

Bluesky Geospatial Launches MetroVista 3D Aerial Mapping Program In U.S.

Bluesky Geospatial Launches MetroVista 3D Aerial Mapping Program In U.S.

Bluesky Geospatial Ltd. has announced the launch of its MetroVista 3D aerial mapping program in the United States. The service employs a hybrid imaging-LiDAR airborne sensor to capture highly detailed 3D data, including 360-degree views of buildings and street-level features, in urban areas for use in creating digital twins, visualizations, and simulations. Bluesky’s sister company, ...
Metamaps 3D, La Dernière Innovation Du Groupe Parera

MetaMaps 3D, La Dernière Innovation Du Groupe Parera

Le projet R&D de la MetaMaps 3D sera lancé en 2021, grâce à l’appui de l’État via France Relance et la convention de partenariat avec la commune de l’Isle-Jourdain et Enedis. Le véhicule est équipé d’un LiDAR sur le toit, permettant de relever un million de points à la seconde en aérien, avec une précision ...

Strava Will Add High-res 3D Maps For Outdoor Activities

Strava routes are about to get three-dimensional. The popular fitness social network announced today that it’s acquired Fatmap, a mobile app known for its 3D maps for outdoor sports like hiking, trail running, skiing, and mountain biking. “Fatmap tech will power Strava maps for both free members and subscribers,” Strava spokesperson Brian Bell told The ...

Une Plateforme Logicielle Pour Une Gestion De Crise Plus Efficace

Puma-X a l’ambition de faciliter la communication entre tous les outils de gestion de crise, des prévisions météorologiques aux automates d’appel. L’outil a été testé par la ville de Cannes au mois de janvier. L’outil dispose d’un PCS dynamique couplé à la cartographie 3D, d’un traitement en temps réel des données structurées et non structurées ...

Dubai Municipality Launches 3D Infrastructure

H.E. Dawoud Al Hajri, Director General of Dubai Municipality, said: “The project will undertake a comprehensive study on choosing advanced technologies to build a 3D model and an inclusive map of geospatial data on infrastructure and service lines below the ground, integrating all the precise details within a single source of information. The study will ...
Lidar Survey Of New Zealand’s Taranaki Regio

Lidar Survey Of New Zealand’s Taranaki Region

A ground-breaking aerial LiDAR survey of Taranaki’s land surface has just been completed, opening up a wealth of valuable land-surface and elevation data for a wide range of uses. The dataset — collected in 2021 and two years in the making — will be used to generate high-definition 3D maps and models for environmental management ...
제주도, 전국 최초 3차원 데이터 기반 스마트 소방 현장 대응 서비스 도

제주도, 전국 최초 3차원 데이터 기반 스마트 소방 현장 대응 서비스 도입

제주도는 지난 10일 각종 재난 현장 출동 시 신속한 대응과 소방대원 안전사고 예방을 위한 ‘현실 세계 대응 체계’를 구축하는 ‘3차원 데이터 기반 스마트 소방 현장 예방 대응 서비스’ 완료보고회를 개최했다. 이번 보고회에서는 화재 등 재난 발생 시 시설물 정보 부재와 기형적 건물 구조로 소방대원의 경험과 도면에 의존해야 하는 현장 대응의 어려움을 해소하고, 현실 세계를 반영한 ...
Owl Autonomous Imaging Launches Monocular 3D Thermal Ranger Computer Vision

Owl Autonomous Imaging Launches Monocular 3D Thermal Ranger Computer Vision

At CES 2023, Owl Autonomous Imaging announced the availability of an Evaluation Kit for their new Thermal Ranger™ ADAS & Autonomous Navigation Development Platform. This hardware and software kit enables Tier 1 and OEM automotive companies to easily evaluate Owl AI’s Thermal Ranger imaging solution for use in their Pedestrian Automatic Emergency Braking (PAEB) and ...
Esri's GIS Helps Vodafone Create National Digital Twin

Esri’s GIS Helps Vodafone Create National Digital Twin

Vodafone has created a 3D digital twin of its UK mobile mast network to allow its engineers to visualise and strategise network improvements or expansion. It will allow them to make instant decisions to improve services to customers without leaving their desks. The digital twin involved mapping more than 40 million environmental features using advanced ...
Ora Bologna È Tridimensionale, Ecco La Mappa Per Navigare In Città

Ora Bologna È Tridimensionale, Ecco La Mappa Per “Navigare” In Città

Una mappa web che consente di visualizzare in modalità tridimensionale il contenuto della CTC – Carta Tecnica Comunale. La mette a disposizione il Comune di Bologna, aggiornando la cartografia in scala 1:2000, realizzata nel 2001 con il metodo fotogrammetrico diretto (rilievo per punti con riferimenti spaziali – ndr). Quindi, ad esempio, vengano mappati gli edifici, ...

