
Google Street View

A Mission To Add Guernsey To Google Street View

Aman who received a 360-degree camera as a gift has taken it upon himself to incorporate his neighbourhood in Guernsey into the Google Street View online map, according to a BBC report. According to Guernsey’s Office of the Data Protection Authority (ODPA), Google deployed cars on the island for the Street View service in 2010. ...
Google Launches Street View In 10 Indian Cities

Google Launches Street View In 10 Indian Cities

Google announced the launch of its Street View experience in India in partnership with Genesys International, an advanced mapping solutions company, and Tech Mahindra, a leading provider of digital transformation, consulting, and business re-engineering services and solutions. Starting today, Street View will be available on Google Maps with fresh imagery licensed from local partners covering ...
Google Maps Ha Ripreso Lo Stesso Cane Nello Stesso Posto A Distanza Di 7 Anni

Google Maps Ha Ripreso Lo Stesso Cane Nello Stesso Posto A Distanza Di 7 Anni

Quando si usa Google Maps, di solito si controllano le indicazioni per un nuovo posto. Non ci si aspetta però di imbattersi in qualcosa che solleva più domande che risposte. Gli utenti di Reddit sono infatti rimasti a bocca aperta per un post bizzarro. Una telecamera di Google Maps avrebbe infatti ripreso un cane randagio ...