
Paris City Hall Supports An Interactive Map Of 1-euro Coffee In The City

Paris City Hall Supports An Interactive Map Of 1-euro Coffee In The City
The rising inflation in the past year has caused coffee and espresso prices to double or triple (these days, the common cost for these is well over 2 euros). Despite this, some establishments have said “non” and have maintained affordability. This interactive map shows all of the bars, restaurants and cafes in Paris where you can still enjoy a cup of joe for a buck. What’s great about this map is that, although it’s supported on the official site of the Paris City Hall, it can be and is regularly updated by the citizens themselves. Everyone can contribute to it and expand it. If you find a nice spot that serves coffee or espresso for 1 euro, you can fill in the name of the establishment, and its address and even point out particularities, such as if the item is only available in the morning, or only at the counter.