

Türkiye To Create Digital Maps Of Water Bodies

Türkiye To Create Digital Maps Of Water Bodies

In a bid to better manage Türkiye’s water resources, the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry has initiated a project to create digital atlases mapping a total of 270 stagnant water bodies, including dams and artificial ponds currently being constructed. These water resources will be digitized in a geographic information system (GIS) center. “Drinking water basin and ...
Researchers Unveil Most Detailed Map Of Water Bodies Across Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

Researchers Unveil Most Detailed Map Of Water Bodies Across Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

In a study published in Scientific Data, researchers from the Aerospace Information Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences unveiled the most detailed dataset to date, illuminating the complex network of water bodies sprawled across the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. This dataset, openly available in figshare, paints a holistic picture by furnishing a high-resolution map of ...
BAS Releases Interactive Antarctic Map Viewer

BAS Releases Interactive Antarctic Map Viewer

The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) has released a new map viewer that brings together all of the Antarctic Digital Database datasets, plus other useful information, and displays them together in an open-access interactive website. The BAS’ Mapping and Geographic Information Centre (MAGIC) is responsible for keeping the maps and data up to date, with the ...

Satelytics Uses AI-Powered Geospatial Analytics To Help Georgia Power With Shoreline Management

Satelytics, a company specializing in geospatial analytics, has announced a successful partnership with Georgia Power, the largest electric subsidiary of Southern Company. Using advanced AI-powered geospatial technology, Satelytics is aiding Georgia Power in monitoring lakes and reservoirs, which are crucial for the utility’s hydroelectric system that serves over 2.6 million residents in Georgia. Satelytics deployed ...
Drone And Geospatial Team Becomes First To Map The Coca River In The Amazon Basin

Drone And Geospatial Team Becomes First To Map The Coca River In The Amazon Basin

The geology along Ecuador’s Coca River is moving in fast-forward. In a scientific field where natural wonders form over millennia, but natural disasters occur in minutes, speed is less than desirable. Over the last four years, the river and its surrounding area within the Amazon basin have experienced a lava dam collapse, 500 million tons ...
New Wānaka Lake Bed Map To Help Identify Tsunami, Earthquake Risks

New Wānaka Lake Bed Map To Help Identify Tsunami, Earthquake Risks

A new map showing the bed of Lake Wānaka in “incredible detail” will help scientists work out the lake’s potential for earthquakes and tsunami, Niwa says. The work was done after an active fault was found under the lake three years ago. Lake Wānaka is thought to be at risk of a tsunami-like event due ...
Satellite Shows Hazards of US Winter Rivers

Satellite Shows Hazards of US Winter Rivers

Researchers from the University of Alaska Fairbanks have developed a new technology using synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) to detect hazardous sections of open water in frozen rivers in Alaska during winter. This technology can also be applied across the Arctic, where open water zones pose similar dangers. By identifying these open water zones, researchers hope to ...

Dublin Urban Rivers Life Project Selects ESRI To Reduce Levels Of Wastewater

Geographic information systems (GIS) provider Esri Ireland has been chosed by Dublin Urban Rivers Life (DURL) project to help prevent preventing circa 13 million litres of polluted wastewater from entering Dublin rivers annually. DURL is a joint venture between South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Councils, with funding received from the EU Life Programme. It ...

Saudi Ministry Launches GIS-Enabled Digital Platform For Water Management

The Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture has announced a significant step forward in water management and planning by signing a contract to establish a geographical information system (GIS) for water planning. This initiative aims to create a smart water digital platform aligning with international best practices for the water sector within the Kingdom. Dr. ...

California Is Finally Digitizing Its 100-Year-Old Paper Water Rights

In a Sacramento office building, university students carefully scan pieces of paper that underpin California’s most contentious and valuable water disputes. One by one, they’re bringing pieces of history into the digital era, some a century old and thin as onion skin. The massive undertaking will unmask the notoriously opaque world of California water. Right ...
Global Atlas For Pumped Hydro At Mining Sites

Global Atlas For Pumped Hydro At Mining Sites

Researchers at the Australian National University (ANU) have created a global atlas for potential pumped hydro storage sites located in former mining areas. “Mining sites can be shaped during the end stages of mining to form a pumped hydro reservoir,” the scientists explained, noting that mining sites are often located close to the power network ...
A New, Rigorous Assessment Of Remote Sensing Tool's Accuracy For Supporting Satellite-Based Water Management

A New, Rigorous Assessment Of Remote Sensing Tool’s Accuracy For Supporting Satellite-Based Water Management

Sustainable water management is an increasing concern in arid regions around the world, and scientists and regulators are turning to remote sensing tools like OpenET to help track and manage water resources. OpenET uses publicly available data produced by NASA and USGS Landsat and other satellite systems to calculate evapotranspiration (ET), or the amount of ...

