

Remote Sensing Helps In Monitoring Arctic Vegetation For Climate Clue

Remote Sensing Helps In Monitoring Arctic Vegetation For Climate Clues

Monitoring vegetation shifts in the Arctic can help scientists understand how the area is changing as the world warms. Already, researchers have documented expansion of boreal forests into the tundra. And at many sites in the region, the tundra is greening up, according to recent satellite observations. NASA postdoctoral fellow Andy Maguire says these vegetation ...
China Launches 16 Commercial Remote Sensing And Weather Satellites

China Launches 16 Commercial Remote Sensing And Weather Satellites

China has carried out its ninth orbital mission within the last 30 days, sending 16 new commercial satellites into orbit with a Long March 6 rocket. The Long March 6 rocket lifted off from Taiyuan, north China, on Wednesday (Aug. 10) at 12:50 a.m. EDT (0450 GMT, 12:50 p.m. local time), the China Aerospace Science ...
Biden Administration Launches Heat.Gov With Tools For Communities Facing Extreme Heat

Biden Administration Launches Heat.Gov With Tools For Communities Facing Extreme Heat

Today, the Biden Administration through the interagency National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS) launched, a new website to provide the public and decision-makers with clear, timely and science-based information to understand and reduce the health risks of extreme heat. will provide a one-stop hub on heat and health for the nation and ...
Volunteers Map Spokane To Prepare For Future Heat Waves

Volunteers Map Spokane To Prepare For Future Heat Waves

Community volunteers worked with Gonzaga University’s Center for Climate, Society and the Environment to create a street level heat map of Spokane. Once the data is released, it will guide tree planting, as well as efforts to make the region more resilient to future climate disasters.
Mapping Urban Heat From The Ground Up

Mapping Urban Heat From The Ground Up

Just one year ago, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory assembled a unique mobile observatory for surveying the climate in urban environments. The completely off-the-grid platform maintained by Brookhaven’s Center for Multiscale Applied Sensing (CMAS) employs a suite of instruments to measure atmospheric conditions at fixed locations in individual neighborhoods ...

Neues Forschungsprojekt: Warnsystem Für Gefährliche Starkregen Und Sturzfluten

In den vergangenen Jahren gab es in Deutschland immer wieder Sturzfluten mit zum Teil verheerenden Auswirkungen. Ausgelöst wurden sie durch lokalen Starkregen. Eine Warnung vor solchen Ereignissen ist bisher oft nicht möglich, weil ihre Entstehung kompliziert ist und sie meist schnell und räumlich stark begrenzt auftreten. Ein neues Forschungsprojekt soll diese Lücke im Warnsystem schließen. ...
Air Quality Sensor Network Offers Highly Detailed Pollution Map In Camden

Air Quality Sensor Network Offers Highly Detailed Pollution Map In Camden

Developed by AirScape, the fixed network has 225 AirNode sensors that will provide 45 times more data points and refreshes 60 times more regularly than existing air-quality reference stations, to show a street-by-street picture of air quality in real time. The data collected will be made freely available online to enable individuals, businesses and local ...
New Interactive Climate Map Shows Impact Of Heat, Flooding In Fairfax County

New Interactive Climate Map Shows Impact Of Heat, Flooding In Fairfax County

As Fairfax County finalizes its first-ever plan to address the future effects of climate change, community members can see how the phenomenon already affects them with a newly released interactive map. Launched last week, the climate map depicts heat and flooding data that can be viewed in conjunction with maps of the county’s population and ...
Airbus-Satellit Soll Das Geheimnis Der Wolken Lüften

Airbus-Satellit Soll Das Geheimnis Der Wolken Lüften

Wolken und Aerosole gelten immer noch als große Unbekannte beim Verständnis unseres Klimas. Mit dem Erdbeobachtungs-Satelliten EarthCARE hat die Raumfahrtsparte von Airbus laut einer Pressemitteilung den entscheidenden „Schlüssel“ fertiggestellt, der das Geheimnis der Wolken lüften und so zu genaueren Atmosphärenmodellen und zu weiter verbesserten Klimavorhersagen beitragen soll.