
Climate Change

Mapping And AI Apps Suggest Ceasing Management Of Forests Not Enough To Offset Carbon Emissions

Mapping And AI Apps Suggest Ceasing Management Of Forests Not Enough To Offset Carbon Emissions

A team of atmospheric and climatic scientists from several institutions in Europe has found that even if all human management of forestry land stopped immediately, it would not be sufficient to offset global carbon emissions. In their study, reported in the journal Science, the group used mapping and AI applications to model how much forest ...

Permafrost Kartieren Und Klimavorhersagen Verbessern: „Undercovereisagenten“ Launchen Neue Mapping-app

Das Projekt UndercoverEisAgenten hat eine neue Mapping-Anwendung entwickelt, um dem auftauenden Permafrost auf die Spur zu kommen. Ab sofort können interessierte Bürgerforschende online direkt dazu beitragen, zuverlässige und aktuelle Daten über das Tauen der arktischen Permafrostlandschaften zu sammeln – und damit die Grundlage für Klimavorhersagen verbessern. Das Projekt UndercoverEisAgenten, eine Kooperation zwischen dem Heidelberg Institute ...
Deep Learning for the Earth Sciences

Deep Learning for the Earth Sciences: A Comprehensive Approach to Remote Sensing, Climate Science, and Geosciences

Deep learning is a fundamental technique in modern Artificial Intelligence and is being applied to disciplines across the scientific spectrum; earth science is no exception. Yet, the link between deep learning and Earth sciences has only recently entered academic curricula and thus has not yet proliferated. Deep Learning for the Earth Sciences delivers a unique ...
Earth’s Climate Is Changing. IBM’s New Geospatial Foundation Model Could Help Track And Adapt To A New Landscape

Earth’s Climate Is Changing. IBM’s New Geospatial Foundation Model Could Help Track And Adapt To A New Landscape

Nearly a quarter of the world’s population now lives in a flood zone, and that number is expected to climb as rising seas and heavier storms triggered by a changing climate put more people at risk. The ability to accurately map flooding events can be key to not only protecting people and property now but ...
El Primer Mapa De Riesgos Climáticos En Canarias Detalla Qué Municipios Sufrirán Más Los Efectos Del Calentamiento Global

El Primer Mapa De Riesgos Climáticos En Canarias Detalla Qué Municipios Sufrirán Más Los Efectos Del Calentamiento Global

El impacto de la crisis climática no será igual en toda Canarias. Nuevos datos difundidos por el Gobierno regional revelan que municipios como Pájara, en Fuerteventura, o Haría, en Lanzarote, sufrirán más los efectos del calentamiento global en sus costas que otras regiones del Archipiélago. Los resultados concluyen, de nuevo, que la dependencia del turismo ...
Carbon Brief Interactive Map

Carbon Brief Interactive Map

Carbon Brief reveals visually just how much the world’s most populous regions have been affected by extreme heat since 2013.
Hackathon Gathers Global Students To Tackle Social, Environmental Issues

Hackathon Gathers Global Students To Tackle Social, Environmental Issues

Nearly 150 students from around the world convened in person and virtually in March to take part in the Interplanetary Initiative pilot project SpaceHACK for Sustainability Hackathon at Arizona State University. Participants worked in teams to explore how satellite Earth observations and remote sensing technology from space can be used to better understand and address ...
New Study Finds Shifting Climate Regions Leading To Hotter, Drier Conditions Across Kenya

New Study Finds Shifting Climate Regions Leading To Hotter, Drier Conditions Across Kenya

Research published in Regional Environmental Change has shown that as climate zones shift toward hotter and drier conditions, ecological diversity will decline, posing a major threat to terrestrial ecosystems with far-reaching social and ecological impacts. The research team analyzed Kenya’s geographic distribution and arrangement of climate zones between 1980-2020. Over that time, tropical climate regions ...
Restoring Nature Can Lead To Fewer Road Repairs, Alberta Study Shows

Restoring Nature Can Lead To Fewer Road Repairs, Alberta Study Shows

‘Tis the season for flooding and road washouts. Not only can they create inconvenient, time-consuming detours and safety risks, but they’re also expensive to repair. And as climate change brings more extreme weather, including heavier rains, the cost of adapting infrastructure is expected to go up, along with the cost of repairing damage. But a ...
Neural Networks Map The Ebb And Flow Of Tiny Ponds

Neural Networks Map The Ebb And Flow Of Tiny Ponds

Small ponds emit a surprisingly large amount of methane compared with larger water bodies. Because ponds are so tiny, they have been difficult to track, and their contributions to terrestrial greenhouse gas emissions are largely unaccounted for. In a new study, Mullen et al. used deep learning to construct a fine-grained map of ponds in ...
Mapping Hidden Meltwater Paths In Glaciers

Mapping Hidden Meltwater Paths In Glaciers

Norwegian and Estonian researchers have developed a method to map hidden meltwater paths in glaciers. Having a better understanding of how water moves inside and under the glaciers helps to better predict the motion, melting rates, and possible sudden collapses of glaciers. The small floating drifters, about the shape, size, and weight of an average ...

