

Empowering Citizens To Map Air Quality In Overlooked Corners Of The City

Empowering Citizens To Map Air Quality In Overlooked Corners Of The City

An EU-funded initiative is transforming the way cities tackle air pollution by engaging citizens in the collection of high-resolution data on frequently visited spots – neighbourhoods, schools and lesser-known city pockets often missed by official monitoring. The EU boasts a rich and advanced history in pollution monitoring, offering one of the most advanced and detailed ...
ESA-Funded ADVENT Project Demonstrates VDES-Based PNT

ESA-Funded ADVENT Project Demonstrates VDES-Based PNT

In the maritime sector, work is ongoing towards the identification and development of alternative PNT (positioning, navigation and timing) solutions, that is, solutions that are not wholly dependent on GNSS-based technologies. “The VHF data exchange system [VDES], is being considered as a source of alternative PNT [A-PNT] for maritime,” said Michael Turner of GMV NSL, ...
EarthCARE Launched To Study Role Of Clouds And Aerosols In Earth's Climate

EarthCARE Launched To Study Role Of Clouds And Aerosols In Earth’s Climate

ESA’s EarthCARE satellite, poised to revolutionise our understanding of how clouds and aerosols affect our climate, has been launched. This extraordinary satellite embarked on its journey into space on 29 May at 00:20 CEST (28 May, 15:20 local time) aboard a Falcon 9 rocket from the Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, US. Just 10 ...
ESA Will Launch Genesis System To Measure Earth With Millimeter Precision

ESA Will Launch Genesis System To Measure Earth With Millimeter Precision

European Space Agency (ESA) allocated €76.6 million to develop the Genesis orbital observatory, which will be able to determine the position of objects on Earth with an accuracy of one millimeter. Another €156.8 million has been allocated for the launch of a low-orbit constellation of devices to test and improve the reliability of satellite navigation. ...

ESA-JRC Opens Registration For GNSS Summer School

The European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) are collaborating to host the 15th edition of the International Summer School on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The course is scheduled to take place in Novo Mesto, Slovenia, from July 15 to 26, 2024. The summer school invites graduate students, Ph.D. ...
España Abre Las Puertas A Bruselas De Sus Archivos Secretos De Imágenes Radar

España Abre Las Puertas A Bruselas De Sus Archivos Secretos De Imágenes Radar

El Ministerio de Defensa español ha abierto las puertas de sus archivos secretos de imágenes radar para también puedan ser explotadas, descifradas y convertidas en inteligencia geoespacial por los expertos analistas de la Unión Europea. La ministra Margarita Robles ha autorizado a su departamento para que conceda luz verde al Centro de Satélites de la ...
Heritage ERS-2 Satellite Set To Reenter Earth’s Atmosphere

Heritage ERS-2 Satellite Set To Reenter Earth’s Atmosphere

After a 16-year working life, the second European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS-2) is making its final descent into Earth’s atmosphere. ERS-2 returned information that influenced the perception of climate change and the understanding of the planet. The European Space Agency (ESA) retired ERS-2 in 2011. It was originally launch in 1995. The Space Debris Office ...
ESA’s Cloud Mission In The Limelight

ESA’s Cloud Mission In The Limelight

Dedicated to delivering a wealth of new information on exactly how clouds and aerosols affect Earth’s climate, ESA’s EarthCARE satellite has had the chance to show off prior to engineers embarking upon the careful task of packing it up for its journey to the launch site in the US. Carrying four different instruments, this remarkable ...
A Database Unifies The Information On Damage To European Forests Over The Last 60 Years

A Database Unifies The Information On Damage To European Forests Over The Last 60 Years

The University of Córdoba is participating in the creation of the first database that harmonizes the recording of disturbances caused by insects and diseases in forests in 8 European countries by combining remote sensing, satellite images and field data. Forest damage caused by insects and diseases is increasing in many parts of the world due ...
Using Satellite Data To Enhance Global Food Security

Using Satellite Data To Enhance Global Food Security

Real-time crop monitoring has become increasingly important, particularly for addressing climate-induced losses and damages, as discussed during the last United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (CoP27). Initiatives like GEOGLAM and the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) have traditionally contributed to monitoring global food security by relying on existing data ...
EuroGeographics And International Cartographic Association Agree Collaboration To Unlock Power Of Location

