

Bayesian Inversion Used To Recover Geometry Of Ruptured Fault

Bayesian Inversion Used To Recover Geometry Of Ruptured Fault

Large earthquakes generally produce ground deformation that can be measured by geodetic instruments. Geophysicists can use these measurements to invert the earthquake source parameters, that is, to recover the earthquake slip on the ruptured fault. However, the conventional inversion of geodetic data does not fully resolve the geometry of the broken fault at depth. Wei ...

Lancement De La Plateforme Européenne EPOS Data Portal

Après plus de 20 ans de recherche et d’innovation, le portail de données de l’infrastructure de recherche européenne pour les sciences de la Terre, EPOS (European Plate Observing System), sera inauguré officiellement à Paris le 25 avril, pendant l’EGU 2023 qui se tiendra du 23 au 28 avril 2023 à Vienne. Les services interopérables d’accès ...

Project InnerSpace Launches Collaboration For Global Heat Flow Mapping

Project InnerSpace has launched a two-year collaboration with the International Heat Flow Commission (IHFC) and the German Research Centre for Geoscience GFZ, Potsdam (GFZ) to accelerate the Global Heat Flow Database assessment for geothermal analyses. The effort, supported by a global team of scientists, is funded by a $700K Project InnerSpace grant and led by ...
Andalucía Dispone De Un Mapa De Minerales Críticos Claves Para El Desarrollo De Las Tecnologías Limpias

Andalucía Dispone De Un Mapa De Minerales Críticos Claves Para El Desarrollo De Las Tecnologías Limpias

El nuevo mapa de los minerales críticos existentes en el territorio de Andalucía, el primero de estas características en España, ofrece una fotografía actualizada de las materias primas que resultan fundamentales en el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías limpias. La herramienta identifica en suelo andaluz zonas susceptibles de aprovechamiento de 17 sustancias consideradas estratégicas en ...
Evalúan La Vulnerabilidad Sísmica Urbana Mediante La Aplicación De Un Sistema De Información Geográfica

Evalúan La Vulnerabilidad Sísmica Urbana Mediante La Aplicación De Un Sistema De Información Geográfica

El proyecto se orienta a establecer un instrumento de gestión y planificación territorial que pueda ser traducido a una herramienta de política pública, a través de un modelo de zonificación del área urbana del Dpto. Caucete y sus alrededores. Haciendo énfasis en una mirada integral, y sin perder de vista las particularidades que pueden presentar ...
New Story Map Uncovers The Natural Beauty Of Cleethorpes Saltmars

New Story Map Uncovers The Natural Beauty Of Cleethorpes Saltmarsh

Like the Amazon, Cleethorpes Saltmarsh is a spectacular landscape that supports a rich variety of plants, birds and other creatures. It also captures and stores polluting carbon dioxide – more so than an area of rainforest the same size. North East Lincolnshire Council has created a new immersive story map to tell the remarkable story ...
Satellite Spots Glowing Lava Inside Erupting Hawaiian Volcan

Satellite Spots Glowing Lava Inside Erupting Hawaiian Volcano

Lava and smoke shine brightly in a fresh satellite image of an erupting Hawaiian volcano. Kilauea, based on Hawaii’s Big Island nearby the volcano Mauna Loa, has been erupting again since Jan. 5 and its fresh activity glows in a Landsat 8 satellite image taken on Jan. 11. Activity extending from September 2021 to December ...

Progetto CARG Di ISPRA: Nuove Risorse A Disposizione Per La Carta Geologica Ufficiale Del Territorio Italiano

Con la Legge di Bilancio 2023 sono state assegnate risorse, al Dipartimento per il servizio geologico d’Italia dell’Istituto superiore per la protezione e la ricerca ambientale (ISPRA), per il completamento della Carta geologica d’Italia (CARG). In particolare, è autorizzata a favore del medesimo Istituto la spesa di 6 milioni di euro per ciascuno degli anni ...

KOC Project To Implement GIS System For Map Charting

Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) is enhancing the quality and accuracy of the data used for daily planning to support production operations and the decision-making process for the implementation of current and future projects. This was done by contracting with one of the international companies specialized in this field. This project, for the first time since ...
Satellite Imagery Could Improve Fossil-hunting At Remote Sites

Satellite Imagery Could Improve Fossil-hunting At Remote Sites

Satellite imagery could help paleontologists spot promising fossil sites before trekking into remote places. New research from the lab of UO paleontologist Edward Davis in the Department of Earth Sciences shows that satellite data can reveal large individual fossils from the air, allowing field researchers to embark on more targeted searches on the ground. Their ...