Hexagon And OSASI Technos Partner To Develop Disaster Management And Prediction Solutions

Hexagon’s Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial division and OSASI Technos Inc. have announced a partnership to deliver next-generation disaster management and monitoring solutions. Using 3D visualization capabilities, governments will be able detect, predict and simulate impending disasters, enabling them to better plan for and respond to impending disasters, enabling them to better plan for and respond ...
'Google Earth On Steroids' Gives A Boost To Urban Development

‘Google Earth On Steroids’ Gives A Boost To Urban Development

A new approach uses aerial imaging to generate 3D models of cities and regions with advanced precision, enabling urban planners to incorporate full-scale designs of all types of architectural and urban structures. Two months ago, EPFL spin-off Uzufly moved into The Garage, a business incubator at EPFL Innovation Park where startups can grow and expand. ...
Venise Révélée Par La Magie Du Numérique Avec Iconem Au Grand Palais Immersif

Venise Révélée Par La Magie Du Numérique Avec Iconem Au Grand Palais Immersif

Seule une ingénierie numérique de pointe peut dévoiler l’exceptionnelle ingéniosité d’une cité ciselée sur la lagune. Venise est une ville construite sur un territoire instable et inhospitalier, qui n’a eu de cesse d’inventer des procédés pour stabiliser ses sols et faire en sorte qu’ils puissent soutenir des palais à plusieurs étages, récolter les eaux de ...
IonQ And Hyundai Announce Expansion Of Partnership To Improve Quantum Computing

IonQ And Hyundai Announce Expansion Of Partnership To Improve Quantum Computing

A collaboration between the Hyundai Motor Company and IonQ will see the latter’s quantum computer machine vision algorithms being further developed. The system can conduct object detection on 3D data from autonomous vehicles. The pair will also use IonQ’s quantum computers to simulate electrochemical reactions of varying metal catalysts. The newly announced projects build on ...
Testing Lidar Technology On A Real-world Rail System In Canada

Testing Lidar Technology On A Real-world Rail System In Canada

Canadian start-up Lux Modus has tested its Lidar technology as an affordable and easy-to-use 3D data collection platform on a real-world light rail system by participating in the city of Calgary’s Living Labs. A number of years ago, the city’s Living Labs helped Calgary-based Lux Modus successfully test its Lidar technology built for pipeline construction ...
Understand The Dimensions Of A Flower In Specialized 3D Models

Understand The Dimensions Of A Flower In Specialized 3D Models

A team in biology from the Universite de Montreal, the Montreal Botanical Garden, and McGill University has successfully used photogrammetry to quickly and accurately build a model of a flower from two-dimensional images and transform it into 3D. This is done in order to have greater clarity about the evolution of flowers. Photogrammetry is much ...
Kieler Forschende Bauen Für Stadt Einmaliges 3-d-energiemodell - Um Sparpotential Aufzuzeigen

Kieler Forschende Bauen Für Stadt Einmaliges 3-d-energiemodell – Um Sparpotential Aufzuzeigen

Angesichts der aktuell befürchteten Energieknappheit im Wärmesektor diskutieren Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft intensiv über den Heizenergiebedarf und mögliche Einsparmaßnahmen für Industrie, Gewerbe und private Haushalte. Grundlage dafür ist eine belastbare Datenbasis. Genau daran arbeiten jetzt Forschende der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU) zusammen mit dem global tätigen Energie-Unternehmen Shell. Unterstützt werden sie dabei von dem Klimaschutzmanagement ...
Presentan La Cartografía Digital Del Cañón De Los Almadenes

Presentan La Cartografía Digital Del Cañón De Los Almadenes

La concejal de Turismo de Hellín, María Jesús López, presentó ayer el resultado de los trabajos de elaboración de una cartografía digital en tres dimensiones del Cañón de los Almadenes, proyecto del que aseguró que «presentaremos en Fitur como ejemplo de en que empleamos el dinero» del Plan de Sostenibilidad Turística y es «un ejemplo ...

Model 3D Poznania Światowym Liderem

W opublikowanym niedawno artykule w czasopiśmie „International Journal of Geographical Information Science” model 3D Poznania został uznany za jeden z najlepszych na świecie. Na początku listopada na stronie tego periodyku ukazała się publikacja pt. „Assessing and benchmarking 3D city models”. Trójka naukowców z Singapuru przeanalizowała w nim 40 trójwymiarowych modeli zabudowy miast z całego świata. ...
New Mobile Mapping System Integrates Underground Radar And 3D Digital Twin Creation

New Mobile Mapping System Integrates Underground Radar And 3D Digital Twin Creation

Tesmec’s mobile mapping system, announced at bauma 2022, is a lidar scanner that is designed to be placed atop their georadar explorer 2.0, a ground probing radar system. With this attachment on the top of the radar system, users are able to detect underground utilities using the ground probing radar while simultaneously capturing high-precision digital ...

