
How This App Is Helping The Visually Impaired Navigate Around Airports

How This App Is Helping The Visually Impaired Navigate Around Airports
Ever wonder where you were at an airport or transit station and needed to find your gate or a restroom? GoodMaps, based out of Louisville, Kentucky, is working on an app to use your smartphone’s features to help you find your place.
GoodMaps will come to a venue like an airport or a transit agency such as Sound Transit and map the facility with laser radar or LIDAR, creating a map of building edges using lasers. As seen below, the LIDAR mapping allows for optical place finding with a smartphone’s camera.
GoodMaps will then figure out where you are and where you are going if your smartphone has an accelerometer – not just a compass. The accelerometer lets a phone calculate your travel speed without using the global positioning system (GPS).