

Belarus To Create National Spatial Data Infrastructure

National spatial data infrastructure will be created in Belarus. The step is stipulated by the Council of Ministers’ resolution No.32 of 16 January 2024, BelTA has learned. The document has been published by the national legislation registry. It approves a regulation on the national spatial data infrastructure. The State Property Committee has been entrusted with ...

NGA To Tap Commercial Satellite Data Under ‘Luno’ Program

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) on Jan. 10 issued a solicitation for commercial satellite Earth observation data under a new program called Luno. The program aims to leverage commercial satellite imagery and data analytics to bolster NGA’s global monitoring capabilities, the agency said in the request for proposals. Submissions are due March 26. NGA officials ...

공공데이터포털 전면 개편…246억 원 투입해 융합·분석 플랫폼으로

정부가 공공데이터포털의 데이터 접근성과 활용성을 사용자 중심으로 획기적으로 높이기 위해 본격적으로 전면 개편한다. 지능형 검색과 맞춤형 데이터를 추천하는 공공데이터 융합,분석 플랫폼으로 ‘업그레이드’하고자 오는 2026년까지 246억 원을 투입하기로 한 것이다. 한편 공공데이터포털은 2013년 서비스를 시작해 현재 8만 3000여 개 공공데이터를 개방하고 있는 명실상부 정부 대표 데이터플랫폼이다. 이 플랫폼에서 주요 공공데이터를 개방해 지금까지 공공데이터 민간활용 건수가 5300만 ...

Lanzan Consulta Ciudadana Para Definir La Primera Política Nacional De Información Geoespacial De Chile

Los datos geoespaciales que levanta la IDE Chile (Infraestructura de Datos Geoespaciales de Chile) desde el Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales, han sido claves para Chile. Dicha información, que ha sido un insumo fundamental para las autoridades, y también para la investigación y el mundo privado, no contaba con una Política Nacional de Información Geoespacial. Hasta ...

Compulsory For UP Developers To Tag Projects With GIS-based Master Plans

The Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority (UP RERA) will soon make it mandatory for developers to tag the maps of their projects with the Geographic Information System (GIS)-based master plans in 13 major cities across the state. This move is meant to check whether the upcoming project is on a bona fide site as ...

NOAA Eliminates Certain Restrictions On Commercial Remote Sensing Companies

The U.S. government lifted certain restrictions on commercial remote sensing satellite companies on Monday. The changes came from NOAA’s Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs (CRSRA) office, which is a division of the Office of Space Commerce. CRSA said restrictions in place kept companies from offering their full capabilities to the public. In 2020, CRSA changed ...

재난·재해 반복되는데 예방위한 디지털트윈 예산 ‘0’

폭우·폭염 등 재난재해가 반복되는 가운데 예방책 중 하나인 디지털트윈 관련 사업 예산이 보류됐다. 윤석열 정부 국정 과제에 디지털트윈국토 완성이 포함됐으나 긴축기조 속 미래 투자부터 줄인 것으로 보인다. 6일 업계와 관계부처에 따르면 국토교통부 ‘디지털트윈 시범도시’ 사업이 기획재정부 예산 심의 과정에서 빠졌다. 지방자치단체 중심의 ‘시범사업’에서 한 단계 발전시킨 ‘시범도시’ 사업이 좌초위기에 빠진 것이다. 디지털트윈 시범도시 사업은 고정밀전자지도와 ...

Russian Gov’t Agencies Banned From Using Foreign Geospatial Systems

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law prohibiting government agencies and a number of organizations from using foreign geospatial systems, technologies, and tools, local media reported on Saturday. According to RIA Novosti, the ban will apply to state corporations, public companies, and natural monopolies. The ban will also affect business entities in the authorized capital ...

Un Plan Para Ofrecer Información Geoespacial A Todos Los Niveles

La información geoespacial tiene una importancia mayor de lo que pudiera parecer a simple vista. Y es por eso que el Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana -abreviado como Mitma- facilitará la disponibilidad de esta información geográfica a través del llamado Plan Nacional de Observación del Territorio (PNOT) -llevado a cabo por el Consejo ...

UK Space Agency Funds Earth Observation Technologies

UK Space Agency offers £15 million in funding for Earth observation technologies to advance climate monitoring, environmental management, and scientific knowledge. The funding aims to facilitate various environmental services, including meteorology, climate monitoring, environmental management, agriculture, urban planning, and scientific research. The Earth Observation Technology Programme funding is managed by the Centre for Earth Observation ...

Washington View: FCC Again Urged To Aid Satellite Precision Agriculture

Recent bipartisan legislation aims to make satellite communication and PNT services more available to farmers. Legislation that nudges the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to do more to make satellite communication and PNT services available to rural America, particularly farmers, has sailed through the House and is awaiting committee action in the Senate. The bipartisan legislation—something ...

국가 디지털트윈 구축으로 디지털플랫폼 정부 실현한다

국토교통부는 향후 5년간의 국가공간정보 정책 추진 방향을 제시하는 ‘제7차 국가공간정보정책 기본계획(2023~2027)’을 확정·발표했다. ‘국가공간정보정책 기본계획’은 국가공간정보기본법에 따라 수립되는 공간정보 분야의 최상위 법정계획으로, 전문 연구기관(국토연구원)의 연구용역(2022.7.~2023.4.)을 통해 전문가와 종사자 등 다양한 의견 수렴을 거쳤으며 공청회 개최(2022.12.)·관계 부처 협의·국가공간정보위원회 심의(2023.6.)를 거쳐 확정됐다. 공간정보는 자율차·무인이동체·배달로봇 등 미래 사회에 획기적인 변화를 가져올 혁신 기술 실현의 기반이 되는 디지털 인프라로, 디지털트윈·메타버스 ...

Government Launches Geospatial Strategy Aimed At Boosting UK’s Position In Location Data

A UK Geospatial strategy announced this week (Wednesday 14th June) at London Tech Week, will help transform public services and boost business, the government has claimed. Specific aims include the publication of a report identifying the cross-cutting challenges and opportunities for location data in the health sector and a further report setting out how the ...

India’s Space Policy Draft Document Released

The draft of the recently released India’s Space policy is out. The document is forward-looking and aims at creating an innovative private space ecosystem along with delineating the roles and responsibilities of InSpace and NSIL. Last week, when the space policy was finalized Union Minister, Jitendra Singh said, “In brief, the Indian Space Policy will ...