

A New Google Maps Layer Shows Public Restrooms In NYC

A New Google Maps Layer Shows Public Restrooms In NYC

There’s no elegant way to say this: going to the bathroom in New York is a nightmare. Public restrooms in the city are hard to find and are often either out of order or require you to buy something at a store or café to be able to use. The problem is so bad that ...
Mom Makes Map For Vancouver Baby Changing Tables 'You're Flying Blind When You're A Parent'

Mom Makes Map For Vancouver Baby Changing Tables: ‘You’re Flying Blind When You’re A Parent’

Michelle Cyca has had to change too many diapers on bathroom floors. The mother of two (her youngest is in his peak diaper phase right now), says she finally had enough after having to change her child’s diaper on the concrete floor of an Oak Street deli. So she decided to do something about it. ...

Seniors Living Near Urban Open Spaces Report Less Mental Distress, A Dementia Risk Factor

With widening research, doctors have even more reasons to tell patients to spend time in open spaces for better mental health. Now, a statewide study suggests even small differences in nearness to urban green spaces and access to waterfronts have ties to improved self-reported mental health among people 65 and older. Such proximity to open ...
GIS Maps Show The Extent Of Chula Vista’s Parkland Divide

GIS Maps Show The Extent Of Chula Vista’s Parkland Divide

A new analysis shows how much Chula Vista residents’ access to parkland depends on where they live. The analysis, conducted by geographic information systems (GIS) researcher and Chula Vista resident Jacob Helfman, visualizes how areas east of Interstate 805 have over three times more parkland per person than those west of the freeway. Helfman’s analysis ...
Près De 60 % Des Bâtiments Cartographiés Dans Le Cadre De La Plus Grande Recherche Canadienne Sur L'accessibilité Ne Sont Pas Accessibles

Près De 60 % Des Bâtiments Cartographiés Dans Le Cadre De La Plus Grande Recherche Canadienne Sur L’accessibilité Ne Sont Pas Accessibles

Une nouvelle recherche publiée aujourd’hui par AccessNow, une entreprise de technologie de l’accessibilité, en collaboration avec l’Université de Calgary, Lésions médullaires Canada et BDO, révèle que près de 60 % des bâtiments cartographiés à Vancouver, Calgary et Ottawa ne sont pas entièrement accessibles et met en évidence les zones où les villes et les propriétaires ...
New Analysis Of Nariño, Colombia’s Roads Could Help Coffee Growers

New Analysis Of Nariño, Colombia’s Roads Could Help Coffee Growers

In the southwest of Colombia lies the department of Nariño, known for its majestic mountains that give rise to one of the world’s most excellent coffees, thanks to its unique qualities and characteristics. However, these same mountains represent a considerable challenge for agricultural supply chains in the region. In the scientific article entitled “Evaluation of ...

Greenville Unveils Ambitious, One-of-a-kind Accessibility App To Help Everyone Navigate Downtown Areas

The city of Greenville has unveiled an ambitious, one-of-a-kind app to increase access for all. For the past two years, city staff has partnered with the Barbara Stone Foundation to create an accessibility app for downtown. ‘“Greenville has so much to offer,” said risk manager and ADA coordinator Mike Jank. “We want to make sure ...
Guelph Study Aims To Improve Access To Public Washrooms

Guelph Study Aims To Improve Access To Public Washrooms

The Guelph Lab, a collaboration of The College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, University of Guelph and the City of Guelph, is working with the university’s Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics to identify areas in the city without public washroom access so that facilities can be considered for the future. Guelph Lab facilitator ...

