
On The Trail Of Landslides And Rockfalls: Graz University Of Technology Measurement Method Uses Existing Fibre Optic Lines

On The Trail Of Landslides And Rockfalls Graz University Of Technology Measurement Method Uses Existing Fibre Optic Lines
Landslides and rockfalls are increasingly becoming a real threat to people and infrastructure in light of the changing climate and the associated changes in soil and rock structure. The more precise the measurement, the earlier hazards can be detected, and consequently damage can be limited or even avoided altogether. A team at the Institute of Engineering Geodesy and Measurement Systems (IGMS) at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) has developed a measurement method which uses existing fibre optic cables to detect, localise and classify environmental events. In addition, the method can also detect signs of fatigue in infrastructures, fires, leaks or earthquakes. This complete coverage lacking in blind spots represents a unique advantage over conventional measuring methods.
This technology is already being used to monitor tunnel linings in the Koralm Tunnel, the Semmering Base Tunnel and the Brenner Base Tunnel, among others. In the same way, it can ensure the safe operation of bridges and other civil infrastructure. Due to the high sensitivity of the measurements, it was even possible to detect the severe earthquake in Turkey and Syria in February 2023 on a fibre optic test track between Campus Alte Technik and Campus Neue Technik at TU Graz. In principle, the measurement method can be applied wherever fibre optic lines are present. Fibres not used for telecommunications purposes – so-called dark fibres – are suitable for these measurements. This is also the case along railway lines or roads that are threatened by falling rocks, so that an alarm can be triggered immediately if stones have fallen onto the track or roadway.
To detect an event such as a rockfall or landslide, it does not have to occur in the immediate vicinity of the fibre. Events that happen a few hundred metres away can also be detected. For the exact positioning, the researchers look at the time offset at which the same event can be observed at different locations along the measurement path. This can be used to triangulate the position of the event and, if necessary, an additional measuring line can be laid on site for closer monitoring.