

Saudi Arabia’s 1,200-Station Renewable Energy Mapping Project Aims To Accelerate Clean Power Goals

Saudi Arabia’s 1,200-Station Renewable Energy Mapping Project Aims To Accelerate Clean Power Goals

Saudi Arabia launched the Geographic Survey Project for Renewable Energy sites, according to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA). The Kingdom awarded contracts to Saudi companies to install 1,200 stations for measuring solar and wind energy across all regions of the country. Saudi Minister of Energy Prince AbdulAziz bin Salman bin AbdulAziz Al Saud stated that ...

Satelytics Uses AI-Powered Geospatial Analytics To Help Georgia Power With Shoreline Management

Satelytics, a company specializing in geospatial analytics, has announced a successful partnership with Georgia Power, the largest electric subsidiary of Southern Company. Using advanced AI-powered geospatial technology, Satelytics is aiding Georgia Power in monitoring lakes and reservoirs, which are crucial for the utility’s hydroelectric system that serves over 2.6 million residents in Georgia. Satelytics deployed ...
New US Map Shows The Abandoned Farms That Could Help Fight Climate Change

New US Map Shows The Abandoned Farms That Could Help Fight Climate Change

Farmland is often a battleground in the fight against climate change. Solar panels and energy crops are pitted against food production, while well-intended policy choices can create incentives for farmers to till up new lands, releasing even more heat-trapping gas into the atmosphere. That’s why strategies for sustainable plant-based fuels focus on marginal lands — ...
Urban Tree Canopy Affects How Heat Stress Impacts Residents

Urban Tree Canopy Affects How Heat Stress Impacts Residents

One natural strategy to reduce heat-related deaths is to increase tree coverage in urban areas, which helps lower temperatures. A recent study highlights the disparities in health and energy consumption across the United States, stemming from insufficient urban tree coverage. It also details the potential health and economic advantages that increased tree presence can offer ...

Solar Mapping Results In More Highways

Based in Atlanta, the Ray is a nonprofit that sets ambitious environmental goals. Primarily, it aims to build net-zero highways, beginning with an 18-mile stretch of Interstate-85 located in west Georgia. One of the ways it plans on doing so is with right-of-way solar panels, a means of generating solar power that is built upon ...
Satellite Imagery Used To Identify High-Voltage Power Line Faults

Satellite Imagery Used To Identify High-Voltage Power Line Faults

In a collaborative project between Spanish TSO Red Eléctrica, tech platform Elewit and satellite solutions developer Orbital EOS, the capability of satellite imagery analysis is being investigated as a means to identify breakdowns in high-voltage power lines and reduce asset service replacement times. The project’s proposal is to use very high-resolution satellite imagery from synthetic ...

Geospatial Mapping And AI To Help Tackle Energy Gap In Africa

Energy modellers and researchers have developed a geospatial mapping model they say can help address the electricity access gap in Africa. The model has been developed by the International Energy Agency (IEA), researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Massachusetts Amherst and Electricity Growth and Use In Developing Economies. By mapping which buildings are ...
Romania’s Energy Ministry Makes Map Of EV Charging Points Available

Romania’s Energy Ministry Makes Map Of EV Charging Points Available

A map with charging points for electric cars was recently unveiled by Romania’s Energy Ministry. The map is featured on the website of the institution, and was made in partnership with local authorities across the country. Romanian energy minister Sebastian Burduja said that the map is part of the EU-wide project of reaching 75 million ...
Online Map For Ground Mounted Solar Plants In China

Online Map For Ground Mounted Solar Plants In China

Scientists led by the China Agricultural University have created a national-scale map and dataset of ground-mounted PV power stations in China. The data is based on Sentinel-2 imagery from 2020 and has a spatial resolution of 10 meters. According to the researchers, the publicly available data set can assist capacity estimation and prediction tasks, site ...

