców – to główne cele projektu NEEST, w którym bierze udział Wrocław. W ramach przedsięwzięcia trwa właśnie tworzenie modelu 3D zabudowy na obszarze między ul. Traugutta a Kościuszki. NEEST to unijny projekt badawczy, którego efektem mają być gotowe modele transformacji energetycznych budynków – nie tylko kamienic, ale również ...
Mapy Małopolski - Nowy Geoportal Województwa Zastąpił MIIP

Mapy Małopolski – Nowy Geoportal Województwa Zastąpił MIIP

Nowy geoportal zwiększa dostępność i jakość e-usług publicznych w zakresie informacji przestrzennej. Mieszkańcy Małopolski poza dostępem do nowoczesnych rejestrów geodezyjnych i przeglądaniem map będą mogli korzystać z dodatkowych e-usług. Aplikacje mapowe znajdziemy przechodząc do zakładki Katalog Zasobów. Użytkownicy zarejestrowani, którzy założą konto w systemie będą mogli skorzystać z rozszerzonego pakietu dostępnych narzędzi umożliwiających tworzenie ...
Urban Heat Research May Point The Way To Cooling Steamy Cities

Urban Heat: Research May Point The Way To Cooling Steamy Cities

Cities really are hotter than surrounding areas due to the urban heat island effect, first observed in London during the 1800s, explained Binghamton University Associate Professor of Geography Thomas Pingel. The buildings, parking lots and sidewalks absorb heat during the day, releasing it during the night. This excess heat is more than just an annoyance; ...
Karte Des Monats Februar Infrarot-Luftbilder 2023

Karte Des Monats Februar: Infrarot-Luftbilder 2023

Zur Gewinnung von Luftbildern des Stadtgebiets wird Frankfurt jährlich beflogen. Dabei entstehen neben den herkömmlichen Luftbildern auch Infrarot-Aufnahmen. Spezielle Sensoren nehmen dabei den Infrarot-Kanal auf, der mit bloßen Augen nicht wahrgenommen werden kann. Dieser wird für die bessere Erkennbarkeit fototechnisch überarbeitet und in der Farbe Rot dargestellt. Als Ergebnis liefern die Infrarotluftbilder wertvolle Informationen über ...
University Of Waterloo Students Study Noise Near Region's Airport, Review Flight Paths To Lessen Impact

University Of Waterloo Students Study Noise Near Region’s Airport, Review Flight Paths To Lessen Impact

People who live near the Region of Waterloo International Airport know it can get noisy there and that intrigued a group of third-year geography and aviation students at the University of Waterloo. As pilots, Matthew Toy, Chase Cardoza, Nikith Challa and Isabelle Mazzoco know planes can get loud and wanted to look into just how ...
How Maintained Are Paso Robles' Streets

How Maintained Are Paso Robles’ Streets? This Interactive Map Will Tell You

The City of Paso Robles is trying to make it easier for residents to get information about road conditions and future repairs in their neighborhoods. The new interactive street maintenance map application was developed after damage from last year’s storms. Residents now have the opportunity to check a street’s pavement condition index rating, the last ...

نقشه‌های هوایی کلانشهر اصفهان پس از ۱۰ سال به‌روزرسانی می‌شود

وحید مهدویان، معاون شهرسازی و معماری شهرداری اصفهان گفت: تهیه تصاویر و به‌روزرسانی نقشه‌های هوایی این کلانشهر پس از یک دهه به‌وسیله هواپیمای تخصصی پایش و نظارت بر اراضی انجام خواهد شد. برنامه ریزی لازم به‌منظور تصویربرداری هوایی و پوششی از کل شهر با استفاده از هواپیمای تخصصی مستقر در فرودگاه شهید بهشتی در سال ...

