

Network Rail Seeks InSAR Provider For Geotechnical Asset Monitoring

The UK rail infrastructure operator wants to create an integrated system that combines interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) – which can monitor ground deformation at very high temporal and spatial resolution – with its existing asset data. InSAR could be used to alert Network Rail to areas that show instability based on their movement history. ...
Trimble’s GNSS Technology To Aid Landmine Identification And Clearance In Ukraine

Trimble’s GNSS Technology To Aid Landmine Identification And Clearance In Ukraine

Trimble has announced a partnership with the HALO Trust, the world’s largest landmine-clearing non-profit organization, to help expand its demining operations across Ukraine. The grant from the Trimble Foundation Fund will focus on strengthening the HALO Trust’s capacity to locate and remove landmines, unexploded ordnance and other explosive hazards from civilian areas to create safer ...

Dorset Council Applies GIS To Optimising Home Care

Dorset Council has highlighted the role of interactive digital maps in a successful trial of an approach to optimise home care around the county. It has used the maps in a pilot project in which it worked with the Dorset Care Association, Home Care Forum and providers to reduce the average waiting time for a ...
London Pollution Maps Shows Worst Areas For Road Run-Off Pollution

London Pollution: Maps Shows Worst Areas For Road Run-Off Pollution

A new online map has been created to show where contaminated rain water from roads is polluting rivers in London. Environmental charity Thames21 has launched the site to help local authorities, as well as local communities, identify problem areas. Thames21 said contaminated run-off was caused by oil spills and tyre wear on the roads which ...
Open Cosmos’ MANTIS Satellite Prepped For Upcoming Launch

Open Cosmos’ MANTIS Satellite Prepped For Upcoming Launch

MANTIS was successfully integrated with its EXOpod Nova deployment system in Berlin, provided by Exolaunch as part of their mission management and integration service, prior to completing its integrations with SpaceX’s Falcon 9 before lift-off from Vandenberg Space Force Base. MANTIS, which stands for Mission Agile Nanosatellite for Terrestrial Imagery Services, will be the first ...
Geospatial Data Used To Identify Geohazards For Site Investigations

Geospatial Data Used To Identify Geohazards For Site Investigations

Consultant Card Geotechnics (CGL) has applied aerial laser surveying to pinpoint natural hazards on development sites across the UK. CGL is using geospatial data from aerial survey and geographic data company Bluesky. The data has formed part of the investigation stage on projects ranging from proposed residential developments to long, linear overhead powerlines. High-resolution aerial ...
Merseyside Police Adopts Geospatial Technology To Support Crime Prevention

Merseyside Police Adopts Geospatial Technology To Support Crime Prevention

Merseyside Police is using technology to answer the “where and why” of serious violence across the region, to support crime prevention and to enhance public safety. Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM), powered by Simsi, focuses on places, not people, to prevent crime. Simsi is a startup out of Rutgers University in New Jersey. Analysts from Merseyside ...

Association For Royal Geographical Society Renew Collaboration

The Association for Geographic Information (AGI), the UK membership organisation for companies and individuals working in the geospatial sector, and the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) (RGS-IBG) have signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This strategic alliance, in alignment with both organisation’s objectives and strategies, will strengthen communications to maximise ...

Online Mapping Tool To Identify Policy-Suitable Land For Renewables

Researchers at the University of Strathclyde have created a new geospatial mapping tool that enables developers to identify land for renewable energy development that complies with both policy and technical requirements. Called Geospatial Opportunity Mapping (GOMap), the new tool is built on the available QGIS framework. “External plugins have been developed specifically for QGIS to ...

