

Croatia’s National Map Of Maritime Habitats Launched

This marked the culmination of the project “Mapping Coastal and Submarine Habitats in the Adriatic Sea under National Jurisdiction,” spearheaded by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of the Republic of Croatia (MINGOR) in collaboration with a consortium of over 200 experts. Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries said that the project aimed to enhance ...

UE Asiste A España Y Otros Cuatro Países Afectados Por Incendios Forestales

La Unión Europea (UE) está facilitando apoyo a España, Portugal, Francia, Albania y Croacia para la extinción de los incendios forestales que sufren, informó este viernes un portavoz de la Comisión Europea. “A petición de Croacia y España, la Comisión ha facilitado imágenes de satélite gracias a Copernicus”, que ofrece mapas de evaluación de daños, ...
Precision Agriculture Modernising Croatian Farming

Precision Agriculture Modernising Croatian Farming

Precision agriculture is a relatively new branch of agriculture that serves as a complement and correction to conventional agriculture in a way that provides a detailed and comprehensive view of agricultural practice. We can simply say that precision agriculture is the use of modern technologies and techniques in agriculture, which include various sensors, computer equipment, ...