

UNESCO Launches Map Of UK Sites Including The Living Coast

UNESCO Launches Map Of UK Sites Including The Living Coast

A new map has been unveiled featuring all 58 United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) sites in the UK. It includes biospheres, creative cties, global geoparks and World Heritage sites. The map, illustrated by artist Tom Woolley, was launched by UNESCO to raise awareness of the breadth of natural, cultural and built heritage ...

MoU Signed To Protect Global Heritage With Space Technology

The International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage (HIST) under the auspices of UNESCO and the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Monday to promote world heritage conservation with space technology. With heritages facing risks from natural disasters, climate change, and other dangers, space ...

U.N. Uses Before-And-After Photos To Track Ukraine’s Cultural Destruction

The United Nations is reinforcing efforts to track the devastation inflicted on Ukraine’s architecture, art and historical sites by using satellite imagery to verify reports of destruction, two of its agencies announced. Using before-and-after satellite images taken by private companies, UNESCO and the U.N.’s Satellite Center plan to systematically document confirmed reports of damage to ...
Ukrainians Using New Smartphone App To Make Precious 3D Records Of War-threatened Historic Buildings And Monuments

Ukrainians Using New Smartphone App To Make Precious 3D Records Of War-threatened Historic Buildings And Monuments

A new smartphone app is offering hope to people trying to preserve Ukraine’s war-threatened historic buildings. The “Backup Ukraine” project now lets ordinary people become archivists by using an app to digitally capture buildings and monuments as 3D models. Already, the app has recorded more than 6,000 downloads, and has between 30 and 50 active ...