

Wyoming Natural Diversity Database Debuts New Online Tool At UW

The Wyoming Natural Diversity Database (WYNDD) at the University of Wyoming will replace two of its most popular online data access tools with a new online tool. The WYNDD Data Explorer will combine and streamline the functionality of the two former tools. “This new web application allows users to view and download spatial data related ...
Better Synthesis Of Geospatial Data May Help Combat Poachers, Scientists Say

Better Synthesis Of Geospatial Data May Help Combat Poachers, Scientists Say

Poaching wild animals poses global environmental risks, from threatening the survival of keystones species to potentially spreading animal-borne diseases to humans. Technology like unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, can help combat poachers, but finding the best way to use the large amounts of geospatial data generated by these tools remains a challenge, according to Penn ...
New Wave Of Satellite Tech Can Help Protect Against Ocean Overfishing

New Wave Of Satellite Tech Can Help Protect Against Ocean Overfishing

Around one-third of fish stocks worldwide are overfished, while 20 percent of all seafood is obtained through illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing. Most such fishing, known as IUU, occurs on the high seas, where the governance of marine areas is tricky and their protection is virtually non-existent. IUU fishing vessels pursuing the largest profits often ...

Ruszyły Zapisy Na VIII Forum Biogis

Można już zapisywać się na VIII Forum BioGIS – System Informacji Przestrzennej w badaniach różnorodności biologicznej, które odbędzie się w dniach 29 – 30 listopada 2023 r. w Poznaniu. Forum BioGIS jest cykliczną imprezą o charakterze konferencji i warsztatów, której głównym celem jest wymiana doświadczeń między nauką i praktyką, a także popularyzacja wiedzy na temat ...
Bióloga Cria Aplicativo Para Mostrar Localização Dos Ipês Do DF

Bióloga Cria Aplicativo Para Mostrar Localização Dos Ipês Do DF

Este período do ano é considerado a época em que Brasília se pinta. As cores dos ipês se misturam ao azul do céu, ofuscam o verde das árvores e combatem o cinza da cidade. Talvez você nem tenha saído de casa, mas com certeza viu um nas redes sociais. Ao mesmo tempo em que brotam ...
Crean Un Mapa De Las Conexiones Que Realizan Las Cigüeñas Entre Vertederos Y Humedales

Crean Un Mapa De Las Conexiones Que Realizan Las Cigüeñas Entre Vertederos Y Humedales

Un equipo de investigación de la Estación Biológica de Doñana del CSIC, ubicado en el Parque Científico Tecnológico Cartuja (Sevilla), el Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos de Castilla la Mancha, el Instituto Max Planck de Comportamiento Animal y la Universidad de Konstanz de Alemania han desarrollado un mapa que cubre más de 1000 kilómetros ...

Studenci UMCS Stworzyli Aplikację Mapową O Grzybach W Polsce

Studenckie Koła Naukowe Geoinformatyków “GeoIT” oraz „Mikron” z UMCS stworzyły stronę internetową z aplikacją umożliwiającą szybkie przeglądanie różnych gatunków grzybów wraz z ich lokalizacją w polskich lasach. Na stronie znajdziemy informacje dotyczące konkretnych gatunków grzybów. Strona wraz z interaktywna mapą stworzona na platformie ArcGIS Online pozwala poszerzać świadomość na temat grzybów, odkrywać fascynujący świat organizmów ...

Largest Global Map Of Marine Life Protections Released

ProtectedSeas Navigator—the first global map of the world’s marine life regulations and their boundaries is now available. Navigator is a free, interactive map of over 21,000 marine protected and managed areas across 220 countries and territories and in over 25 languages. Navigator offers a global view of marine life protections to help inform progress towards ...
Santé Une Carte Montre La Présence Des Tiques Dans Les Régions De France

Santé : Une Carte Montre La Présence Des Tiques Dans Les Régions De France

L’an dernier, 11 000 piqûres de tiques ont été signalées à l’Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture et l’environnement (Inrae) avec un maximum au moins de juin. Si les piqûres ont lieu majoritairement en forêt, un quart des piqûres de tiques surviennent à la maison : 22% dans les jardins, et même 4% à l’intérieur ...
Researcher’s Giant Feat Defending Native Forest And Prime Koala Habitat

Researcher’s Giant Feat Defending Native Forest And Prime Koala Habitat

Dr Timothy Cadman has successfully secured the protection of local hardwood areas once primed for logging, including native forest belonging to the proposed Great Koala National Park along the Mid North Coast of New South Wales. Dr Cadman has employed geographical information systems (GIS) for data mapping and analysis of the local environment, providing evidence ...
Using AI To Push The Boundaries Of Wildlife Survey Technologies