Hexagon And OSASI Technos Partner To Develop Disaster Management And Prediction Solutions

Hexagon’s Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial division and OSASI Technos Inc. have announced a partnership to deliver next-generation disaster management and monitoring solutions. Using 3D visualization capabilities, governments will be able detect, predict and simulate impending disasters, enabling them to better plan for and respond to impending disasters, enabling them to better plan for and respond ...
Tsunami Warning Systems Improved Using Signals From Earth’s Ionosphere

Tsunami Warning Systems Improved Using Signals From Earth’s Ionosphere

The study, ‘Spectral Characteristics of Ionospheric Disturbances Over the Southwestern Pacific From the 15 January 2022 Tonga Eruption and Tsunami,’ explores how evidence from the ionosphere explains why the tsunami grew larger and travelled faster than tsunami forecasts predicted. Due to tsunamis being an extremely rare natural disaster, current tsunami warning systems are far from ...

All Seismic Faults In One Digital Map

The Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration (HSGME) is working on a digital map that will provide details on the locations, characteristics and potential seismicity of the country’s fault lines. The database will also be enriched with input from all the other specialized agencies and will be open to the public and not just ...
City Sprawl Responsible For Acceleration Of Deep Landslide Movement, Finds Study

City Sprawl Responsible For Acceleration Of Deep Landslide Movement, Finds Study

An international team of researchers has found that an acceleration in movement of a deep landslide beneath the city of Bukavu, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is due to city sprawl, not natural forces. In their study, published in the journal Nature Geoscience, the group analyzed satellite imagery and aerial photographs of the ...

Dissesto Idrogeologico: Nuovi Modelli Prevedono L’impatto Delle Colate

Un team di ricercatori dell’ENEA ha sviluppato un nuovo approccio per prevedere l’area di propagazione e l’intensità delle colate rapide, un particolare tipo di frane veloci altamente distruttivo, e sta testando nuove metodologie per stimarne le soglie di innesco in base al contenuto di acqua dei terreni di copertura. Le innovazioni volte al la produzione ...
Researchers Find ‘Significant Rates’ Of Sinking Ground In Houston Suburbs

Researchers Find ‘Significant Rates’ Of Sinking Ground In Houston Suburbs

An analysis of thousands of water and oil wells in the Houston metro area has uncovered significant rates of subsidence, or gradual sinking of the ground, in some of the region’s fast-growing suburbs that have not been previously reported. Shuhab Khan, professor of geology at the University of Houston, led the study published in the ...

New Geological Map Of Offshore Anglesey Released

The British Geological Survey (BGS) has released a new fine-scale digital map featuring the seabed geology of offshore Anglesey. The island (in Welsh known as Ynys Môn) follows the Bristol Channel as the second in a series of new fine-scale maps that contain combined bedrock, sediment, bedrock structure and seabed geomorphology data. The maps are ...
NASA, USGS Map Minerals To Understand Earth Makeup, Climate Change

NASA, USGS Map Minerals To Understand Earth Makeup, Climate Change

NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) will map portions of the southwest United States for critical minerals using advanced airborne imaging. Hyperspectral data from hundreds of wavelengths of reflected light can provide new information about Earth’s surface and atmosphere to help scientists understand Earth’s geology and biology, as well as the effects of climate ...

إطلاق خريطة الثروات المعدنية ومناطق استكشاف البترول والغاز في الأردن

أطلق وزير الطاقة والثروة المعدنية، صالح الخرابشة، الاثنين، خريطة تفاعلية لتسويق قطاعي (الثروات المعدنية والتنقيب عن البترول والغاز). وقال الخرابشة، إنّ الخريطة تعرض التوزيع الجغرافي والمعلومات الفنية للفرص الاستثمارية المتاحة في القطاعين، بالإضافة إلى أن الخريطة توفر موقعاً متكاملاً لتوجيه المستثمر في البحث عن خيارات مختلفة في قطاع التعدين توفيرا للجهد والوقت في الوصول إلى ...
ESA Makes Ground Motion Data Freely Accessible

ESA Makes Ground Motion Data Freely Accessible

thanks to Europe’s environmental Copernicus program and the Sentinel-1 radar satellite mission, the first Europe-wide subsidence and soil movement analysis service is available to the public. The new European Ground Motion Service, the latest offering of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service and implemented by the European Environment Agency, provides free and accessible ground motion data ...
Mapping A Volcanic Eruption In The Backyard Of Iceland’s Capital

Mapping A Volcanic Eruption In The Backyard Of Iceland’s Capital

On 19 March 2021, the volcano Fagradalsfjall began to erupt, suggesting that volcanoes on Iceland’s Reykjanes Peninsula had awakened from an 800-year slumber. Although most volcanism in Iceland occurs in regions far from population centers, eruptions on the Reykjanes Peninsula can threaten residents. Pedersen and a team of scientists came together to create maps to ...

Geoscienze E Idrogeologia A Convegno Dal 5 Al 7 Settembre 2022 A Fondi (LT)

Il XVI Convegno Nazionale delle Sezioni “GIT – Geosciences and Information Technologies” e “SI – Sezione di Idrogeologia” della Società Geologica Italiana si svolgerà dal 05 al 07 settembre 2022, presso il Palazzo Caetani, nel Comune di Fondi (Lt). I giorni 5 e 6 settembre saranno dedicati alle sessioni scientifiche (orali e poster) e ai ...