Combining Big Data And Machine Learning To Predict Power Outages And Help Consumers Prepare

Unplanned power outages due to environmental conditions (wind, lightning, tree growth, etc.) leave those without power on their own, sometimes for long periods of time. Utility companies lack the ability to predict when forced outages will occur, so no mitigation measures targeting consumers are deployed ahead of time to reduce the impact of an outage. ...
Global Atlas For Pumped Hydro At Mining Sites

Global Atlas For Pumped Hydro At Mining Sites

Researchers at the Australian National University (ANU) have created a global atlas for potential pumped hydro storage sites located in former mining areas. “Mining sites can be shaped during the end stages of mining to form a pumped hydro reservoir,” the scientists explained, noting that mining sites are often located close to the power network ...
Wrocławskie Budynki Zeskanowane W Ramach Projektu NEEST

Wrocławskie Budynki Zeskanowane W Ramach Projektu NEEST

Ograniczanie zużycia energii i poprawa komfortu życia mieszkańców – to główne cele projektu NEEST, w którym bierze udział Wrocław. W ramach przedsięwzięcia trwa właśnie tworzenie modelu 3D zabudowy na obszarze między ul. Traugutta a Kościuszki. NEEST to unijny projekt badawczy, którego efektem mają być gotowe modele transformacji energetycznych budynków – nie tylko kamienic, ale również ...

The Impact Of Wildfire Smoke On Rooftop PV

Researchers from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia have investigated the effects of wildfires on the electricity production of rooftop PV systems and have concluded that residential solar arrays could be used for wildfire detection and monitoring, due to their sensitivity to smoke. In the study “Quantifying the impact of wildfire smoke ...

Cyfrowy Bliźniak Pomoże Ograniczyć Emisję Dwutlenku Węgla

Naukowcy z Instytutu Geodezji i Geoinformatyki UPWr pracują nad projektem DigiTwins4PEDs, który do modelowania aspektów energetycznych miast wykorzysta cyfrowego bliźniaka miasta. To krok w kierunku miast neutralnych pod względem emisji dwutlenku węgla i zrównoważonej przyszłości energetycznej. Badania finansuje Narodowe Centrum Nauki. Project „Utilisation of urban digital twins to co-create flexible positive energy systems for districts” ...
Investigadores De La UPCT Proponen Integrar Módulos Solares En Parcelas Agrícolas Del Mar Menor Para Reducir Uso De Agua Y Fertilizantes

Investigadores De La UPCT Proponen Integrar Módulos Solares En Parcelas Agrícolas Del Mar Menor Para Reducir Uso De Agua Y Fertilizantes

Un estudio realizado por investigadores del grupo Materiales Avanzados para la Producción y Almacenamiento de Energía de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT) muestran que se pueden evitar hasta 1377 toneladas/año de fertilizantes nitratos y se puede reducir el uso de agua hasta 27 Hm3/año, dependiendo del escenario seleccionado integrando módulos solares con tecnología fotovoltaica ...

Endesa Aplica La Inteligencia Artificial Para Crear “Gemelos Digitales” De Sus Centrales Hidroeléctricas

Endesa aplica la inteligencia artificial para crear “gemelos digitales” de sus centrales hidroeléctricas, lo que permite realizar visitas virtuales en 3D y elaborar diagnósticos preventivos sobre el funcionamiento de estas instalaciones fundamentales en el sistema energético. El primer piloto de gemelo digital para realizar visitas virtuales se lanzó en 2023 en la central hidroeléctrica de ...
Electricity Maps

Electricity Maps

A real time and historical visualisation of the Greenhouse Gas Intensity (in terms of CO2 equivalent) of electricity production and consumption around the world. This project aims to provide a free, open-source, and transparent visualisation of the carbon intensity of electricity consumption around the world.
Advocates Hope To Use Map, Grant To Reduce Conflict Over Solar, Wind Siting

Advocates Hope To Use Map, Grant To Reduce Conflict Over Solar, Wind Siting

As Indiana prepares to bring thousands of megawatts of utility-scale wind and solar energy online, environmentalists and educators hope to use new tools — mapping and grant-boosted education — to manage strife over where future projects go. “There is this (not-in-my-backyard)-ism out there. But it’s not necessarily because of wind and solar energy; it’s because ...

From Tracking Mosquitoes To Trees With Disease, GIS Works

From tracking disease in Ponderosa pines to managing mosquitoes, Geographic Information Systems are doing more and more to help utilities, government and scientists in the Flathead Valley. Flathead Electric Cooperative is using GIS to map vegetation along its powerlines, said Jake Harte, a data specialist with the Co-op during a talk last week that featured ...

Global Inventory Map Of Floating Photovoltaics

A group of researchers led by China’s Nanjing University has created a global-scale inventory map to determine the spatio-temporal distribution of floating photovoltaics. “Existing statistical reports on water-surface photovoltaics (WSPV) only provide aggregated summary statistics but lack spatiotemporal information, which hinders the environmental assessment and policy management,” the research’s lead author, Shanchuan Guo, told pv ...

