
Digital Twin

ISDE 23 Στην Αθήνα Το 13ο Διεθνές Συμπόσιο Για Την Ψηφιακή Γη

ISDE 23: Στην Αθήνα Το 13ο Διεθνές Συμπόσιο Για Την Ψηφιακή Γη

Στην Αθήνα θα πραγματοποιηθεί από τις 11 έως τις 14 Ιουλίου 2023 και συγκεκριμένα στο Χαροκόπειο Πανεπιστήμιο το 13ο Διεθνές Συμπόσιο για την Ψηφιακή Γη – ISDE 2023. Το ISDE είναι το ετήσιο συνέδριο της Διεθνούς Εταιρείας για την Ψηφιακή Γη, στο οποίο διερευνάται το ερώτημα πώς η ψηφιακή τεχνολογία μπορεί να συμβάλει στην προστασία ...

Spotnik Launches Smart City Studio Pro

Spotnik Technologies, a Nikai Group company in the UAE, has created an enterprise-grade business support solution that is the latest advancement in productivity and efficiency solutions for smart cities and digital twins. The software toolkit allows users to play with data models, geospatial localizations, and 3D environmental features which will help businesses and governments make ...
Stadt Forchheim Ist „Smart-City“!

Stadt Forchheim Ist „Smart-City“!

Erfahren Sie Geoinformationen als digitales Erlebnis! Die Stadt Forchheim bietet ab sofort den „Digitalen Zwilling“ an. Ein geografisches Informationssystem (GIS) – dessen Daten zum Teil auch zur allgemeinen Nutzung (Bürger-GIS) zur Verfügung stehen – ist ein System zur Erfassung, Bearbeitung, Auswertung und Präsentation von Daten mit geografischen oder räumlichen Informationen. Über ein Jahr hat das ...
China Delivers 1st 'Floating Oil Factory' With Digital Twin Technology

China Delivers 1st ‘Floating Oil Factory’ With Digital Twin Technology

China has delivered its first “floating oil factory” with land-sea integrated operation system, marking a new breakthrough in the country’s application of the digital twin technology. Haiyang Shiyou 123 (Offshore Oil 123) ship is a floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit that can process oil and gas on the sea, saving the process of ...

Indonesia’s New Capital City To Meet Smart City Technology

The Indonesian government has begun its new capital relocation to Nusantara. Cabinet level-agency formed by the Indonesian government, working directly under the President of Indonesia, Nusantara National Capital Authority (NNCA), announced that the first phase of the capital’s construction will begin in the second quarter of this year. The development plan is expected to reach ...
산림청-한국국토정보공사, 산림공간 디지털플랫폼 구현 업무협약 체결

산림청-한국국토정보공사, 산림공간 디지털플랫폼 구현 업무협약 체결

산림청은 이번 업무협약을 계기로 디지털트윈 국토 플랫폼을 활용한 △탄소중립 달성을 위한 디지털 산림 플랫폼 구현 △산림공간 디지털플랫폼 추진전략 기술 지원 △산불·산사태 등 산림재난 대응과 산림 관리를 위한 디지털트윈·확장 가상세계(메타버스) 서비스모델 발굴 및 공동 활용 △디지털트윈 정보 교류·기술 협력·자문 등을 상호 협력해 나갈 예정이다. 또한, 디지털플랫폼 정부 실현 기조에 따라 현행 아날로그 행정체계를 디지털 산림 플랫폼을 ...
Enter The Orlandoverse Why The Florida City Built A 3D Map Of The Region

Enter The Orlandoverse: Why The Florida City Built A 3D Map Of The Region

The city of Orlando wants to remind people it has more to offer than theme parks and tourism with a virtual representation of 800 square miles of the city and its surrounding area designed to help establish the region as an emerging tech hub. City officials developed the 3D map in partnership with video game ...
Un ‘Gemelo Digital’ Permitirá Prevenir Inundaciones Y La Contaminación Del Mar Menor