Location Data Can Help Build The EV Chargepoint Network Of Tomorrow

The Geospatial Commission has today (30 August 2023) published a report to support local authorities to make decisions about where to install electric vehicle (EV) chargepoints in their areas. Location data can arm local authorities with evidence to rollout a public charging network that gives current and prospective EV owners the confidence to make their ...
Some Emperor Penguin Sites Experienced 'Total Breeding Failure' Because Of Sea Ice Loss

Some Emperor Penguin Sites Experienced ‘Total Breeding Failure’ Because Of Sea Ice Loss

Using satellite images, scientists at the British Antarctic Survey were able to see that sea ice in the central and eastern Bellingshausen Sea region last year broke up long before the start of the birds’ fledgling period, when penguin chicks would have developed their waterproof feathers. The research, published Thursday in the journal Communications Earth ...

Anglian Water Uses Satellites To Detect Hard-to-find Water Leaks

Anglian Water reports saving millions of litres of water with space-based detection of water leaks that are otherwise invisible. The company, which supplies water to almost 7 million people mainly in the east of England, launched the programme in December 2022. Based on two complete scans of its service area has reported saving over 2Ml/d ...
OGC And Partners Release Marine SDI Roadmap

OGC And Partners Release Marine SDI Roadmap

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has released the first iteration the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF)-M (Marine) Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Maturity Roadmap for both marine and terrestrial domains. Developed as part of OGC’s ongoing Federated Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (FMSDI) Initiative, the IGIF-(M)SDI Maturity Roadmap is a quick-start guide for nations and marine organizations ...

Ordnance Survey Reveals Top Map Symbol Requests

Ordnance Survey (OS) has revealed the top four new symbols people would like to see added to its leisure maps following a survey. The Southampton-based mapping agency said, of more than 2,400 responses, the top symbol more than half want added is gate and stile fence crossings. Nick Giles, managing director of Ordnance Survey Leisure ...
New Tree Map Launched Following Planting Season

New Tree Map Launched Following Planting Season

A new online map showing trees planted in Haringey over the last year has been launched on the council’s groundbreaking tree web pages. The interactive map highlights the type and location of each new tree planted in the borough’s green spaces and streets in 2022/23. Its user-friendly design enables website visitors to zoom in to ...
The Interactive Map That Shows You How To Pronounce Welsh Placenames

The Interactive Map That Shows You How To Pronounce Welsh Placenames

Happening on the Welsh version of Wikipedia has led one man to create a brilliant online tool that allows people to learn how to pronounce Welsh placenames. Dafydd Elfryn has created Map Llais (Voice Map) which features more than a thousand audio files of placenames in Wales, pronounced in local dialect. It has become a ...
Bluesky Metrovista 3D City Model Underpins Nottingham’s Digital Twin

Bluesky Metrovista 3D City Model Underpins Nottingham’s Digital Twin

Nottingham City Council is a step closer to achieving its vision of creating a digital twin for the city. In what’s believed to be a UK first they are combining the intricate, rich MetroVista 3D mesh with existing photogrammetric 3D modelling within the same application. This enables the visualisation of new developments in an immersive ...
Roman Road Network Spanning The South West Identified In New Research

Roman Road Network Spanning The South West Identified In New Research

Archaeologists at the University of Exeter have used laser scans collected as part of the Environment Agency’s National LiDAR Programme to identify new sections of road west of the previously understood boundary. Among the things it reveals is that far from Exeter being the main nerve centre of the network, it was North Tawton that ...
Butterflies Can Remember Where Things Are Over Sizeable Spaces, Study Finds

Butterflies Can Remember Where Things Are Over Sizeable Spaces, Study Finds

Heliconius butterflies are capable of spatial learning, scientists have discovered. The findings, published in Current Biology, also suggest Heliconius butterflies may be able to learn spatial information at large scales, consistent with the apparent importance of long-range spatial learning for traplining, which involves foraging within a home range of a few hundred square meters. Spatial ...
Transport For Wales Launches New Live Map That Shows Passengers Where Their Train Is

Transport For Wales Launches New Live Map That Shows Passengers Where Their Train Is

A brand new live digital map has been launched showing customers exactly where their train is. Launched by Transport for Wales, the map has been described as “fantastic” by rail bosses. It shows the location of every TfW train and allows customers to view a train’s journey in real time and see the expected arrival ...