Advanced Satellite Images Released To Public

The China National Space Administration published the first images taken by an advanced Chinese Earth-observation satellite on Tuesday afternoon. The 14 images were taken by the world-class apparatus on the Hyperspectral Multifunctional Observation Satellite, including a wide thermal infrared imager and an advanced hyper-spectral imager. They will help scientists track greenhouse gases such as nitrogen ...
Türkiye Maps Northwestern Forest Migration Amid Climate Change

Türkiye Maps Northwestern Forest Migration Amid Climate Change

Türkiye on Friday released a map of the projected distribution of trees and the migration of forests around the country’s internal Marmara Sea until the end of this century. The initiative was part of a project carried out to explore the potential of the northwestern forests in the Marmara region to adapt to climate change. ...

Mapping The Risks Of Isolation Due To Sea Level Rise Associated With Global Warming

A trio of environmental engineers, two with the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, the third with the University of Maryland, has developed a way to illustrate the impact of sea level rise isolation associated with global warming. In their paper published in Nature Climate Change, Tom Logan, M. J. Anderson and Allison Reilly describe ...

Neue Karte Zeigt Co2-ausstoss Aller Schweizer Gebäude

Auf dem Geoportal des Bundes ist eine neue Karte aufrufbar. Die Karte stellt für jedes Schweizer Wohngebäude dar, wie viel CO2 unter Normbedingungen ausgestossen wird. Dies teilt das Bundesamt für Umwelt (Bafu) mit. Mit einem interaktiven CO2-Rechner kann demnach zudem simuliert werden, wie sich ein Heizungswechsel und energetische Sanierungen auf den CO2-Ausstoss auswirken. Die Karte ...
From Tires To Brakes, U Of T Researchers Tackle ‘Non-tailpipe’ Air Pollution From Vehicles

From Tires To Brakes, U Of T Researchers Tackle ‘Non-tailpipe’ Air Pollution From Vehicles

While the push to mandate EVs aims to reduce tailpipe emissions such as carbon dioxide — the federal government has set a target of complete EV adoption by 2035 — swapping every vehicle on the road still won’t eliminate all the sources of air pollution that can impact human health. That’s because brake pads, rotors ...
Phone-based Measurements Provide Fast, Accurate Information About The Health Of Forests

Phone-based Measurements Provide Fast, Accurate Information About The Health Of Forests

The researchers, from the University of Cambridge, developed the algorithm, which gives an accurate measurement of tree diameter, an important measurement used by scientists to monitor forest health and levels of carbon sequestration. “When you’re trying to figure out how much carbon a forest is sequestering, these ground-based measurements are hugely valuable, but also time-consuming,” ...
Lakes Can Change How Glaciers Move

Lakes Can Change How Glaciers Move

At the feet of mountain glaciers, melting ice forms pools of water that can be trapped behind moraines. And with warming temperatures, these pools are surging in both size and number. In Alaska and northwestern Canada, 183 new lakes appeared between 1984 and 2019, covering 483 square kilometers (190 square miles). New research showed that ...
Tree Count In Africa Drylands Could Improve Conservation Study

Tree Count In Africa Drylands Could Improve Conservation: Study

A first count of trees in Africa’s drylands has enabled scientists to calculate how much carbon they store and could help devise better conservation strategies for the region and beyond, a study said Wednesday. The number of trees in the vast region—the count came to nearly 10 billion—has not been known up to now, and ...
New Technique Maps Large-scale Impacts Of Fire-induced Permafrost Thaw In Alaska

New Technique Maps Large-scale Impacts Of Fire-induced Permafrost Thaw In Alaska

Researchers from Florida Atlantic University, in collaboration with the United States Army Corps of Engineers Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory, and Alaska Ecoscience, systematically analyzed the effects of six large fires that have occurred since 2000 on the Tanana Flats lowland in interior Alaska on land cover change, vegetation dynamics, and terrain subsidence, or ...
Ominous Green Lasers Shot Over Hawaii Didn't Come From NASA Satellite After All

Ominous Green Lasers Shot Over Hawaii Didn’t Come From NASA Satellite After All

Above the islands of Hawaii on January 28, a green laser was seen piercing the night sky, silently tracing a path towards the horizon like a stutter in the Matrix’s code. The scene was caught on camera from a telescope atop Hawaii’s tallest peak. Originally, experts at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), which ...