Endesa Aplica La Inteligencia Artificial Para Crear “Gemelos Digitales” De Sus Centrales Hidroeléctricas

Endesa aplica la inteligencia artificial para crear “gemelos digitales” de sus centrales hidroeléctricas, lo que permite realizar visitas virtuales en 3D y elaborar diagnósticos preventivos sobre el funcionamiento de estas instalaciones fundamentales en el sistema energético. El primer piloto de gemelo digital para realizar visitas virtuales se lanzó en 2023 en la central hidroeléctrica de ...

Registrations Open For Geo Connect Asia 2024

Regional geospatial, positioning and remote sensing conference, Geo Connect Asia, will return to Singapore on the 6th and 7th of March, 2024. The theme, ‘Geospatial driven impacts: underground, ground and sea to sky,’ will address key challenges facing the Asian region, from public health and critical infrastructure to AI and the monitoring of utility operations. ...
Scientists Map Loss Of Groundwater Storage Around The World

Scientists Map Loss Of Groundwater Storage Around The World

Global water resources are stretched by climate change and human population growth, and farms and cities are increasingly turning to groundwater to fill their needs. Unfortunately, the pumping of groundwater can cause the ground surface above to sink, as the aquifers below are drained and the architecture of the ground collapses. For the first time, ...

Cataluña Estudia Las Variaciones De Nivel De Los Acuíferos Mediante Imágenes De Satélite Radar

El Gobierno catalán, a través del Instituto Cartográfico y Geológico de Cataluña (ICGC), adscrito al Departamento de Territorio, y la Agencia Catalana del Agua (ACA) del Departamento de Acción Climática, Alimentación y Agenda Rural, impulsa el uso de imágenes de satélite radar y técnicas de inteligencia artificial para analizar la evolución de los acuíferos, detectar ...
Google Launches Flood Hub In The U.S., Which Predicts When Rivers Will Flood And Warns People To Evacuate

Google Launches Flood Hub In The U.S., Which Predicts When Rivers Will Flood And Warns People To Evacuate

In August, when heavy rain hit parts of Chile, tens of thousands of people had to evacuate their homes as their communities flooded. Many got a warning a couple of days in advance, thanks to a tool from Google called Flood Hub that rolled out in the country earlier this year. Before Flood Hub existed, ...

NWS Unveils New Experimental Flood Inundation Maps For Much Of East Texas, Central Pennsylvania And Parts Of The Northeast

Flooding is the most frequent severe-weather related threat and the costliest natural disaster in the United States. To improve flood warning communication and help emergency managers prepare for and respond to flooding, the National Weather Service (NWS) has begun to add new experimental flood inundation mapping services to its suite of forecast products. These new ...

جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز تقدّم مشروع “أطلس الوديان في المملكة”

قدّم مركز أبحاث المياه بجامعة الملك عبدالعزيز، مشروعًا جديدًا يُعنى بأطلس الوديان في بعض مناطق المملكة، ضمن مبادراته العملية للحفاظ على الماء بوصفه من أهم الموارد الطبيعية لحياة الإنسان وجميع أنشطته الاجتماعية والاقتصادية في مختلف المجالات، وخاصة في مجال الزراعة والصناعة. تأتي فكرة المشروع مع تزايد النمو السكاني وازدياد استهلاك المياه من مختلف القطاعات التنموية، ...
Study Reveals Human Destruction Of Global Floodplains

Study Reveals Human Destruction Of Global Floodplains

A University of Texas at Arlington hydrologist’s study in the Nature journal Scientific Data provides the first-ever global estimate of human destruction of natural floodplains. The study can help guide future development in a way that can restore and conserve vital floodplain habitats that are critical to wildlife, water quality and reducing flood risk for ...
Alberta Scientists Tracking Blue-green Algae Blooms Using Satellite Imagery_gge

Alberta Scientists Tracking Blue-Green Algae Blooms Using Satellite Imagery

A team of experts is working to better understand the spread of blue-green algae in Alberta lakes by combining satellite technology with near-simultaneous water sampling. The project, funded through Alberta Innovates, is a collaboration between several groups, including Alberta Lake Management Society (ALMS), the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI), and researcher Rolf Vinebrooke from the ...

