

Pesquisa Identifica Locais Com Maior Risco De Inundação

Pesquisa Identifica Locais Com Maior Risco De Inundação

Uma combinação de modelos de previsão de expansão urbana e de mudança do uso do solo e hidrodinâmicos resultou em uma metodologia capaz de fornecer informações geográficas que identificam os locais com maior risco de inundações em cidades, inclusive as provocadas por chuvas extremas. O estudo é pioneiro e foi realizado com base em dados ...
디지털 트윈·AI 기반 도시침수 예보·신속 대응체계 구축

디지털 트윈·AI 기반 도시침수 예보·신속 대응체계 구축

과학기술정보통신부와 환경부는 광주광역시, 경상북도, 경상남도와 가상모형(디지털 트윈), 인공지능(AI) 등 첨단 디지털 기술을 활용한 도시침수 예보체계 구축을 위해 12일 한강홍수통제소(서울 서초구 소재)에서 업무협약을 체결했다. 가상모형(Digital Twin)은 가상세계(Digital)에 실제 사물의 물리적 특징을 동일하게 반영한 쌍둥이(Twin)를 3D 모델로 구현하고, 실제 사물과 실시간으로 동기화한 시뮬레이션을 거쳐 관제·분석·예측 등 해당 사물에 대한 현실 의사결정에 활용하는 기술이다.

Dynamische 3D-visualisierung Der Wasserspiegellagen

Das Tiefbau- und Vermessungsamt der Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden, Abteilung Stadtvermessung, hat in enger Abstimmung mit der Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde (BfG) realisieren können, dass die Wasserspiegellagen für den Rhein und der Mainmündung für den Bereich Wiesbaden dreidimensional (3D) visualisiert werden. Diese waren beim BfG nur zweidimensional für Jedermann abrufbar. Mithilfe dieser Anwendung ist eine Ersteinschätzung bei verschiedenen ...
FutureTales LAB And ESRI Set Up “Urban Hazard Studio” Data Hub

FutureTales LAB And ESRI Set Up “Urban Hazard Studio” Data Hub

FutureTales LAB by MQDC, a futurology research centre, is collaborating with ESRI (Thailand), a leader in location intelligence and geo-informatics with ArcGIS software, to set up the “Urban Hazard Studio” data hub to study Greater Bangkok’s flood risks. The hub will analyse, evaluate, and share information to alert people and society so all sectors prepare ...
Techos Verdes Reducirían Impacto De Las Inundaciones En Manizale

Techos Verdes Reducirían Impacto De Las Inundaciones En Manizales

Aunque para drenar las aguas lluvias, las ciudades disponen de sistemas de alcantarillado, en épocas como la actual, donde el Fenómeno de La Niña ha incrementado el porcentaje de estas, las inundaciones aumentan su frecuencia y magnitud. Otro aspecto que influye en esta problemática es el aumento de la impermeabilización del suelo vinculado al proceso ...

Intermap Announces New Flood Modelling Initiative In Thailand

Intermap Technologies announced the development of a flood modelling initiative and enhanced Digital Elevation Model (DEM) datasets in Thailand. Using a combination of satellite imagery, radar data and ancillary inputs, Intermap will create an extensive, detailed flood map and precision elevation model for the greater Bangkok area. Bangkok itself is sinking due to urban development ...

Previsico Leverages Next-gen Satellite To Enhance Flood Alerts

Live flood alert InsurTech platform Previsico has partnered with the new €4.3bn Meteosat Third Generation satellite system. This new system will allow Previsico to be more accurate and timelier with flood warnings, providing insurers and property owners with more time to mitigate flood impacts. The first satellite of the new generation was launched on 13 ...
Ferramenta Desenvolvida Pelo Cemaden E O Programa Servir-amazonia Prevê Inundações Com Antecedência

Ferramenta Desenvolvida Pelo Cemaden E O Programa Servir-amazonia Prevê Inundações Com Antecedência

Com a cooperação técnica firmada há um ano entre o Cemaden/MCTI, a Aliança Bioversity-CIAT e o Programa Servir-Amazonia (do Programa Servir-Global), as instituições vêm desenvolvendo os serviços de informação para o monitoramento hidrometeorológico, modelagem de inundações e deslizamentos de terra e lançaram a ferramenta Hydroview para previsão de inundações no Brasil. O lançamento do serviço ...

¡Con Tecnología De La NASA! Plataforma De Senamhi Permitirá Mejorar Pronóstico De Inundaciones

El Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú (Senamhi) anunció el lanzamiento de Senamhi GEOGloWS, una plataforma que cuenta con tecnología de la Administración Nacional de Aeronáutica y del Espacio (NASA). Con los datos obtenidos se espera optimizar el pronóstico de inundaciones a nivel nacional. Este nuevo sistema ha sido personalizado con las condiciones ...
New EWG Research Finds Many North Carolina Factory Farms Are At Risk Of Flooding

New EWG Research Finds Many North Carolina Factory Farms Are At Risk Of Flooding

A new Environmental Working Group geospatial analysis finds over 2 percent of North Carolina’s 7,352 swine and poultry factory farms are in or just outside floodplains. When these farms flood, they can contaminate water with bacteria and other health hazards. “The 156 factory farms we found in and near North Carolina’s floodplains are at a ...

