

Developing Next-gen Traffic Signal Control Systems With Air Quality In Mind

Developing Next-gen Traffic Signal Control Systems With Air Quality In Mind

After a summer that broke all sorts of dismal records in terms of cataclysmic wildfires across North America, there is now an even greater awareness of poor air quality—its myriad health impacts and the overwhelming need for sustainable solutions. To that end, Yu Yang, an assistant professor of computer science and engineering in Lehigh University’s ...

Network Rail Seeks InSAR Provider For Geotechnical Asset Monitoring

The UK rail infrastructure operator wants to create an integrated system that combines interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) – which can monitor ground deformation at very high temporal and spatial resolution – with its existing asset data. InSAR could be used to alert Network Rail to areas that show instability based on their movement history. ...

Transportes Firma Un Convenio Con La Asociación Española De Geografía Para Asegurar La “Excelencia” Del Atlas Nacional De España

El Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana ha firmado, a través del Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) y el Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (CNIG), un convenio con la Asociación Española de Geografía (AGE) para “asegurar la excelencia científica” del Atlas Nacional de España. Según el departamento dirigido por Raquel Sánchez, el objeto de este ...
New Analysis Of Nariño, Colombia’s Roads Could Help Coffee Growers

New Analysis Of Nariño, Colombia’s Roads Could Help Coffee Growers

In the southwest of Colombia lies the department of Nariño, known for its majestic mountains that give rise to one of the world’s most excellent coffees, thanks to its unique qualities and characteristics. However, these same mountains represent a considerable challenge for agricultural supply chains in the region. In the scientific article entitled “Evaluation of ...
Lampioni Intelligenti E Veicoli A Guida Autonoma Nella Smart Road ENEA

Lampioni Intelligenti E Veicoli A Guida Autonoma Nella Smart Road ENEA

Una vera e propria ‘strada intelligente’ dove migliorare la sicurezza, i flussi di traffico e il comfort di guida, con benefici anche in termini di risparmio energetico e sostenibilità. È la Smart Road che ENEA ha realizzato nel Centro Ricerche Casaccia (Roma), nell’ambito del programma “Ricerca di Sistema Elettrico” (RSE) finanziato dal Ministero dell’Ambiente e ...
Track Montgomery County Road Projects With New Interactive Map

Track Montgomery County Road Projects With New Interactive Map

You have a new way to find out about road improvement projects in Montgomery County. A new interactive road improvement map has been launched online. It’s a new digital tool that provides information about recent and upcoming road projects. Using the GIS system, the map allows you to see which roads are set to be ...
El Metro De Granada Y El Trambahía Recibirán Una Inversión De 2,2 Millones En Transformación Digital Por La Junta

El Metro De Granada Y El Trambahía Recibirán Una Inversión De 2,2 Millones En Transformación Digital Por La Junta

La Consejería de Fomento, Articulación del Territorio y Vivienda invierte 2,2 millones de euros en la implantación de un gemelo digital en el Metro de Granada y en el Trambahía, un novedoso sistema de realidad virtual que permite recrear situaciones que permitan planificar un óptimo mantenimiento de esta infraestructura y mejorar los parámetros de calidad ...

Queensland’s Spatial Cadastre Updated For Inland Rail

A two-year project to survey and model nearly 233,000 hectares of land — equivalent to the size of the Australian Capital Territory — to upgrade Queensland’s spatial cadastre, has been completed as a vital part of delivering the Inland Rail project. The spatial cadastre is used to accurately identify the location of the new rail ...

Location Data Can Help Build The EV Chargepoint Network Of Tomorrow

The Geospatial Commission has today (30 August 2023) published a report to support local authorities to make decisions about where to install electric vehicle (EV) chargepoints in their areas. Location data can arm local authorities with evidence to rollout a public charging network that gives current and prospective EV owners the confidence to make their ...

La Herramienta Tecnológica Que Incide En La Reducción De Siniestros Viales En Atlántico

Las autoridades del Atlántico le atribuyen a una herramienta tecnológica parte de la reducción de los accidentes de tránsito en el departamento. Se trata de uno de los territorios de Colombia con menores tasas de siniestralidad vial por cada cien mil habitantes. Con corte a abril de 2023 registraba un índice de 3,21 mientras que ...

