
NYC Introduces Rat Info Portal Featuring Map And Inspection Histories By Property

NYC Introduces Rat Info Portal Featuring Map And Inspection Histories By Property
NYC Sanitation Commissioner Jessica Tisch famously said in 2022 that "the rats don't run this city, we do" — but a newly launched map showing rodent-related violations shows it may be closer to a 50/50 split. The color-coded and searchable map was introduced Tuesday. It breaks down at a building-by-building level what places passed their last inspection, where there was recent rat activity, what spots had failed for another reason, and which had not been inspected in the past six months. Users can either search for an address, or simply click on the map for results. Once an address is selected, the Health Department information will pop up, showing when the last inspection was, what type of inspection it was, the result, and the number of inspections at the property since 2015.