Un ‘Gemelo Digital’ Permitirá Prevenir Inundaciones Y La Contaminación Del Mar Menor

La división de Seguridad, Infraestructuras y Geoespacial de la multinacional sueca Hexagon está trabajando con las autoridades españolas para proteger a los residentes y el medio ambiente a través de un gemelo digital del Campo de Cartagena. El gemelo digital permitirá al ministerio para la Transición Ecológica hacer comparaciones visuales de los cambios en el ...
3D-Modell Und Sensoren - Memmingen Digital

3D-Modell Und Sensoren – Memmingen Digital

Wieviele Fußgänger sind in Memmingen gerade in der Kramerstraße unterwegs? Wie ist die aktuelle Temperatur am Weinmarkt? Wie voll sind die Wertstoffcontainer am Westertor? Das alles messen neu installierte Sensoren – und ihr könnt diese Infos einfach online über den Digitalen Zwilling der Stadt Memmingen per Maus-Klick abrufen. Das Projekt ist jetzt auch dem Memminger ...
New Startup Nuview Targets Commercial Lidar Satellite Constellation

New Startup Nuview Targets Commercial Lidar Satellite Constellation

New geospatial satellite startup Nuview emerged from stealth mode on Thursday, with plans to build the first commercial LiDAR satellite constellation. A Nuview representative told Via Satellite the company aims to have a 20-satellite constellation, with tentative launch of the first satellites in 24 to 36 months. The company plans to launch satellites in groups ...

Sanborn, An Authority In 3D Models, Pioneers The Digital Twin Base Map

Developed by leading tech firm The Sanborn Map Company (Sanborn), this innovative technology sets a new standard for urban analysis, implementation of Digital Cities, navigation, and planning with a fundamental transformation from a 2D map environment to a 3D environment. Sanborn’s Digital Twin Base Map is a high-resolution 3D map providing reliable mapping information with ...

BISim And Blackshark.Ai Join Forces: A Major Step Toward The Military Metaverse

Bohemia Interactive Simulations (BISim), a leading global developer of military simulation and training software, is pleased to announce a partnership with, the developer of a 3D Digital Twin of Earth and a range of AI-based geospatial technologies. Together, they plan to deliver unprecedented realism in whole-Earth terrain generation through combing BISim’s Mantle ETM and ...
Digital Twin Technology Brings Pompeii To Life

Digital Twin Technology Brings Pompeii To Life

Researchers have been using GIS and 3D modelling techniques to create highly accurate maps of Pompeii. This has led to the development of a digital twin of the ancient Italian city, which was buried by ash from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. According to an article in Geosmart Magazine, a team of ...
디지털 트윈·AI 기반 도시침수 예보·신속 대응체계 구축

디지털 트윈·AI 기반 도시침수 예보·신속 대응체계 구축

과학기술정보통신부와 환경부는 광주광역시, 경상북도, 경상남도와 가상모형(디지털 트윈), 인공지능(AI) 등 첨단 디지털 기술을 활용한 도시침수 예보체계 구축을 위해 12일 한강홍수통제소(서울 서초구 소재)에서 업무협약을 체결했다. 가상모형(Digital Twin)은 가상세계(Digital)에 실제 사물의 물리적 특징을 동일하게 반영한 쌍둥이(Twin)를 3D 모델로 구현하고, 실제 사물과 실시간으로 동기화한 시뮬레이션을 거쳐 관제·분석·예측 등 해당 사물에 대한 현실 의사결정에 활용하는 기술이다.
서울시립대-이지스 “산학 협력, 디지털 트윈 이끈다”

서울시립대-이지스 “산학 협력, 디지털 트윈 이끈다”

3차원 지리공간정보(GIS) 전문기업 이지스(대표 김성호)는 서울시립대와 최근 본교 21세기관 회의실에서 ‘디지털트윈 클라우드 교육 서비스 협력’을 위한 계약을 맺었다고 27일 밝혔다. 이지스는 이번 계약을 통해 지리 공간정보 기반 디지털트윈 클라우드 구독서비스 30개 계정을 교육용으로 제공하기로 했다. 이와 함께 교육·기술적 지원도 제공할 예정이다. 특히 영상, 드론, 라이다, 센서 데이터, 2D·3D 공간정보, 다양한 속성정보 등을 클라우드 플랫폼 상에서 ...