Using Satellites For Faster Flood Information

Researchers at The University of Queensland have used satellites with radar imaging sensors to see through clouds and map flooding and say the technique could provide faster, more detailed information to keep communities safe. Professor Noam Levin from UQ’s School of Earth and Environmental Sciences said the project combined images from optical satellites with information ...
Google Expands AI-powered Flood Detection And Wildfire Systems

Google Expands AI-powered Flood Detection And Wildfire Systems

For the last several years, Google has been using artificial intelligence to develop a system that can predict floods. It has also been working on wildfire tracking tools. Ahead of the COP27 climate conference taking place next week, the company announced that it is expanding those tools. First, Google says it will offer flood forecasts ...

Digital Solutions Help Rural Pakistan

As flash floods recede in Pakistan, the country welcomes the first smart IoT (Internet of Things) farm in Rawalpindi. Satellite navigation autopilot, robotic fertiliser applicator, agricultural UAV, climate and soil monitoring stations, solar-powered water pump…the deluge-ravaged land is recovering by virtue of digital solutions. “This is just a beginning,” Liu Yang Sloan, Secretary General of ...
KT-이지스, 3D 디지털 트윈 플랫폼 서비스 구축 협력

KT-이지스, 3D 디지털 트윈 플랫폼 서비스 구축 협력

KT 는 이지스와 3D 지도·공간정보를 바탕으로 일조권 변화·침수 예측 등 모의시험이 가능한 ‘디지털 트윈 플랫폼 서비스’를 공동 구축하는 데 협력하는 업무협약(MOU)을 맺었다고 26일 밝혔다. KT는 자사 클라우드 게임서비스 ‘게임박스’에 쓰이는 차세대 게임스트리밍 솔루션으로 디지털 트윈 플랫폼을 제공하고 있다. 디지털트윈은 현실의 사물이나 시스템 등을 가상공간에 같은 크기로 만들어 시뮬레이션하는 기술이다. 이지스는 자체 지리정보시스템(GIS) 엔진 기술로 3D ...

Neues Forschungsprojekt: Warnsystem Für Gefährliche Starkregen Und Sturzfluten

In den vergangenen Jahren gab es in Deutschland immer wieder Sturzfluten mit zum Teil verheerenden Auswirkungen. Ausgelöst wurden sie durch lokalen Starkregen. Eine Warnung vor solchen Ereignissen ist bisher oft nicht möglich, weil ihre Entstehung kompliziert ist und sie meist schnell und räumlich stark begrenzt auftreten. Ein neues Forschungsprojekt soll diese Lücke im Warnsystem schließen. ...

Historical Flooding Data Added To FVRD Emergency Map Tool

The Fraser Valley Regional District has updated its emergency map with historic flood markers. The updated FVRD Emergency Status Map was made available this month, just as those living and working near the Fraser River and its tributaries have been keeping a close eye on the spring freshet. It can be used to view important ...
Argentina Y Japón Desarrollan Sistema De Alerta De Inundaciones Urbanas Repentinas

Argentina Y Japón Desarrollan Sistema De Alerta De Inundaciones Urbanas Repentinas

La directora del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional, Celeste Saulo, encabezó el evento en el Edificio Libertador con la presencia del Embajador de Japón en Argentina, Takahiro Nakamae. El Proyecto Pronóstico y Alerta de Eventos de Inundaciones Repentinas (PREVENIR) es una una iniciativa de investigación conjunta la Agencia de Cooperación Internacional del Japón (JICA), la Agencia de ...
Lidar Data Collected By Woolpert For USGS Helps Prioritize Flood Risk, Speed Recovery At Yellowstone

Lidar Data Collected By Woolpert For USGS Helps Prioritize Flood Risk, Speed Recovery At Yellowstone

In June, days of heavy rains and snowmelt led to the flooding of Yellowstone River and rivers in other parts of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho, causing what the U.S. Geological Survey referred to as a “1 in 500-year event.” The flooding destroyed bridges, swept away roads, spurred mudslides, led to the evacuation of more than ...
Mumbai Turns To Twitter For Help Mapping India's Monsoon Floods

Mumbai Turns To Twitter For Help Mapping India’s Monsoon Floods

This year, a research institute hopes social media can play a more practical role – asking residents to tweet details about floods in their neighbourhoods and using the data to issue geographically specific flood alerts in real-time. Around the world in countries including Australia and Indonesia, climate researchers are increasingly using data gathered via social ...
New Interactive Climate Map Shows Impact Of Heat, Flooding In Fairfax County

New Interactive Climate Map Shows Impact Of Heat, Flooding In Fairfax County

As Fairfax County finalizes its first-ever plan to address the future effects of climate change, community members can see how the phenomenon already affects them with a newly released interactive map. Launched last week, the climate map depicts heat and flooding data that can be viewed in conjunction with maps of the county’s population and ...