GEM Creates First Mapping Tool For Low-Speed Roads

GEM has been producing low-speed electric vehicles for more than 25 years and has sold more than 65,000 of them. LSVs are more than a golf cart—they are street legal on most roads posted 35 mph or less. Yet knowing where those roads are and where a GEM can take you can be a challenge. ...
Where To Go SDSU Student Identifies Transit Line Needs

Where To Go? SDSU Student Identifies Transit Line Needs

An interdisciplinary team from San Diego State University analyzed the accessibility of public restrooms along transit lines countywide and found a shortage of facilities, particularly in the busiest stations, and a lack of important features in existing restrooms. Their project, “Where Can You Go On the Go?” was an initiative of SDSU’s Project for Sanitation ...
Une Carte Des Temps Piétons Pour Uccle Centre “On Veut Relativiser Les Temps De Marche Et Ramener Du Passage Devant Les Commerces”

Une Carte Des Temps Piétons Pour Uccle Centre : “On Veut Relativiser Les Temps De Marche Et Ramener Du Passage Devant Les Commerces”

”Nous sommes tous piétons à un moment.” Partant de ce constat, Sébastien Rochedy s’est penché sur la question du vécu des piétons et surtout sur l’amélioration de l’expérience de la marche. L’inspiration lui est venue de France. Lors d’un voyage, il remarque des panneaux qui indiquent le temps de trajet à pied pour atteindre certains ...
Toda La Red Ciclable De Pamplona Puede Consultarse En La Herramienta Digital Visor Ciudad

Toda La Red Ciclable De Pamplona Puede Consultarse En La Herramienta Digital Visor Ciudad

El Ayuntamiento de Pamplona dispone de un Visor Ciudad en el que se puede consultar online de manera gráfica la infraestructura ciclista de la ciudad, permitiendo que las personas interesadas pueda planificar sus itinerarios en bicicleta. Esta herramienta informática, disponible en la web municipal, recoge todas las vías ciclables de la ciudad y sus características, ...
Lärmkartierung Für Das Eisenbahn-Bundesamt Abgeschlossen

Lärmkartierung Für Das Eisenbahn-Bundesamt Abgeschlossen

„Trotz aller Herausforderungen ist es uns gemeinsam gelungen, für das Eisenbahn-Bundesamt eines der größten deutschlandweiten Geodatenmanagementprojekte termingerecht abzuschließen. Ein derart komplexes Projekt erfordert auch ein professionelles Projektmanagement. Durch die Bündelung erfahrener Lärmexperten, Qualitätsmanager und Datenspezialisten konnte das eingespielte Kompetenzteam Risiken bewerten und passgenaue Lösungen entwickeln“, blickt Claus Hofmann, Geschäftsführer von Disy Informationssysteme, auf die gut ...
Transport For Wales Launches New Live Map That Shows Passengers Where Their Train Is

Transport For Wales Launches New Live Map That Shows Passengers Where Their Train Is

A brand new live digital map has been launched showing customers exactly where their train is. Launched by Transport for Wales, the map has been described as “fantastic” by rail bosses. It shows the location of every TfW train and allows customers to view a train’s journey in real time and see the expected arrival ...

Sri Lanka To Map All Roads Belonging To Local Gov’t Bodies By 2025

All roads maintained by Sri Lanka’s local councils will be mapped by 2025, a state minister said on Thursday evening. State Minister of Provincial Councils and Local Government Janaka Wakkumbura told the media that such operation, which was last carried out 36 years ago, would help all stakeholders identify roads maintained by each local government ...
Using Cameras On Transit Buses To Monitor Traffic Conditions

Using Cameras On Transit Buses To Monitor Traffic Conditions

Researchers have proposed a novel method for counting and tracking vehicles on public roads, a development that could enhance current traffic systems and help travelers get to their destinations faster. Using the cameras already installed on campus buses at The Ohio State University, researchers demonstrated that they could automatically and accurately measure counts of vehicles ...
Advanced Aircraft Tracking Will Come Live From Space

Advanced Aircraft Tracking Will Come Live From Space

Satellites will soon be used to keep an independent eye on airborne planes, under a deal agreed between ESA and Spire Global, a company that provides space-based data, analytics and space services. Spire will design an advanced civilian aviation surveillance system that uses a constellation of satellites to monitor flights globally in real time, as ...

Ohla Empleará Gemelos Digitales GIS Y Tecnología De Drones En Un Proyecto Viario En Cáceres

Ohla ha iniciado las obras de construcción de la variante de Malpartida en la provincia de Cáceres (Extremadura), un proyecto adjudicado por el Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana (Mitma) por cerca de 45 millones de euros. Se trata de una de las primeras obras del Ministerio en la que se emplearán metodología BIM ...

Korea To Begin Digital Management Of Roads, Infrastructure Renovation

Road maintenance and infrastructure renovation will be digitally managed and mediated by artificial intelligence (AI) and digital twin technologies to improve the accuracy of natural disaster predictability, the land ministry said, Friday. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said it signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Gyeonggi Provincial Government and Gwangju Metropolitan City ...

