

Open-Source Online Tool To Optimize Wind-Solar Projects

Scientists At The University Of Murcia Have Developed Climax, An Open-source Tool That Uses The Synergy Between Wind And PV To Reduce The Variability Of Their Combined Production. Climax Identifies Regions With Consistent Temporal Resource Variability And Determines The Optimal Allocation Of Each Technology In Those Regions. The researchers have developed an approach that goes ...
Mapping The Solar Transformation In Budapest

Mapping The Solar Transformation In Budapest

The city’s municipality has created an online solar map which provides the first ever estimation of the solar possibilities for every rooftop in Budapest. Using the solar map as its first step, the ultimate goal of the project is to increase the use of solar energy across the city, leading to greater production of clean ...
A New State Study Shows Where Solar Is Most Suitable In Mass. — Including Your Home

A New State Study Shows Where Solar Is Most Suitable In Mass. — Including Your Home

For Massachusetts to meet it ambitious clean energy goals, the state needs to build between 25 and 35 gigawatts of solar capacity by 2050. Currently, there are about 3 gigawatts installed — so it’s a tall order. But according to a new study from the state’s Department of Energy Resources, there’s more than enough suitable ...
ENEA Mappa L’agrivoltaico Italiano

ENEA Mappa L’agrivoltaico Italiano

ENEA ha realizzato una mappa del potenziale agrivoltaico nazionale su scala regionale in grado di supportare le PA nella pianificazione dello sviluppo del settore. Elaborata da un team di ricercatori del Centro Ricerche ENEA di Portici su criteri di minimizzazione dell’uso del suolo e ottimizzazione della produzione energetica e agricola, la mappa è ora in ...

The Institute Of Geosciences And Georesources Of The National Resource Council Has Published An Update Of Geothopica

The Institute Of Geosciences And Georesources Of The National Resource Council Has Published An Update Of Geothopica – Italy’s National Geothermal Data Platform. The updated version of GeoThopica, which was originally created in 2007 by CNR-IGG, benefits from the BNDG currently containing about twice the data compared to when it was originally created. The most ...
한전, '전력정보 에너지맵'구축…전력 사용량·재생에너지 현황 '한눈에'

한전, ‘전력정보 에너지맵’구축…전력 사용량·재생에너지 현황 ‘한눈에’

한국전력공사(이하·한전)는 전력데이터를 활용해 지역별 전력사용량과 재생에너지 보급현황 등 전력분야에 특화된 공간정보를 제공하는 ‘전력정보 에너지맵’을 구축하고 21일 부터 누구나 사용할 수 있도록 공개했다고 23일 밝혔다. ‘전력정보 에너지맵’은 한전의 전력 데이터 및 공공·민간 데이터를 가공·융합해, GIS(지리정보시스템) 기반의 다양한 공간정보를 제공하기 위해 구축됐다. 이는 전국을 최대 약 1000만개의 격자로 분할하고 전력 데이터 및 다양한 데이터를 집약한 후 가공·융합한 정보를 지도에 ...
رصد خانه شبکه برق تهران رونمایی شد

رصد خانه شبکه برق تهران رونمایی شد

بهره برداری از دو طرح مهم در حوزه «پایش و کنترل رفتار مصرفی شهروندان تهرانی» و «راهبری و پایش هوشمند شبکه برق مشترکان شهر تهران» طی مراسمی با حضور وزیر نیرو در شرکت توزیع نیروی برق تهران بزرگ آغاز شد. رصد‌خانه شبکه برق و انرژی شرکت توزیع نیروی برق شهر تهران یکی از این دو ...
Lancement Du Portail Cartographique Des Énergies Renouvelables

Lancement Du Portail Cartographique Des Énergies Renouvelables

Afin de permettre aux élus de mener à bien cet exercice, et dans l’objectif de rendre accessible au public l’ensemble des informations relatives aux énergies renouvelables, le ministère de la Transition énergétique, le Cerema et l’Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (IGN) mettent en ligne un portail cartographique. Le portail cartographique a vocation à ...
کنفرانس ملی سیستم اطلاعات مکانی در صنعت آب و برق در واحد علوم و تحقیقات برگزار شد

کنفرانس ملی سیستم اطلاعات مکانی در صنعت آب و برق در واحد علوم و تحقیقات برگزار شد

هفتمین کنفرانس ملی سیستم اطلاعات مکانی (GIS)، به همت معاونت پژوهشی واحد علوم و تحقیقات، با همکاری وزارت نیرو و شرکت توزیع نیروی برق تهران بزرگ با هدف دستیابی به آخرین یافته‌های علمی و پژوهشیGIS در ایران و جهان و تبادل تجربیات حاصله در صنعت آب و برق کشور و با حضور جمعی از پژوهشگران، ...
Fotovoltaico Da ENEA Una Mappa Catastale Per Valutare Il Potenziale Di Ogni Città