Progetto C-farms: Parte La Fase Di Test Delle Pratiche Di Carbon Farming Nelle Aziende

Il progetto europeo Life C-FARMs è giunto alla fase di sperimentazione nelle aziende. Obiettivi di questo programma europeo, di cui Confagricoltura è partner, sono la realizzazione del Sistema Informativo Geospaziale Dimostrativo ad alta risoluzione (GIS-FARMs), che farà identificare il potenziale di mitigazione del settore agricolo della Regione selezionata, la Lombardia; lo sviluppo di un quadro ...

IBM, NASA Collaborate For Climate Change Research

IBM and NASA are collaborating for initiating improved climate change research. It was announced on February 1, that IBM is going to work together with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center to use artificial intelligence for climate change research in an effort to greatly improve research analysis of these large datasets. The aim is to make ...
Airborne Surveys Launched In Chile To Detect Sources Of Methan

Airborne Surveys Launched In Chile To Detect Sources Of Methane

Airborne surveys have been launched in Chile to detect sources of methane by Carbon Mapper, a California based nonprofit. This survey aims to point sources that potentially emit disproportionately high volumes of methane and therefore offer important mitigation opportunities. This survey kicks off a broader initiative to conduct airborne methane surveys in the Latin American ...
How Climate Change Is Impacting Galleries, Libraries, Archives And Museums

How Climate Change Is Impacting Galleries, Libraries, Archives And Museums

To further understand the impact of climate change on these cultural and information repositories, the Institute of Museum and Library Services based in Washington, D.C. has awarded a grant to LSU School of Library & Information Science Associate Professor Edward Benoit III and LSU Department of Geography & Anthropology Associate Professor Jill Trepanier with collaborator ...
Esri India Launches Carbon Footprint Awareness App

Esri India Launches Carbon Footprint Awareness App

Leading Geographic Information System (GIS) solutions provider Esri India announced on Tuesday the launch of an app in Hindi and English to enhance awareness about carbon footprint at an individual level. A simple to use app ‘Carbon Jagruk’ or ‘CarbonAware’ enables citizens to estimate and reduce their carbon footprint requires no login or download and ...

Au Rwanda, Un Nouvel Outil Cartographie La Teneur En CO2 Des Arbres

On connaît l’importance des écosystèmes forestiers pour séquestrer le carbone et lutter contre le dérèglement climatique. Mais la quantité de dioxyde de carbone que les arbres peuvent absorber reste difficile à évaluer de manière précise, ce qui entrave l’efficacité de mesures concrètes visant à limiter le réchauffement de la planète. Des chercheurs de l’université de ...

Coclico, El Proyecto Europeo Que Analiza Riesgos Costeros E Implementa Medidas De Adaptación Más Eficientes Y Sostenibles

IHCantabria, junto a otras diecisiete instituciones socias como Deltares (Países Bajos), Sayers and partners LLP (Reino Unido) o el Global Climate Forum EV (Alemania), está desarrollando el proyecto Coastal Climate Core Service (CoCliCo) financiado por la Comisión Europea en la convocatoria H2020 cuya duración se extenderá hasta 2026. La finalidad del proyecto, liderado por BRGM ...

The First Complete Picture Of Arctic Sea Ice Freeze-thaw Cycle Highlights Sea Ice Response To Climate Change

Years of research show that climate change signals are amplified in the Arctic, and that sea ice in this region is sensitive to increases in Arctic warming. Sea ice greatly modifies the exchanges of heat, momentum and mass between the atmosphere and the ocean. So, the timings of the sea ice melt and freeze onsets, ...
The Satellite Data Mapping Australia's New Climate Extremes

The Satellite Data Mapping Australia’s New Climate Extremes

For decades, satellites have been keeping a watchful eye on Earth, relaying increasingly precise, detailed and timelier information than ever before. Armed with the right mathematical tools, we can use this information to anticipate and mitigate climate extremes and associated hazards—from floods to landslides. So why isn’t this happening now? To harness its full potential, ...