

Kenya Launches First Operational Satellite Onboard SpaceX Rocket

Kenya Launches First Operational Satellite Onboard SpaceX Rocket

Kenya launched its first operational earth observation satellite on Saturday onboard a SpaceX rocket from the United States. The satellite, developed by nine Kenyan engineers, will collect agricultural and environmental data, including on floods, drought, and wildfires, that authorities plan to use for disaster management and to combat food insecurity. “We have the challenges that ...

Land Analysis In Turkey And Bulgaria To Contribute To Ecological Efforts

A research project conducted at Koç University aims to shed light on future social and environmental threats. The study of 30,000 km2 of land in Turkey and Bulgaria will analyze radical changes in land use and land cover. Correlating the data with population dynamics, the research will contribute to predictions of possible agricultural population loss ...
Google Maps Ha Ripreso Lo Stesso Cane Nello Stesso Posto A Distanza Di 7 Anni

Google Maps Ha Ripreso Lo Stesso Cane Nello Stesso Posto A Distanza Di 7 Anni

Quando si usa Google Maps, di solito si controllano le indicazioni per un nuovo posto. Non ci si aspetta però di imbattersi in qualcosa che solleva più domande che risposte. Gli utenti di Reddit sono infatti rimasti a bocca aperta per un post bizzarro. Una telecamera di Google Maps avrebbe infatti ripreso un cane randagio ...