EuroGeographics And International Cartographic Association Agree Collaboration To Unlock Power Of Location

Experts in authoritative geospatial data, cartography and GIScience have today (29 August 2023) announced a new international collaboration to demonstrate the power of location. Members of EuroGeographics, the not-for-profit association for European National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities, and the International Cartographic Association (ICA) will use their collective expertise to support the public good. ...
The SPACEBEAM Project Using Photonics To Pave The Way For New Earth Observation Opportunities

The SPACEBEAM Project: Using Photonics To Pave The Way For New Earth Observation Opportunities

Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radars (SARs) are commonly used in EO, offering fine imaging resolution by processing sets of consecutive acquisitions recorded while flying over the targeted area. Although SARs are well-established, research continues to seek innovative techniques to improve their performance. One such advanced technique developed as part of the SPACEBEAM project is the scan-on-receive ...
Create Your Maps With IMAGE, Our Map Generator Tool

Create Your Maps With IMAGE, Our Map Generator Tool

The Interactive Map Generator (IMAGE) is a web-based tool that allows users to quickly make professional statistical maps in several predefined map layouts. You can add your data, or load data directly from the Eurostat database. What’s special about our map generator is that it offers a wide variety of options. For example, you can ...
How Digital Twins Can Help Turning An Urban Oven Into An Oasis

How Digital Twins Can Help Turning An Urban Oven Into An Oasis

It’s all over the news: Urban areas tend to become extremely hot these days. To properly cool down our cities, “we need digital twins in the early stages of city planning”, says Stefan Trometer, Managing Director at Virtual City Systems. To Southern Europe for a city trip in the summer is becoming increasingly challenging. As ...
Advanced Aircraft Tracking Will Come Live From Space

Advanced Aircraft Tracking Will Come Live From Space

Satellites will soon be used to keep an independent eye on airborne planes, under a deal agreed between ESA and Spire Global, a company that provides space-based data, analytics and space services. Spire will design an advanced civilian aviation surveillance system that uses a constellation of satellites to monitor flights globally in real time, as ...

Tracasa Desarrolla Para Europa Una Aplicación Que Mide La Calidad Del Aire O El Ruido

La empresa pública navarra Tracasa Global ha desarrollado para la Agencia Europea de Medioambiente la aplicación Atlas Europeo de Medioambiente y Salud, con la que cualquier persona puede consultar la calidad del aire, el nivel de ruido o el número de espacios verdes, entre otros aspectos, en cualquier zona del continente. Esta herramienta interactiva, la ...

New Space Companies Join Copernicus

With commercial companies playing an increasingly important role in creating a dynamic and innovative space industry, nine New Space satellite data suppliers have joined the Copernicus programme as ‘Contributing Missions’. Copernicus, now 25 years old, is the biggest environmental programme in the world, providing terabytes of free and open satellite data and information services to ...
European Environment And Health Atlas Goes Live

European Environment And Health Atlas Goes Live

The interactive online tool, a first on such a scale for all of Europe, allows users to visualise how the environment around them affects their health and well-being via set of detailed maps. It covers topics like air quality, noise and quietness, green and blue spaces and climate change throughout the member and collaborating countries ...
El Proyecto Europeo Perivallon, Liderado Por ETRA, Crea Soluciones Frente A Delitos Ambientales

El Proyecto Europeo Perivallon, Liderado Por ETRA, Crea Soluciones Frente A Delitos Ambientales

El proyecto Perivallon (Protecting the EuRopean terrItory from organised enVironmentAl crime through inteLLigent threat detectiON tools), coordinado por Grupo ETRA y cofinanciado por el programa Horizonte Europa, trabaja en el desarrollo de herramientas de inteligencia avanzada para proteger el territorio europeo de los delitos ambientales. En este sentido, trabaja en el desarrollo de herramientas y ...
Water-Tracking Satellite Reveals First Views

Water-Tracking Satellite Reveals First Views

The international Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission—led by NASA and the Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES)—has sent back some of its first glimpses of water on the planet’s surface, showing ocean currents like the Gulf Stream in unprecedented detail. The spatial resolution of SWOT ocean measurements is 10 times greater than the composite ...
La ESA Firmó Un Acuerdo De Cooperación Con México