News Release: Well Sampling Planned In St. Louis County For Groundwater Atlas

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources will collect water samples from about 180 wells in St. Louis County for use in the development of a Groundwater Atlas of St. Louis County. Selected well owners will be contacted by mail or phone to request permission to sample their wells. The process involves collecting a water sample ...

Anglian Water Uses Satellites To Detect Hard-to-find Water Leaks

Anglian Water reports saving millions of litres of water with space-based detection of water leaks that are otherwise invisible. The company, which supplies water to almost 7 million people mainly in the east of England, launched the programme in December 2022. Based on two complete scans of its service area has reported saving over 2Ml/d ...
Interaktive Karte Zeigt Wasserverbrauch In Hessen – Frankfurt Ist Spitzenreiter

Interaktive Karte Zeigt Wasserverbrauch In Hessen – Frankfurt Ist Spitzenreiter

Das Hessische Statistische Landesamt hat eine neue interaktive Karte im Hessenatlas veröffentlicht, die Informationen zur öffentlichen Wasserversorgung bietet. Eingesehen werden kann einerseits die absolute Wassermenge als auch die durchschnittliche Abgabe pro Tag und Einwohner der einzelnen Landkreise und kreisfreien Städte. Andererseits kann für jede Kommune die Entwicklung der Wasserabgabe im Zeitverlauf von 2001 bis 2019 ...

Satellite Imagery Helps Texas City Detect Water Leaks

The City of Midland spends $2.5 million a year to bring water to Midland. On Tuesday, the Midland City Council approved a contract that will help make sure more of that water reaches the city and its customers. City leaders approved $212,000 in costs with Asterra of La Jolla, California, and that Asterra will perform ...
Measuring The Extent Of Global Droughts In Unprecedented Detail

Measuring The Extent Of Global Droughts In Unprecedented Detail

While some parts of the world suffer extreme heat and persistent drought, others are being flooded. Overall, continental water volumes vary so much over time that global sea levels fluctuate significantly too. By combining the hydrological model WaterGAP with GRACE satellite data, a team of geodesists at the University of Bonn have come up with ...

Índice De Clasificaciones De Agua Superficial Desde El Espacio Landsat 2022

El Instituto Nacional De Estadística Y Geografía (INEGI) Pone A Disposición De Las Y Los Usuarios El Índice De Clasificaciones De Agua Superficial Desde El Espacio (ICASE) Landsat 2022. Este Consiste En Un Producto De Análisis Geoespacial Experimental Que Proporciona Información Sobre La Presencia De Agua Superficial A Lo Largo De Todo El Territorio Mexicano. ...
Estudiantes Y Vecinos De Las Nieves Continúan Mediciones De Precipitación Este Invierno 2023

Estudiantes Y Vecinos De Las Nieves Continúan Mediciones De Precipitación Este Invierno 2023

Con el invierno en pleno desarrollo en la región de Coquimbo, la iniciativa de ciencia ciudadana toma protagonismo en los sectores cordilleranos: escuelas y vecinos trabajan en conjunto al Centro Científico CEAZA, en el que desde el 2018 realizan mediciones de las precipitaciones de lluvia o nieve que ocurran en sus comunas. Al finalizar un ...
Un Approccio Innovativo Per La Mappatura Delle Inondazioni Fluviali

Un Approccio Innovativo Per La Mappatura Delle Inondazioni Fluviali

Le inondazioni rappresentano uno dei disastri naturali più comuni e più impattanti a livello mondiale. Tali eventi aumenteranno ulteriormente in futuro a causa dei cambiamenti climatici, della crescita economica e dell’urbanizzazione. I ricercatori del laboratorio LSD&D (Land Surface Dynamics and Degradation) del CNR-IMAA, unitamente a ricercatori dell’Università Federico II di Napoli, propongono un approccio innovativo ...

WSA Announces Launch Of GeoHub Portal

The Water Security Agency of Saskatchewan (WSA) announced the launch of its GeoHub portal, making data used by the agency to monitor and manage the province’s water resources freely available for the public. The new WSA GeoHub brings together 17 Geographic Information System (GIS) layers and four web maps in one place. This open-data portal ...