Smart City. Uno Scanner Laser Per Costruire Il Gemello Digitale Di Milano, Al Via Fase Di Test

Uno scanner laser sul tetto di un veicolo del Comune che scatta fotografie ad alta frequenza per produrre una ricostruzione digitale del territorio. I milanesi e le milanesi lo vedranno circolare da oggi fino al 7 aprile in alcune zone della città, in particolare quelle interessate dai grandi cantieri (ad esempio le aree degli ex ...

Govern Impulsa ‘3dcarrers’ Para Crear Una Réplica Digital De Los Municipios

El Instituto Cartográfico y Geológico de Cataluña (ICGC), dependiente del Departamento de Territorio, impulsa el programa 3DCarrers para generar una réplica digital de las calles de los municipios catalanes, según ha informado esta mañana en un comunicado. Este programa facilitará a los técnicos el estudio de elementos como el arbolado que existe en un municipio, ...
Geo Connect Asia Returns To Accelerate The Region’s Geospatial And Location Intelligence Capabilities

Geo Connect Asia Returns To Accelerate The Region’s Geospatial And Location Intelligence Capabilities

Geo Connect Asia (GCA), Asia’s leading international geospatial industry event, is returning to Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Centre on 15th and 16th March 2023. In its third edition, fuelled by the growing support of a wide range of industry players, GCA 2023 will be held alongside Digital Construction Asia (DCA) 2023, and co-located ...
Presagis Unveils New V5D Plugin For Unreal Engine

Presagis Unveils New V5D Plugin For Unreal Engine

Presagis recently released the V5D Plugin for Unreal Engine, which lets users load GIS-generated V5D digital twins into Unreal Engine. This integration enables the creation of highly realistic visualizations and simulations of entire cities and countries, offering new possibilities for digital twin applications with unparalleled detail and accuracy.
Maxar Unveils 3D Digital Twin For VR And Simulation

Maxar Unveils 3D Digital Twin For VR And Simulation

Maxar Technologies and have collaborated to develop SYNTH3D, a synthetic 3D digital twin of the Earth’s surface that is highly compatible and visually pleasing for use in gaming, simulation, entertainment, virtual reality (VR), smart city, and metaverse applications. This high-performance 3D model, created using’s patented generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology and Maxar’s Vivid ...

Digitaler Zwilling Überwacht Energieverbrauch Von Gebäuden In Kaunas

CSCI wollte zwar auf 3D-Daten umsteigen, erkannte jedoch, dass viele verschiedene Anwendungen erforderlich wären, um all diese Funktionen inklusive der Gebäudeklima-Analysefunktion einzubauen. Dies würde möglicherweise auch Kompatibilitätsprobleme mit sich bringen. Das Team benötigte eine intuitive, einheitliche Plattform, um die Ziele für den digitalen Zwilling im städtischen Maßstab zu erreichen. CSCI kam nach Prüfung verschiedener Möglichkeiten ...

인천시, ‘시민참여형 디지털트윈 데이터댐 구축’ 완료

인천시(시장 유정복)는 2022년 주민참여예산 협치형 특정의제로 추진한 ‘시민참여형 디지털트윈 데이터댐 구축사업’을 완료했다고 11일 밝혔다. 시가 추진 중인 지리정보체계(GIS) 기반 디지털트윈 행정을 위해서는 물리적 환경이 변화하는 만큼 도시정보를 지속적으로 갱신·관리해야 한다. 그러나 코로나19 및 디지털전환 가속화 시대에 비대면·데이터 분야 일자리 수요는 늘어나고 있지만 관련 인력은 부족한 상황이다. 이에 시는 전국 최초로 도시기초데이터 수집을 위해 사회참여가 저조한 ...
제주도, 전국 최초 3차원 데이터 기반 스마트 소방 현장 대응 서비스 도

