
Space Intelligence To Map Kenya And Tanzania To Support Integrity And Transparency In The Carbon Markets

According to reports by Space Intelligence, a NatureTech company specialising in Digital MRV (Measurement, Reporting, and Verification) across the tropics to support nature-based solutions to climate change, it has been selected to map Kenya and Tanzania to support integrity and transparency in the carbon markets.
The maps, expected to be verified by Verra, will help to provide a baseline for all Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) projects that aim to stop unplanned deforestation in the countries. For accuracy and authenticity, the maps will consist of two tiers of data: a series of Forest Cover Benchmark Maps spanning 2010-2020 and point-based Activity Data showing the precise location of deforestation. According to Professor Ed Mitchard, Co-founder and Chief Scientist of Space Intelligence Ltd, ‘’Using our AI technology and the consolidated REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) methodology, we will be able to create maps of forest change for the entire country.’’