Using AI To Push The Boundaries Of Wildlife Survey Technologies

In their research, associate professor from the NRS Department Tiejun Wang and his master’s student Zijing Wu developed an AI-model to automatically locate and count large herds of migratory ungulates (wildebeest and zebra). They used their method in the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem using fine-resolution (38–50 cm) satellite imagery. They achieved accurate detection of nearly 500,000 individuals across ...
Social Media Snaps Map The Sweep Of Japan’s Cherry Blossom Season In Unprecedented Detail

Social Media Snaps Map The Sweep Of Japan’s Cherry Blossom Season In Unprecedented Detail

Social media contains enormous amounts of data about people, our everyday lives, and our interactions with our surroundings. As a byproduct, it also contains a vast trove of information about the natural world. In a new study published in Flora, we show how social media can be used for “incidental citizen science”. From photos posted ...

Les Sols Des Zones Oasiennes En Proie À Une Baisse De Fertilité

La dégradation des sols des palmeraies impacte négativement la fertilité de cet écosystème aussi rare qu’essentiel sur le plan social. Grâce à une étude réalisée par des scientifiques marocains, la caractérisation des besoins des terres oasiennes via des cartes thématiques permettra de se prémunir contre ce danger. L’étude en question a été déclinée sous forme ...
Mapping The Conflict Between Farming And Biodiversity

Mapping The Conflict Between Farming And Biodiversity

Food is one of society’s great moral quandaries. Its production pushes many species to the brink of extinction and the grazing of land that destroys ecosystems. For governments, industry, and communities to effectively balance agricultural needs with environmental needs, however, quantitative information is required. Researchers in Japan, including the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature ...
Desmatamento Do Interior Paulista Provocou Desaparecimento De 80 Espécies De Aves

Desmatamento Do Interior Paulista Provocou Desaparecimento De 80 Espécies De Aves

Das 358 espécies de aves já mapeadas há algumas décadas em quatro unidades de conservação do interior do estado de São Paulo, apenas 278 foram registradas durante pesquisa de campo para identificar as aves remanescentes na região. As aves foram identificadas por meio de binóculos e também de seus sons, e o critério para registro ...
Un Proyecto Realizará Un Mapa Actualizado De La Presencia De Garrapatas En España

Un Proyecto Realizará Un Mapa Actualizado De La Presencia De Garrapatas En España

La importancia de las garrapatas ha trascendido el ámbito veterinario y se ha convertido en un problema sanitario de creciente actualidad. Enfermedades como Lyme, Rickettsiosis o Enfermedad Hemorrágica Crimea Congo son habitualmente diagnosticadas en nuestro país. Además, el cambio global está permitiendo la dispersión de algunas especies de garrapatas produciendo una creciente alarma social. En ...
Esri Maps Out Routes As Migratory Birds Return To Ireland

Esri Maps Out Routes As Migratory Birds Return To Ireland

Esri Ireland, the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) operator, has created a digital map highlighting the flight paths of a number of migratory birds which have returned to Ireland’s shores after having flown south for the winter. The maps are to mark World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD), which falls on May 13th, an annual awareness-raising campaign ...

Gemeinsam Zum Ziel: Citizen Science Liefert Wertvollen Beitrag Zur Verhaltensbeobachtung Von Vögeln

Langfristige Aufzeichnungen von Daten über das Verhalten von Tieren stellen für die Wissenschaft wichtige Quellen für die Entwicklung von neuen, überprüfbaren Hypothesen dar. Für die Erfassung solcher Langzeitdaten ist die Einbeziehung und Beteiligung von Bürgerwissenschafter*innen ein Gewinn für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Inwieweit die so erhobenen Daten auch verlässlich sind, hat ein Forschungsteam rund um Didone ...
SAS Seeks Crowd-driven AI To Protect Endangered Sea Turtles In Galapagos

SAS Seeks Crowd-driven AI To Protect Endangered Sea Turtles In Galapagos

As an organization dedicated to responsible innovation and using technology to ignite positive change, SAS will apply crowd-driven AI and machine learning to help protect endangered sea turtles. Similar to SAS’ recent project to help track deforestation in the Amazon, the analytics leader is now working with the UNC Center for Galapagos Studies (CGS) to ...
Track, Trace And Triumph How Utah Division Of Wildlife Resources And Google Public Sector Are Setting The Standard To Protect The State’s Wildlife

Track, Trace And Triumph: How Utah Division Of Wildlife Resources And Google Public Sector Are Setting The Standard To Protect The State’s Wildlife

Fast forward to 2023, and now Utah DWR officials can get real-time location data for thousands of animals without leaving their office. What’s more, they can overlay today’s location data with up to 20 years of historical information to make data-driven decisions to improve wildlife habitat and populations using the state’s Wildlife Tracker application, running ...
Con La Presentación De Geoportal Y Hoja De Ruta Culminó El Proyecto Laboratorio Natural Subantártico

