
NavVis Releases VLX 3 Mobile Mapping System

On Tuesday, NavVis, one of the leaders in wearable mobile mapping technologies, unveiled their next generation of wearable technology, the NavVis VLX 3. This is, as the name implies, the third generation of their wearable VLX system, with the NavVis VLX 2 having been released almost two years ago in July of 2021. In their release of the news, NavVis points to greater accuracy in their point clouds delivered with the NavVis VLX 3, calling out their two brand new, 32-layer lidars which have been “meticulously designed and crafted” to reduce noise and drift in point clouds while delivering “high detail at range.” The company has also improved their SLAM robustness, which they say makes their newest wearable system “perfectly suited” for projects both indoors and out.