La ESA Firmó Un Acuerdo De Cooperación Con México

La ESA y la Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM) han firmado un Acuerdo de Cooperación cuyo objetivo es permitir que México y la ESA creen un marco para una cooperación más intensa en proyectos conjuntos en el futuro. El acuerdo fue firmado en las instalaciones de AEM en Ciudad de México por Eric Morel de Westgaver, ...
CASSINI Hackathon I Migliori Talenti Europei Si Sfidano Tra Satelliti E Intelligence

CASSINI Hackathon: I Migliori Talenti Europei Si Sfidano Tra Satelliti E Intelligence

Tre giorni di tempo per sviluppare i propri progetti e sfidarsi nel realizzare applicazioni basate su dati e servizi satellitari dell’Unione Europea con l’obiettivo di creare soluzioni innovative per migliorare la sicurezza e la difesa in Europa. Tre le sfide sulle quali cimentarsi: mobilità sulla terraferma, sicurezza in mare, protezione delle infrastrutture critiche. Il CASSINI ...

New Horizon Europe Project ‘Evoland’ Sets Off

A consortium under the lead of VITO officially launched the new Horizon Europe project EvoLand in Leuven (Belgium). EvoLand will develop and test new and innovative methods and algorithms and implement a bundle of candidate Copernicus Land Monitoring Service prototypes. This will be realised by integrating novel EO and in-situ data with the latest Machine ...

Galileo High Accuracy Service Now Operational, Providing Corrections Worldwide For Free

The Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS) is officially available, becoming the first GNSS to offer free precise point positioning (PPP) corrections worldwide via both the Galileo signal in space (E6-B) and the internet. The announcement was made Tuesday during the 2023 European Space Conference in Brussels, Belgium. The EU agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), ...

Previsico Leverages Next-gen Satellite To Enhance Flood Alerts

Live flood alert InsurTech platform Previsico has partnered with the new €4.3bn Meteosat Third Generation satellite system. This new system will allow Previsico to be more accurate and timelier with flood warnings, providing insurers and property owners with more time to mitigate flood impacts. The first satellite of the new generation was launched on 13 ...

Crean Un Mapa Para Que Los Ganaderos Registren Los Ataques De Lobos Al Ganado Sin Censuras Ni Filtros Ecologistas

Los ataques al ganado por parte de depredadores como en lobo son un problema que va en aumento en toda Europa. Hartos de sufrir el hostigamiento de estos animales y la censura de los medios que se niegan a hacerse eco de la problemática, un grupo de ganaderos franceses de la zona de los Vosgos, ...

EU Project Combines Galileo Authentication And Blockchain

2022 saw the launch of a raft of new projects funded by the European Agency for the Space Program (EUSPA), applying space technologies in support of the European Union’s Green Deal. One of these projects, Space4Green, will develop a new software solution integrating Galileo OSNMA signals and Blockchain, to support trusted exchanges among users in ...
El Observatorio De La Comisión Europea Recoge Los Datos De Las Áreas Rurales De La Provinci

El Observatorio De La Comisión Europea Recoge Los Datos De Las Áreas Rurales De La Provincia

La Comisión Europea ha puesto en marcha el Observatorio Rural al que se comprometió cuando lanzó la comunicación Visión a largo plazo para las zonas rurales, dentro de las políticas comunitarias para hacer frente al reto demográfico y la lucha contra la despoblación, que aprobó la semana pasada el Parlamento Europeo. El Observatorio Rural es ...

Nueva Norma Europea Contra Deforestación, Una Barrera Comercial Para Brasil

El acuerdo provisional que prohibirá a los países de la Unión Europea (UE) la importación de productos provenientes de áreas deforestadas empezó a levantar ampollas en Brasil, donde es visto como una decisión unilateral que busca levantar barreras comerciales. Siete productos (aceite de palma, ganado, soja, café, cacao, madera y caucho) y derivados como la ...

EAASI Becomes A Member Of EUROGI

The European Association of Aerial Surveying Industries (EAASI) has recently joined EUROGI, the European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information. Established in 1994, EUROGI represents the needs of all organizations in Europe that generate and use geographic information. EUROGI aims to facilitate value creation from location-based information for a sustainable, prosperous and cohesive Europe. The organization ...