با اتمام مرحله اول طرح «آمایش ملی فضاها، منابع و خدمات کتابخانه‌های عمومی کشور؛ سرور‌های نهاد کتابخانه‌‌های عمومی به نسخه پایه سامانه WebGIS مجهز می‌شود

جلسه ارائه گزارش مرحله اول طرح «آمایش ملی فضاها، منابع و خدمات کتابخانه‌های عمومی کشور در سامانه WebGIS، ۵ شهریورماه ۱۴۰۲ در کتابخانه مرکزی پارک شهر تهران برگزار شد. سید‌عباس رجایی، رئیس مؤسسۀ جغرافیای دانشگاه تهران، اظهار داشت: «فارغ از آمایش و نمایش اطلاعات کتابخانه‌ها بر روی وب، تحلیل‌ها و تعیین محدوده‌های خدمت نیز مطرح ...

CS Launches Online Statistical Data Collection Applications

Chief Secretary of Nagaland, J. Alam, has unveiled two significant online statistical data collection applications developed by the Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Nagaland. The launching programme was held on August 22 at the Chief Secretary’s Conference Hall in Kohima. According to a DIPR report, the first application is the Village Level Development Indicators (VLDI), ...
Where To Go SDSU Student Identifies Transit Line Needs

Where To Go? SDSU Student Identifies Transit Line Needs

An interdisciplinary team from San Diego State University analyzed the accessibility of public restrooms along transit lines countywide and found a shortage of facilities, particularly in the busiest stations, and a lack of important features in existing restrooms. Their project, “Where Can You Go On the Go?” was an initiative of SDSU’s Project for Sanitation ...
Une Carte Des Temps Piétons Pour Uccle Centre “On Veut Relativiser Les Temps De Marche Et Ramener Du Passage Devant Les Commerces”

Une Carte Des Temps Piétons Pour Uccle Centre : “On Veut Relativiser Les Temps De Marche Et Ramener Du Passage Devant Les Commerces”

”Nous sommes tous piétons à un moment.” Partant de ce constat, Sébastien Rochedy s’est penché sur la question du vécu des piétons et surtout sur l’amélioration de l’expérience de la marche. L’inspiration lui est venue de France. Lors d’un voyage, il remarque des panneaux qui indiquent le temps de trajet à pied pour atteindre certains ...
Hilfe In Der Not Diese Karte Zeigt, Wie Lange Die Polizei Wirklich Braucht

Hilfe In Der Not: Diese Karte Zeigt, Wie Lange Die Polizei Wirklich Braucht

Bei einem Polizeieinsatz kommt es oft auf jede Minute an. Manche Stimmen behaupten jedoch, dass die Polizei in Deutschland meist erst dann komme, wenn es schon zu spät ist. Es scheint ein Gefälle zwischen echter und gefühlter Sicherheit zu geben. Aber ist das alles nur ein Bauchgefühl oder eine belegbare Tatsache? Die Online-Karte zur Erreichbarkeit ...

Nagaland: WRI India Launches Energy Access Explorer In State For Unserved And Underserved Communities

After Jharkhand and Assam, the World Resources Institute (WRI) India launched its flagship geospatial platform, energy access explorer or EAE, for Nagaland in Kohima on July 28. A WRI India official told this correspondent EAE is a geospatial platform that provides data on electricity, health, education and livelihood indicators in the regions that it serves ...
Calvin University's 'Returning Citizens Map' Aims To Connect Former Inmates To Resources

Calvin University’s ‘Returning Citizens Map’ Aims To Connect Former Inmates To Resources

Central to the mission of Calvin University is restorative justice; and for years, it has helped inmates get a degree through the Calvin Prison Initiative. Calvin also developed valuable resources, like the “Returning Citizens Map,” an interactive web page that helps people chart a new path forward after they serve their time. In 2018, a ...