제주도, 전국 최초 3차원 데이터 기반 스마트 소방 현장 대응 서비스 도입

제주도는 지난 10일 각종 재난 현장 출동 시 신속한 대응과 소방대원 안전사고 예방을 위한 ‘현실 세계 대응 체계’를 구축하는 ‘3차원 데이터 기반 스마트 소방 현장 예방 대응 서비스’ 완료보고회를 개최했다. 이번 보고회에서는 화재 등 재난 발생 시 시설물 정보 부재와 기형적 건물 구조로 소방대원의 경험과 도면에 의존해야 하는 현장 대응의 어려움을 해소하고, 현실 세계를 반영한 ...

El Gemelo Digital De Galicia Permitirá La Gestión Y Planificación Inteligente Del Territorio

La Agencia para la Modernización Tecnológica de Galicia, junto con la Agencia Gallega de Desarrollo Rural y el Instituto de Estudios del Territorio desarrollarán la reproducción virtual de Galicia en forma de gemelo digital. Se trata de una iniciativa promovida por la Xunta de Galicia que forma parte de los 11 proyectos emblemáticos de transformación ...
Una Recreación Virtual De Galicia Permitirá Gestionar Datos Del Territorio Y Hacer Predicciones Y Simulaciones Con Inteligencia Artificial

Una Recreación Virtual De Galicia Permitirá Gestionar Datos Del Territorio Y Hacer Predicciones Y Simulaciones Con Inteligencia Artificial

Una recreación virtual de Galicia sobre una base cartográfica, datos reales procedentes de sensores y otras fuentes permitirá a las administraciones y empresas realizar simulaciones y pruebas y mejorar la prestación de servicios con el uso de tecnologías de Inteligencia artificial. La Axencia para a Modernización Tecnolóxica de Galicia, de la Consellería de Facenda e ...
Esri's GIS Helps Vodafone Create National Digital Twin

Esri’s GIS Helps Vodafone Create National Digital Twin

Vodafone has created a 3D digital twin of its UK mobile mast network to allow its engineers to visualise and strategise network improvements or expansion. It will allow them to make instant decisions to improve services to customers without leaving their desks. The digital twin involved mapping more than 40 million environmental features using advanced ...
Cantabria Crea Su Propio Gemelo Digital

Cantabria Crea Su Propio Gemelo Digital

Cantabria ya tiene un gemelo digital. El gobierno autónomo ha creado una réplica virtual de las 533.000 hectáreas que componen la comunidad, en el que se puede ver en 3D todo su territorio y edificios. En una alianza con el Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (CNIG), el Gobierno de Cantabria ha creado uno de los ...

NGIS And Google Earth Engine Work On Digital Twin

NGIS has collaborated with a range of organisations on the Australian Environmental Health (AusEnHealth) Strategic Planning Digital Twin project. The project aims to understand the landscape of environmental health data collection around the country. By 2030, the direct damage of costs to health is expected to be between $3 billion and $6 billion per year, ...

Hexagon And Fujitsu Support Stuttgart Urban Digital Twin Project

Hexagon’s Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial division and Fujitsu Limited have partnered to deliver a digital twin platform for Stuttgart, Germany, to support the city’s urban digital twin project. The Civil Engineering Office will use the SaaS solution to visualize and analyse data from IoT sensors across the city to promote sustainability and enhance quality of ...
Norway’s Answer To The Smart City Is A “Smart Forest”

Norway’s Answer To The Smart City Is A “Smart Forest”

Norwegian scientists are using mobile lidar to see how individual trees are connected with each other, to help innovate its forest sector and realize efficiency gains. Led by The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), the SFI SmartForest aims to bring industry 4.0 to the sector over an 8-year period. Focusing on silviculture, forest operations, ...