Fotovoltaico: Da ENEA Una Mappa Catastale Per Valutare Il Potenziale Di Ogni Città

I ricercatori del Centro ENEA di Portici (Napoli), in collaborazione con l’Università Federico II, hanno messo a punto una mappa catastale che stima in modo accurato il potenziale di energia fotovoltaica producibile in città, tenendo conto di geometria degli edifici, aree verdi, inquinamento dell’aria e attività antropiche. Questo “catasto solare” è stato realizzato attraverso mappe ...
Per Migliorare La Produzione Del Fotovoltaico Sul Tetto Arriva Il Catasto Solare 3D Di ENEA

Per Migliorare La Produzione Del Fotovoltaico Sul Tetto Arriva Il Catasto Solare 3D Di ENEA

Un potenziale incredibile non sfruttato, è quello rappresentato dalle coperture degli edifici nelle città italiane. Installare il fotovoltaico sul tetto potrebbe contribuire significativamente alla produzione energetica nazionale fornendo addirittura tra i 70 e i 90 GW di potenza complessiva. Per calcolare il potenziale di energia fotovoltaica installabile sui tetti e su ogni superficie urbana idonea, ...
NOAA Making Vessel Traffic Data More Accessible To Public

NOAA Making Vessel Traffic Data More Accessible To Public

The Automatic Identification System that tracks vessel movements with transponders on ships has helped create an “AIS database of 30 billion-plus vessel locations has become the go-to resource for maritime planners and ocean geospatial tech experts,” according to a recent summary from NOAA. That data is a base for a NOAA website, . For ...

Vollautomatische Leitungsauskunft Bei Den Stadtwerken Waldkirchen

Die Stadtwerke Waldkirchen haben sich dem Infrest Leitungsauskunftsportal angeschlossen. Durch die direkte Anbindung an das unternehmenseigene Geoinformationssystem (GIS) können die über das Infrest-Portal eingehenden Leitungsanfragen vollautomatisch abgewickelt werden. Die über das Infrest Portal eingehenden Anfragen werden dabei über eine standardisierte WMS (WebMapService) Schnittstelle direkt in das Geoinformationssystem (GIS) der Stadtwerke weitergeleitet. Die dort automatisch erzeugten ...
How Just 1% Of Farmland Could Meet One Third Of Canada’s Energy Needs

How Just 1% Of Farmland Could Meet One Third Of Canada’s Energy Needs

Recent research into “agrivoltaics” — putting solar panels on a parcel of land that grows food — suggests that this isn’t always a dealbreaker. In fact, according to the paper, setting up certain types of solar panels alongside commercial plant crops can play a huge role in generating renewable energy in Canada. To study this, ...

Texas Energy Company Recieves GPS Signals From Vialite Communications

The IT systems at CenterPoint Energy, Texas-based energy company have been given a boost and are now receiving high accuracy GPS timing signals over fiber optic links from ViaLite Communications. The RF over fiber connections enable the essential timing and synchronization signals to be sent over long distances without experiencing the attenuation inherent with coaxial ...

SimActive Software Used To Accelerate Corridor Mapping

SimActive Inc., a world-leading developer of photogrammetry software, announces the use of its distributed processing capabilities by Sharper Shape to complete statewide utility corridor base maps. Last year, over eight million images were ingested in SimActive’s Correlator3D software to generate orthomosaics and colorized point clouds. Hosted on an Amazon cloud environment, Correlator3D allowed the acquisition ...

Dresden Maps All Roofs In The City, To See If They’re Suitable For Solar

Last week, local authorities in Dresden, Germany, unveiled several new digital tools that would greatly help the city’s private residents adopt solar energy. Officials published two interactive maps of the city, one 3D and one flat, to give people an overview of the suitability of their houses for roof or façade photovoltaics. The maps were ...
GIS Portal Enhances Collaboration For UK Nuclear Power Station

GIS Portal Enhances Collaboration For UK Nuclear Power Station

EDF, a French electric utility company, has partnered with Esri UK to implement an enterprise GIS for Hinkley Point C (HPC) nuclear power station, one of the largest and most complex construction projects in Europe. The GIS portal has enabled better collaboration and streamlined digital workflows by providing a central source of all spatial data, ...

Project InnerSpace Launches Collaboration For Global Heat Flow Mapping

Project InnerSpace has launched a two-year collaboration with the International Heat Flow Commission (IHFC) and the German Research Centre for Geoscience GFZ, Potsdam (GFZ) to accelerate the Global Heat Flow Database assessment for geothermal analyses. The effort, supported by a global team of scientists, is funded by a $700K Project InnerSpace grant and led by ...
New Tool Reveals Best Places For Clean Energy Developments In The US

New Tool Reveals Best Places For Clean Energy Developments In The US

Researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory have developed an interactive online mapping tool that can help identify areas across the United States that are suitable for wind, solar, and other clean energy infrastructure projects. First publicly launched in 2013 as the Energy Zones Mapping Tool (EZMT), the solution has been redesigned, rebranded as Geospatial Energy ...
El IDAE Publica El Mapa De Comunidades Energéticas Con Los Primeros 43 Proyecto

El IDAE Publica El Mapa De Comunidades Energéticas Con Los Primeros 43 Proyectos

La primera fase del mapa de comunidades energéticas del programa CE Implementa, con los primeros 43 proyectos, se ha publicado en el apartado de comunidades energéticas de la web del Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), dependiente del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (Miteco). El objetivo de ...