New Map Leads The Way To Get People Out Walking

The free Walks Near Me interactive digital map has thousands of opportunities to discover great public spaces across the state and create bespoke walking itineraries to visit them. The tool brings together spatial data from across the state into a single digital tool which can be found on the website and is optimised for ...
FCC Updates National Broadband Map To Resolve 4M Challenges

FCC Updates National Broadband Map To Resolve 4M Challenges

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released its second iteration of the national broadband map that provides availability data for stakeholders working to expand high-speed internet access across the U.S. The new map shows that more than 8.3 million U.S. homes and businesses lack access to high-speed broadband (nearly 330,000 unserved locations more than the first ...
Uconn Researchers Take A More Innovative Approach To Investigating Inequity In Parks

Uconn Researchers Take A More Innovative Approach To Investigating Inequity In Parks

‘While many studies looked at these topics at the city level, I was able to explore the local patterns within the city, not just talk about the fact that there is unequal access to parks, but I was able to identify neighborhoods that should be improved’. Not everyone has equal access to green spaces, and ...
Mapping And Health Equity Project Created By UIC Alum, Student Addresses Chicago’s Health Disparities

Mapping And Health Equity Project Created By UIC Alum, Student Addresses Chicago’s Health Disparities

Near the end of the 2019 fall semester, Sonya Gupta was a University of Illinois Chicago undergraduate conducting research on the location and extent of healthcare deserts in the Chicago area and the potential of mobile health clinics to bridge the gap … In the fall of 2020, biological sciences major Ryan Zomorrodi started research ...
Visor Geográfico Del Espacio Público, Nueva 'App' Para Movilizarse Por Bogotá

Visor Geográfico Del Espacio Público, Nueva ‘App’ Para Movilizarse Por Bogotá

Si en su barrio cerraron un predio que siempre estuvo abierto a la ciudadanía o le interesa conocer cuáles son las rutas de ciclorruta que pasan por su localidad, desde ya tiene una herramienta a la mano que le permitirá hacerlo fácil, rápido, sin intermediarios y a cualquier hora del día gracias al Visor Geográfico ...
Este Mapa Interactivo Mostra-te A “Cidade De 15 Minutos” Que Existe Em Lisboa

Este Mapa Interactivo Mostra-te A “Cidade De 15 Minutos” Que Existe Em Lisboa

Uma pequena ferramenta desenvolvida no contexto do último Conselho de Cidadãos, dedicado à “cidade dos 15 minutos”, permite a qualquer pessoa perceber o que tem próximo da sua residência, local de trabalho ou no seu bairro. O mapa foi desenvolvido por Manuel Banza, cientista de dados e entusiasta de cidades, para ajudar os participantes a ...
Researchers Illuminate Gaps In Public Transportation Access, Equity

Researchers Illuminate Gaps In Public Transportation Access, Equity

Public transit systems offering broad coverage of stops and routes may still underserve the communities that rely on them the most, according to a new University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign study. The study applies contextual engineering to help determine lapses in equity in public bus transportation access using data from the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District as ...
Kanton Schwyz Zugang Zu Touristischen Orten Soll Auf Barrierefreiheit Untersucht Werden

Kanton Schwyz: Zugang Zu Touristischen Orten Soll Auf Barrierefreiheit Untersucht Werden

Ist die Ausstellung ebenerdig, mit Lift oder nur über eine Treppe erreichbar? Wie breit ist die Eingangstüre des Restaurants? Auf welcher Höhe sind die Bedienungstasten im Aufzug? Diese und ähnliche Fragen stellen sich Menschen mit Behinderung und ältere Menschen mit Rollatoren, bevor sie ihr Zuhause verlassen. Damit sie am öffentlichen Leben teilnehmen können, ist es ...
Identifier Les Déserts Médicaux La Question Sous-estimée De L’accès Des Patients Aux Soins

Identifier Les Déserts Médicaux : La Question Sous-estimée De L’accès Des Patients Aux Soins

En France, l’accessibilité aux soins et les difficultés qu’elle présente pour les citoyens sont tous les jours un peu plus au centre du débat public … Les principales mesures des difficultés d’accès aux soins utilisées en France reposent essentiellement sur des indicateurs de densité médicale et de temps d’accès au professionnel de santé le plus ...