UK Space Agency Funds Earth Observation Technologies

UK Space Agency offers £15 million in funding for Earth observation technologies to advance climate monitoring, environmental management, and scientific knowledge. The funding aims to facilitate various environmental services, including meteorology, climate monitoring, environmental management, agriculture, urban planning, and scientific research. The Earth Observation Technology Programme funding is managed by the Centre for Earth Observation ...
Researchers Successfully Train A Machine Learning Model In Outer Space For The First Time

Researchers Successfully Train A Machine Learning Model In Outer Space For The First Time

For the first time, a project led by the University of Oxford has trained a machine learning model in outer space, on board a satellite. This achievement could revolutionise the capabilities of remote-sensing satellites by enabling real-time monitoring and decision making for a range of applications. Currently, most satellites can only passively collect data, since ...
1Spatial Launches Configurable GIS Mobile App For Surveying

1Spatial Launches Configurable GIS Mobile App For Surveying

1Spatial — a global provider of geospatial software and solutions for improved data governance — has launched the 1Capture, a customizable mobile application for data capture. 1Capture is a mobile GIS editing application that is multi-use and configurable. It provides accurate and reliable GIS data collection and editing in the field for a multitude of ...
Mystery Of How Diamonds Reach The Earth’s Surface Finally Solved

Mystery Of How Diamonds Reach The Earth’s Surface Finally Solved

Diamonds form under great pressures in the depths of the Earth and are hundreds, or even billions of years old. They are usually found in types of volcanic rocks called kimberlites, which are located in the oldest, strongest, and thickest parts of the continents, such as in South Africa, where the well-known diamond rush of ...
Partners Team Up To Launch Online Safety Map

Partners Team Up To Launch Online Safety Map

We have launched a new online map for women and girls to use to highlight areas they feel safe or unsafe in Essex. When accessing the map, women and girls can ‘drop a pin’ on a particular area that they have felt unsafe. They can then state why. It can be used on a desktop ...
UNESCO Launches Map Of UK Sites Including The Living Coast

UNESCO Launches Map Of UK Sites Including The Living Coast

A new map has been unveiled featuring all 58 United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) sites in the UK. It includes biospheres, creative cties, global geoparks and World Heritage sites. The map, illustrated by artist Tom Woolley, was launched by UNESCO to raise awareness of the breadth of natural, cultural and built heritage ...
Met Office Launches Climate Data Portal

Met Office Launches Climate Data Portal

The Met Office has launched a new online portal to provide government and business organisations with improved access to climate data. The Climate Data Portal has been built using geospatial technology from Esri UK as part of their strategic partnership, and to help users combine Met Office data with their own to assess the future ...
Using Geospatial Tools To Assess Sewer Risk

Using Geospatial Tools To Assess Sewer Risk

Anglian Water is the largest water and water recycling company by geographic area in England and Wales, serving much of the Eastern portion of the United Kingdom. Recently, the utility company created a geospatial tool in order to get a real-time picture of sewer risk and identify specific hotspots to prioritize where work is most ...
Hydrographic Survey Data Uncovers Preserved Glacial Landscape

Hydrographic Survey Data Uncovers Preserved Glacial Landscape

Part of a series of data sets collected in the Irish Sea, off North Wales, under the Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP) has given us a fantastic insight into the geological past of the UK. The CHP is a long-running data collection programme undertaking systematic surveys of the UK’s coastal waters. Administered by the Maritime and ...

Scotland’s Spatial Hub Becomes Open Data

Scotland’s Improvement Service (IS) has launched open access to the Spatial Hub, making it available beyond the public sector to anyone. It said the hub, which is run by the Spatial Information Service and brings together a wide range of data directly from local authorities and partner organisations, has been made more widely available due ...