Politechnika Lubelska Opracowuje Cyfrowego Bliźniaka Zamościa

Model cyfrowego bliźniaka Zamościa powstaje w ramach międzynarodowego projektu naukowego „Zero energy buildings for zero energy neighbourhoods ZEB4ZEN”. Jego budżet to ponad 2 miliony euro. Głównym celem przedsięwzięcia jest opracowanie ponadnarodowej metodologii i regionalnych planów działania, które pokażą, jak do roku 2050 przekształcić historyczne dzielnice miejskie w dzielnice o niemal zerowym zużyciu energii. „Miasta idealne” ...
Training Deep Machine Learning To Identify PV, Solar Thermal Systems In Aerial Images

Training Deep Machine Learning To Identify PV, Solar Thermal Systems In Aerial Images

A Swedish research group has found that using deep machine learning to identify solar energy systems in aerial images may not be so accurate in non-densely populated countries such as Sweden. They have also found, however, that this technique may be trained via an iterative process and achieve satisfying results. According to the research group, ...
DOE Unveils New Interactive Map Showcasing Clean Energy Investment Announcements Nationwide

DOE Unveils New Interactive Map Showcasing Clean Energy Investment Announcements Nationwide

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today released a new interactive map series showcasing, in localized detail, where clean energy investments are occurring across the United States thanks to President Biden’s Investing in America agenda. This new interactive tool will serve as a valuable resource for tracking the industrial revitalization happening across the country, fostered ...

Online Mapping Tool To Identify Policy-Suitable Land For Renewables

Researchers at the University of Strathclyde have created a new geospatial mapping tool that enables developers to identify land for renewable energy development that complies with both policy and technical requirements. Called Geospatial Opportunity Mapping (GOMap), the new tool is built on the available QGIS framework. “External plugins have been developed specifically for QGIS to ...
AI2 Researchers Introduce Satlas A New AI Platform For Exploring Global Geospatial Data Generated By Artificial Intelligence From Satellite Imagery

AI2 Researchers Introduce Satlas: A New AI Platform For Exploring Global Geospatial Data Generated By Artificial Intelligence From Satellite Imagery

Manual curation of geospatial data, especially in the realm of renewable energy infrastructure and natural resource monitoring, involves a thorough process of aggregating, cleaning, and correcting datasets from various sources, often across multiple countries. This challenge has hindered efforts in emissions reduction, disaster relief, urban planning, and more, where precise geospatial insights are paramount. While ...

Location Data Can Help Build The EV Chargepoint Network Of Tomorrow

The Geospatial Commission has today (30 August 2023) published a report to support local authorities to make decisions about where to install electric vehicle (EV) chargepoints in their areas. Location data can arm local authorities with evidence to rollout a public charging network that gives current and prospective EV owners the confidence to make their ...
Google Expands Environmental Mapping Tools

Google Expands Environmental Mapping Tools

Google is expanding its sustainability offerings with new products from its Google Maps platform, including mapping technologies for solar energy, air quality, and pollen distribution. The mapping tools use AI and machine learning paired with aerial imagery and environmental data to provide valuable information for developers, businesses, and organizations to track and mitigate their environmental ...
Austria Publishes Map Of Locations With Available Grid Capacity For PV

Austria Publishes Map Of Locations With Available Grid Capacity For PV

The Austrian government introduced the Electricity Industry and Organization Act (ElWOG) two years ago, leading to the creation of a map of locations with available grid capacity for solar. The ElWOG require grid operators to be transparent about grid-connection capacity. Oesterreich Energie will update the map on a quarterly basis, by using reports from Austrian ...

Nagaland: WRI India Launches Energy Access Explorer In State For Unserved And Underserved Communities

After Jharkhand and Assam, the World Resources Institute (WRI) India launched its flagship geospatial platform, energy access explorer or EAE, for Nagaland in Kohima on July 28. A WRI India official told this correspondent EAE is a geospatial platform that provides data on electricity, health, education and livelihood indicators in the regions that it serves ...
NETL CO2-locate Database To Enhance Carbon Capture And Storage Projects

NETL CO2-locate Database To Enhance Carbon Capture And Storage Projects

Creating a net-zero carbon emissions power sector and economy is an immense endeavor that requires a host of intricate technologies and applications, and the CO2-Locate database is a centralized platform that allows users to quickly and accurately obtain the data they need. Now published on the Energy Data eXchange® (EDX), CO2-Locate is one of several ...