Presagis Launches Cloud-based VELOCITY 5D Digital Twin Production Platform

Presagis, a global leader in 3D advanced modelling and simulation software, has officially launched its VELOCITY 5D (V5D) cloud-based platform that quickly and automatically converts massive volumes of 2D geospatial data into high-fidelity 3D digital twins. V5D leverages artificial intelligence and game engine technology to run complex visualization and simulation scenarios that derive context from ...

서울시, 초실감형 디지털 3차원 지도 서비스 첫 선

서울시는 가보지 않아도 현장을 생생하게 느낄 수 있는 초실감형 디지털 3차원 지도 서비스를 2일 스마트국토엑스포에서 시범 공개한다고 1일 밝혔다. 시는 이번 사업으로 실감형 디지털 트윈 구축 기술을 보유한 모빌테크, 티랩스와 업무 협약을 체결하고, 초실감형 서비스 개발 등 다양한 공간정보 과제 해결에 힘쓰고 있다. 사는 향후 S-Map 홈페이지를 통해서 누구나 초실감형 디지털 트윈을 체험할 수 있도록 ...
Fotogrametría, El Patrimonio Madrileño En 3D

Fotogrametría, El Patrimonio Madrileño En 3D

La Biblioteca Digital memoriademadrid está de estreno. ‘Fotogrametría’ es una sección de ‘EsConD: Gabinete de humanidades digitales’, que, desde la web de la biblioteca, te quiere acercar piezas del patrimonio cultural de la ciudad para que las conozcas y aprecies todos sus detalles desde diversos ángulos y desde cualquier lugar, de forma interactiva. ¿Imaginas tener ...

Meet ‘Dreamfusion,’ An Effective AI Technique That Uses Machine Learning To Synthesize 3D Models From Text Prompts

By prompting a text-to-image model we can generate images of a wide variety of objects. With clever prompting, it’s also possible to synthesize different perspectives of a specific object. To use text to generate 3d objects, we start by feeding a caption to a text-to-image model, such as Imagen, adding minor tweaks to the prompt ...

3D Digital Mapping Via The NSW Planning Portal

NSW’s DCS Spatial Services latest planning system update has seen the enabling of 3D digital mapping for subdivision and strata plans through the NSW Planning Portal. The digitisation of subdivision and strata-related land developments is intended to transform how applicants and assessing authorities visualise applications via the Portal. “Thanks to the work in connecting subdivision ...

Jak Zmieniała Się Zabudowa Warszawy Tym Razem Na Modelu 3D

Firma GIS-Expert opublikowała animację pokazującą rozwój istniejącej zabudowy w Warszawie w latach 1945–2020 na modelu 3D. To nie pierwsza prezentacja GIS-Expert na temat rozwoju zabudowy miast. Jak już informowaliśmy na, kilka lat temu firma opracowała aplikację prezentującą rozwój zabudowy Lublina, która cieszyła się sporym zainteresowaniem i zdobyła tytuł internetowej mapy roku 2016/2017. Wspólnie z ...
Portail Thématique Du Parc Naturel De L'our & Modèle 3D Officiel National Sur Le Géoportail

Portail Thématique Du Parc Naturel De L’our & Modèle 3D Officiel National Sur Le Géoportail

Afin d’améliorer cette offre en ligne, le Parc naturel s’est adressé à l’Administration du cadastre et de la topographie. Disposant d’une grande expertise en ce domaine notamment avec la mise en place et le développement du Géoportail national comme standard pour la publication de données géographiques au Luxembourg, des données sont désormais accessibles et les ...
BMC Developing 3D Digital Map Of Mumbai City

BMC Developing 3D Digital Map Of Mumbai City

After attempting the project as a pilot in South Mumbai’s Worli neighbourhood in September of last year, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has begun the process of developing a three-dimensional digital model of Mumbai city. In addition to its open spaces, municipal facilities, and slums, Mumbai’s buildings, roads, bridges, underpasses, water bodies, means of transportation, ...
Esparreguera Actualiza La Cartografía Tridimensional De Todo El Municipio

Esparreguera Actualiza La Cartografía Tridimensional De Todo El Municipio

El diputado provincial de Infraestructuras y Espacios Naturales de la Diputació de Barcelona (Diba), Pere Pons, ha entregado este jueves al alcalde de Esparreguera, Eduard Rivas Mateo, la actualización de la cartografía tridimensional del municipio. La nueva ‘maqueta’ virtual en 3D del municipio, realizada a escala 1:1000, está concebida una herramienta que facilitará “los trabajos ...

New Apple Maps Detail Now Available In 16 Countries And Territories, Including France, Monaco, And New Zealand

The new Apple Maps detail has rolled out to three more countries and territories, making 16 in total. Apple began the process of creating its own mapping data from the ground up back in 2018, and the latest expansion covers France, Monaco, and New Zealand. The new map data offers significantly more detail in both ...