Saudi Transport Ministry, GASGI Form Partnership To Raise Geospatial Efficiency

In a joint effort aimed at enhancing the performance of the geospatial sector in Saudi Arabia, the Ministry of Transport and Logistic Services signed a partnership agreement with the General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information to provide reliable geography and mapping information. The agreement, signed at the ministry’s headquarters in Riyadh, aims to raise ...
Huawei Has Filed A Patent To Include Cameras Inside Their Future Earwear As A Pedestrian Safety Feature

Huawei Has Filed A Patent To Include Cameras Inside Their Future Earwear As A Pedestrian Safety Feature

Over the years there have been many headlines regarding teens having been killed, maimed or severely injured due to wearing earbuds and not paying attention to their surroundings, especially near crosswalks. One report pointed to the Toronto Police mentioning Apple’s AirPods as a problem, though it’s more of generic earphones issue in general. The issue ...

GPS공간정보와 소방차 출동위치 공유… 소방청-한국도로공사, MOU

고속도로 재난 상황 발생 시 소방대의 신속 도착과 효과적인 현장대응을 위해 소방청과 한국도로공사가 협력키로 했다. 소방청과 한국도로공사는 5일 고속도로 이용객의 생명 보호 및 재난사고 피해 최소화를 위해 ‘고속도로 재난대응 협력체계 구축’을 위한 업무협약을 체결했다고 밝혔다. 이번 업무협약은 ▲신속도착 협조체계구축 ▲풍수해 및 터널화재 예방·대응정보 공유 ▲친환경차 화재 대응장비 지원 및 소방력 안전확보 등 첨단 인공지능 기술의 ...
Policing In Chennai Goes Hi-Tech With GIS Mapping, Analytics Of Crime Zones

Policing In Chennai Goes Hi-Tech With GIS Mapping, Analytics Of Crime Zones

The Greater Chennai Police (GCP) on Tuesday launched mapping of crime zones using Geographic Information System (GIS). Commissioner of Police Shankar Jiwal inaugurated the new initiative at the integrated command and control centre. A special GIS centre has been established and equipped with the latest software tools to collate data from Crime and Criminal Tracking ...

Delhi To Have AI-based Traffic System By 2024-end: Official

The national capital will have an artificial intelligence-based traffic system by the end of next year to reduce congestion and facilitate faster and smarter vehicular movement, a senior official said on Wednesday. Speaking at ASSOCHAM seventh road safety conference here, Special Commissioner of Police (Traffic) Surender Singh Yadav mentioned that the Intelligent Traffic Management System ...
Venezuela’s Hidden Runways Bring Both Life And Destruction To Indigenous Lands

Venezuela’s Hidden Runways Bring Both Life And Destruction To Indigenous Lands

Flying over a dense jungle in southern Venezuela, the sea of trees below is suddenly replaced by large patches of bare soil, tree stumps and the turquoise waters of ponds from abandoned gold mines. An airstrip 600 meters long marks the entrance to one of Venezuela’s more than 3,700 gold mines. Only half of the ...
Pełny Obraz W Jednym Miejscu. Powiat Opolski Chce Mieć Cyfrową Ewidencję Dróg

Pełny Obraz W Jednym Miejscu. Powiat Opolski Chce Mieć Cyfrową Ewidencję Dróg

Dzięki cyfrowej bazie interweniujący czy planujący prace na trasach będą mieli szybki dostęp do pełnej informacji. Z drugiej strony będą tam trafiać wszystkie informacje o prowadzonych remontach, objazdach, także tych związanych z wypadkami. To będzie pierwsza taka baza danych o drogach w województwie – mówi Edyta Wenzel-Borkowska, naczelnik Wydziału Geodezji i Kartografii w Starostwie Powiatowym ...
Mapbox Collaborates With Toyota And Lexus On In-vehicle Navigation Tech

Mapbox Collaborates With Toyota And Lexus On In-vehicle Navigation Tech

Toyota and Lexus are now utilizing Mapbox‘s technology to deliver navigation features. Mapbox’s maps software development kit incorporates a map design that complements Toyota’s multimedia system, making turn-by-turn navigation intuitive for drivers. With Mapbox’s navigation technology, Toyota can push updates to the design to vehicles in real time, so that the driver’s experience continues to ...
Hightech-quad Erfasst Den Zustand Des Straßenfernen Radwegenetzes In Dortmund

Hightech-quad Erfasst Den Zustand Des Straßenfernen Radwegenetzes In Dortmund

Vollbepackt mit Kameras, Scannern und Sensoren befährt ein spezielles Quad ab der kommenden Woche bis Ende Juni Dortmunds straßenferne Radwege. Dieses Fahrzeug ist unterwegs, um möglichst viele Details zum Zustand der Radwege zu dokumentieren. Die Informationen fließen nicht nur in die Arbeit des Tiefbauamts ein, sondern auch das Vermessungs- und Katasteramt wird damit die vorhandenen ...