

New Space Companies Join Copernicus

With commercial companies playing an increasingly important role in creating a dynamic and innovative space industry, nine New Space satellite data suppliers have joined the Copernicus programme as ‘Contributing Missions’. Copernicus, now 25 years old, is the biggest environmental programme in the world, providing terabytes of free and open satellite data and information services to ...

ESPECIAL: Panamá Prevé Potenciación De Posibilidades Con “Hub” Digital Copernicus

La operación del “hub” (centro de conexiones) digital Copernicus en Panamá, mediante el cual la Unión Europea (UE) pone a disposición información de un conjunto de satélites para la observación de la Tierra, potenciará al país como un “hub” en diferentes campos, al aprovechar su estratégica posición geográfica en el istmo centroamericano. Representantes del gobierno ...

Il Contributo Delle Regioni Italiane Alla Creazione Del Dataset Paneuropeo Degli Edifici Nell’ambito Del Progetto CORDA

Nell’ambito della componente in-situ di Copernicus, il progetto “CORDA – Copernicus Reference Data Access” dell’EEA (European Environment Agency) ha l’obiettivo di migliorare l’accesso ai dati di riferimento nazionali e regionali, supportando il monitoraggio del territorio e i servizi di emergenza. A questo fine, CORDA raccoglie dataset di 39 Paesi e li rende disponibili in un ...
ESA Makes Ground Motion Data Freely Accessible

ESA Makes Ground Motion Data Freely Accessible

thanks to Europe’s environmental Copernicus program and the Sentinel-1 radar satellite mission, the first Europe-wide subsidence and soil movement analysis service is available to the public. The new European Ground Motion Service, the latest offering of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service and implemented by the European Environment Agency, provides free and accessible ground motion data ...

UE Asiste A España Y Otros Cuatro Países Afectados Por Incendios Forestales

La Unión Europea (UE) está facilitando apoyo a España, Portugal, Francia, Albania y Croacia para la extinción de los incendios forestales que sufren, informó este viernes un portavoz de la Comisión Europea. “A petición de Croacia y España, la Comisión ha facilitado imágenes de satélite gracias a Copernicus”, que ofrece mapas de evaluación de daños, ...
City Heat Extremes Captured By Instrument On The ISS

City Heat Extremes Captured By Instrument On The ISS

An instrument, carried on the International Space Station, has captured the recent land-surface temperature extremes for some European cities, including Milan, Paris and Prague. For ESA, this particular instrument, which is called ECOSTRESS and owned by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), is important because it is helping in the development of a new Copernicus Sentinel ...