Con La Presentación De Geoportal Y Hoja De Ruta Culminó El Proyecto Laboratorio Natural Subantártico

El proyecto «Laboratorio Natural Subantártico» ha finalizado con éxito y gracias a sus investigaciones se desarrollaron nuevas herramientas que aportarán a la protección de la biodiversidad de la región subantártica. Durante el último taller del laboratorio, se presentó un geoportal que proporciona información geográfica actualizada de alta calidad y una hoja de ruta que presenta ...
La UMA Crea Un Sistema De Seguimiento De Humedales En Tiempo Real

La UMA Crea Un Sistema De Seguimiento De Humedales En Tiempo Real

El Centro Temático Europeo de la Universidad de Málaga (ETC-UMA) ha desarrollado un nuevo sistema de seguimiento de humedales basado en datos de teledetección, que ha sido construido sobre la plataforma de computación en la nube ‘Google Earth Engine’ y que ayer fue presentado. En el marco del proyecto para el estudio de la biodiversidad ...
Cartographier Les Arbres Géants Pour Mieux Les Protéger

Cartographier Les Arbres Géants Pour Mieux Les Protéger

Une nouvelle carte géographique publique, qui répertorie les grands arbres en Colombie-Britannique, vient d’être lancée en février 2023. L’organisme responsable du projet, la Raincoast Conservation Foundation, invite les citoyens à mesurer les arbres géants qui trônent autour d’eux. En les rendant visibles à tous, ils espèrent sensibiliser les populations à la protection des forêts. La ...
Study Shows Mountain Forests Being Lost At ‘Alarming Rate,’ Especially In Asia

Study Shows Mountain Forests Being Lost At ‘Alarming Rate,’ Especially In Asia

More than 7% of all mountain forests have been destroyed during the past two decades, according to a new study published in the journal One Earth. Using high-resolution satellite data and maps of mountain terrains, researchers found that 780,000 square kilometers (301,000 square miles) of mountain forest were lost worldwide between 2001 and 2018. The ...
Interactive Map Of Spring Hummingbird Migration Every State They'll Arrive In Plus Feeding Tips

Interactive Map Of Spring Hummingbird Migration: Every State They’ll Arrive In Plus Feeding Tips

Spring has arrived in the United States and hummingbirds are headed north. The birds typically migrate north in the late winter and spring, after spending their winters in parts of Central America or Mexico. An online map gives you a close look at the birds’ route north and when to expect their arrival as they ...
This UC Doctoral Student Is Helping Pileated Woodpeckers Find Space In Hamilton County

This UC Doctoral Student Is Helping Pileated Woodpeckers Find Space In Hamilton County

As cities continue expanding, forested areas are becoming scarcer, and less dense. That’s bad news for the wildlife that call those areas home. A University of Cincinnati doctoral student is studying what local areas are important to North America’s largest woodpecker. “The pileated woodpecker is not considered as a vulnerable species, but it is an ...

Drones To Tally Canines

The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) is contemplating using drones to aid the upcoming dog census in the city. According to the officials, the technology is being actively considered as it will help cover a larger area in a short period and will give a better understanding of the stray population. “Property surveys in the ...
Scientists Use NASA Satellite Data To Determine Belize Coral Reef Risk

Scientists Use NASA Satellite Data To Determine Belize Coral Reef Risk

Using two decades of NASA satellite measurements stored in the cloud, scientists recently assessed the vulnerability of Belize’s renowned coral reefs to bleaching and collapse. The findings could help management authorities protect the reefs from human impacts such as development, overfishing, pollution, and climate change. In a study published in Frontiers in Remote Sensing, the ...
Observing Group-living Animals With Drones And Computer Vision

Observing Group-living Animals With Drones And Computer Vision

To explore animal groups such as zebras or gelada monkeys, Ben Koger, Blair Costelloe, Iain Couzin, and other researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, the CASCB at the University of Konstanz, and Aarhus University developed a new method for collecting data about animal behaviour and the animals’ surrounding natural physical landscape using ...
국립공원 보전관리 업무에 국토위성영상 활용

국립공원 보전관리 업무에 국토위성영상 활용

국립공원공단(공단)과 국토지리정보원(정보원)은 21일, 공단 본사(강원 원주시)에서 국립공원 보전‧관리 강화를 위한 공간정보 협력확대를 목적으로 업무협약을 체결했다. 이번 업무협약은 국가 보호지역의 보전․관리에 있어 국가공간정보 활용성 제고를 위해 추진되었으며, 협약식에는 공단 송형근 이사장과 정보원 조우석 원장이 참석했다. 공단은 정보원에서 제공하는 국토위성 1호가 촬영한 위성영상 등 고품질의 공간정보를 자연자원조사, 재난위험 안전관리, 기후위기 대응 등을 위해 공단에서 추진 중인 각종 ...