
Disabled People

New GNSS-Based Aid For The Blind

A Danish company, NaviBlind ApS, develops products that help blind and visually impaired people get around outdoors, enabling them to orient themselves and navigate in new and changing urban environments. The NaviBlind solution comprises a smartphone application and a wearable GNSS device, which together eliminate some of the challenges around exploring and remembering new routes. ...
Près De 60 % Des Bâtiments Cartographiés Dans Le Cadre De La Plus Grande Recherche Canadienne Sur L'accessibilité Ne Sont Pas Accessibles

Près De 60 % Des Bâtiments Cartographiés Dans Le Cadre De La Plus Grande Recherche Canadienne Sur L’accessibilité Ne Sont Pas Accessibles

Une nouvelle recherche publiée aujourd’hui par AccessNow, une entreprise de technologie de l’accessibilité, en collaboration avec l’Université de Calgary, Lésions médullaires Canada et BDO, révèle que près de 60 % des bâtiments cartographiés à Vancouver, Calgary et Ottawa ne sont pas entièrement accessibles et met en évidence les zones où les villes et les propriétaires ...
How This App Is Helping The Visually Impaired Navigate Around Airports

How This App Is Helping The Visually Impaired Navigate Around Airports

Ever wonder where you were at an airport or transit station and needed to find your gate or a restroom? GoodMaps, based out of Louisville, Kentucky, is working on an app to use your smartphone’s features to help you find your place. GoodMaps will come to a venue like an airport or a transit agency ...

Greenville Unveils Ambitious, One-of-a-kind Accessibility App To Help Everyone Navigate Downtown Areas

The city of Greenville has unveiled an ambitious, one-of-a-kind app to increase access for all. For the past two years, city staff has partnered with the Barbara Stone Foundation to create an accessibility app for downtown. ‘“Greenville has so much to offer,” said risk manager and ADA coordinator Mike Jank. “We want to make sure ...
Una Alumna De La Universidad De León Inventa La Pulsera Que Sustituirá Al Bastón De Los Discapacitados Visuales

Una Alumna De La Universidad De León Inventa La Pulsera Que Sustituirá Al Bastón De Los Discapacitados Visuales

Elsa Blanco Beausela, originaria de Palencia, cursa el grado de Biología en la Universidad de León. Su talento e innovación la llevaron a ganar el premio Talento Joven de la Asociación Activos y Felices, el cual será entregado en septiembre, en reconocimiento a su notable invento destinado a mejorar la vida de las personas ciegas. ...
Museum In Bayreuth Macht Kunst Für Blinde Sichtbar

Museum In Bayreuth Macht Kunst Für Blinde Sichtbar

In der kleinen Brautgasse, die direkt in den Bayreuther Marktplatz mündet, fliegt eine Drohne um eine mehr als zwei Meter hohe, schwarz-glänzende Bronze-Skulptur auf einem Sockel. Das Werk “Marsyas I” von Alfred Hrdlicka steht direkt am Eingang des Bayreuther Kunstmuseums und ist so etwas wie dessen Wahrzeichen. Marsyas entstammt der griechischen Mythologie, er forderte Apoll ...
New App Developed At NYU Tandon School Of Engineering Promises To Make Navigating Subway Stations Easier For People With Blindness And Low Vision

New App Developed At NYU Tandon School Of Engineering Promises To Make Navigating Subway Stations Easier For People With Blindness And Low Vision

A new trip-planning app has shown encouraging results in improving navigation inside subway stations, according to a study published in IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, promising the possibility of easier commutes for people who are blind and low-vision. Designed by researchers at NYU Tandon School of Engineering and NYU Grossman School ...
Warszawscy Studenci Stworzyli Aplikację, Która Ułatwi Poruszenie Się Po Mieście

Warszawscy Studenci Stworzyli Aplikację, Która Ułatwi Poruszenie Się Po Mieście

Aplikacja powstaje w ramach programu “smart city”. Jak opowiedzieli w trójce Gabriela Szewczuk i Bartosz Wiktorzak z Koła Naukowego z Wydziału Geodezji i Kartografii Politechniki Warszawskiej, pomysł na projekt pojawił się w ich głowach podczas podróży. – Byliśmy w Barcelonie. Podróżowaliśmy z osobą niepełnosprawną. Ogromny kłopot sprawiło nam wtedy znalezienie windy. Studenci stworzyli prototyp aplikacji. ...

인천시, ‘시민참여형 디지털트윈 데이터댐 구축’ 완료

인천시(시장 유정복)는 2022년 주민참여예산 협치형 특정의제로 추진한 ‘시민참여형 디지털트윈 데이터댐 구축사업’을 완료했다고 11일 밝혔다. 시가 추진 중인 지리정보체계(GIS) 기반 디지털트윈 행정을 위해서는 물리적 환경이 변화하는 만큼 도시정보를 지속적으로 갱신·관리해야 한다. 그러나 코로나19 및 디지털전환 가속화 시대에 비대면·데이터 분야 일자리 수요는 늘어나고 있지만 관련 인력은 부족한 상황이다. 이에 시는 전국 최초로 도시기초데이터 수집을 위해 사회참여가 저조한 ...
Aplicativo Cria Mapa Sensorial De Obras De Arte Para Pessoas Com Deficiência Visual

Aplicativo Cria Mapa Sensorial De Obras De Arte Para Pessoas Com Deficiência Visual

Pensando em dar voz a pessoas com algum tipo de deficiência visual e sensibilizar a sociedade sobre sua complexa relação com o espaço público urbano, a plataforma BlindWiki, criada pelo artista espanhol Antoni Abad, chega ao Brasil para gerar novas experiências a esse público. No jardim de esculturas do MAM, no Memorial da América Latina ...
This Smartphone App Can Help Blind People Navigate More Trains And Buses. Here's How

This Smartphone App Can Help Blind People Navigate More Trains And Buses. Here’s How

An app designed to help visually impaired or blind pedestrians use public transit debuted at a Washington subway station in May. Waymap aims to expand travel options for blind and visually impaired people with step-by-step audio directions that it says are accurate up to 3 feet (0.9 meter) throughout a trip. The app does not ...