رونمایی از سامانه ژئوپورتالGIS  توزیع برق کشور

سامانه ژئوپورتال GIS توزیع برق کشور (ژئوتب)، با حضور معاون هماهنگی توزیع شرکت توانیر، مدیر کل دفتر هوشمندسازی و فناوری‌های نوین شرکت توانیر و مدیران عامل شرکت‌های توزیع نیروی برق کشور از طریق ویدئو کنفرانس، در شرکت توزیع نیروی برق استان تهران به بهره برداری رسید. “علیرضا دهقانی آرانی” سرپرست دفترGIS شرکت توزیع نیروی برق ...

Digitaler Zwilling Überwacht Energieverbrauch Von Gebäuden In Kaunas

CSCI wollte zwar auf 3D-Daten umsteigen, erkannte jedoch, dass viele verschiedene Anwendungen erforderlich wären, um all diese Funktionen inklusive der Gebäudeklima-Analysefunktion einzubauen. Dies würde möglicherweise auch Kompatibilitätsprobleme mit sich bringen. Das Team benötigte eine intuitive, einheitliche Plattform, um die Ziele für den digitalen Zwilling im städtischen Maßstab zu erreichen. CSCI kam nach Prüfung verschiedener Möglichkeiten ...
Thermographie Aérienne Des Toitures Garantir Le Respect De La Vie Privée Et Éviter Les Dérive

Thermographie Aérienne Des Toitures : Garantir Le Respect De La Vie Privée Et Éviter Les Dérives

Dès les données thermographiques récoltées et traitées, la volonté est de pouvoir proposer (gratuitement) aux citoyens les informations utiles permettant d’entreprendre des travaux d’isolation. Les communes concernées tout comme la province du Brabant wallon, peuvent aussi profiter de ces relevés pour améliorer la performance énergétique des bâtiments publics. Reste deux questions qui suscitent d’ailleurs de ...

Inside The Department Of Energy Project Using Drones To Map Radioactive Waste Storage Vaults

Flyability’s Elios 3 has successfully completed a 3D mapping operation of a radioactive waste storage vault following more than a year of preparation and research. The information obtained in the mapping project will prove crucial to planning the vault’s removal. This is thought to be the first time a drone has been deployed to enter ...

European Space Agency Backs Geospatial Project To Protect Utilities

MGISS, a UK geospatial company, aims to understand how satellite imagery can identify areas where developments could disrupt gas and water supply. The Interruption Prevention Alert Service project will use satellite data and services to automatically detect changes to the built environment in order to prevent outages in critical utilities. The company argued that a ...

A New Tool Helps Map Out Where To Develop Clean Energy Infrastructure

The Geospatial Energy Mapper (GEM) is a comprehensive, interactive online mapping tool that can help identify areas across the country that are suitable for wind, solar and more. First publicly launched in 2013 as the Energy Zones Mapping Tool (EZMT), GEM has been redesigned, rebranded and reengineered. GEM is hosted by the U.S. Department of ...
Mapa De Calor En España

Mapa De Calor En España

El Instituto para la Diversificación y el Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), entidad adscrita al Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITECO), ha publicado el mapa de calor de España. El mapa impulsará los proyectos de calefacción y refrigeración eficientes, desde el momento en que permite identificar las demandas térmicas de todos ...
GIS Energy Map For Resource And Infra Planning

GIS Energy Map For Resource And Infra Planning

The Geospatial Energy Map of India by the NITI Aayog, in collaboration with ISRO, identifies and locates all primary and secondary sources of energy along with their transportation and transmission networks. The idea is to develop a web-GIS-based information system for the visualisation of spatial and non-spatial data associated with conventional energy sources in India ...
Kieler Forschende Bauen Für Stadt Einmaliges 3-d-energiemodell - Um Sparpotential Aufzuzeigen

Kieler Forschende Bauen Für Stadt Einmaliges 3-d-energiemodell – Um Sparpotential Aufzuzeigen

Angesichts der aktuell befürchteten Energieknappheit im Wärmesektor diskutieren Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft intensiv über den Heizenergiebedarf und mögliche Einsparmaßnahmen für Industrie, Gewerbe und private Haushalte. Grundlage dafür ist eine belastbare Datenbasis. Genau daran arbeiten jetzt Forschende der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU) zusammen mit dem global tätigen Energie-Unternehmen Shell. Unterstützt werden sie dabei von dem Klimaschutzmanagement ...