İzmir’in Tsunami Haritası Çıkarılacak

İzmir Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi (DEÜ) Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi ve Deprem Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkez (DAUM) Müdürü Doç. Dr. Ökmen Sümer, İzmir iç ve dış körfezindeki tüm kıyıların ve koyun geometrisini çıkartıp, depremlerin tsunami etkilerini araştırdıklarını belirtip, sonunda oluşturulacak tsunami baskın haritalarıyla, risklerin azaltılmasına imkan sağlanacağını söyledi. Doç. Dr. Sümer, “Bu proje ...
Neue Luftbilder Der Stadt Bern Sind Verfügbar

Neue Luftbilder Der Stadt Bern Sind Verfügbar

Drei Jahre nach den letzten Aufnahmen hat die Stadt Bern neue Luftbilder der gesamten Gemeinde erstellt. Sie setzt damit eine Zeitreihe mit Aufnahmen von 1999, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 sowie 2020 fort. Die Luftaufnahmen wurden am 30. Mai 2023 gemacht und anschliessend zu einem Orthofotomosaik verarbeitet. Künftig dienen sie als Hintergrund- und Referenzdaten für Arbeiten ...
Advanced Hour-Hectometer Hyperspectral Remote Sensing For Fine-Scale Atmospheric Emissions

Advanced Hour-Hectometer Hyperspectral Remote Sensing For Fine-Scale Atmospheric Emissions

A groundbreaking study by researchers from a number of institutions in China introduces a novel hyperspectral remote sensing technique capable of hour-hectometer level horizontal distribution of trace gases, offering an advanced tool to accurately identify emission sources. The study was published in the Journal of Remote Sensing on 14 November 2023. The research introduces a ...

Seniors Living Near Urban Open Spaces Report Less Mental Distress, A Dementia Risk Factor

With widening research, doctors have even more reasons to tell patients to spend time in open spaces for better mental health. Now, a statewide study suggests even small differences in nearness to urban green spaces and access to waterfronts have ties to improved self-reported mental health among people 65 and older. Such proximity to open ...
GIS Maps Show The Extent Of Chula Vista’s Parkland Divide

GIS Maps Show The Extent Of Chula Vista’s Parkland Divide

A new analysis shows how much Chula Vista residents’ access to parkland depends on where they live. The analysis, conducted by geographic information systems (GIS) researcher and Chula Vista resident Jacob Helfman, visualizes how areas east of Interstate 805 have over three times more parkland per person than those west of the freeway. Helfman’s analysis ...
Gençler Yeni Projelerini İbb Desteği İle Geliştiriyor

Gençler Yeni Projelerini İbb Desteği İle Geliştiriyor

İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi (İBB) Bilgi İşlem Dairesi Başkanlığı Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi (CBS) Şube Müdürlüğü ve Akıllı Şehir Şube Müdürlüğünün iş birliği ile hayata geçirilen GIS Hackathon 16-17 Aralık tarihlerinde Tech Istanbul Başakşehir’de gerçekleştirildi. İstanbul gibi tarihi ve kültürel bir şehir için yeni fikirlerin geliştirilmesi amacıyla hayata geçirilen GIS Hackatona; CBS teknolojilerine ilgi duyan üniversite mezunları ...
NOAA Seeks Applications For 2024 Urban Heat Island Initiative

NOAA Seeks Applications For 2024 Urban Heat Island Initiative

NOAA’s National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS), in partnership with CAPA Strategies LLCoffsite link, is now accepting applications from organizations interested in participating in the 2024 Urban Heat Island (UHI) mapping campaign program. In the eighth year of the program, NIHHIS and CAPA Strategies will support community science campaigns in cities and counties across ...

Geo-Tagging Of Properties Mandatory To Avail Property Tax Exemption In Delhi: MCD

Municipal Corporation of Delhi has made geo-tagging of all kinds of properties mandatory to avail of the property tax exemption, an official statement said on Tuesday. If any taxpayer fails to geo-tag their properties by 31 January, they will not be able to avail 10 per cent rebate on lump sum advance payment of tax ...