

Azerbaijan Elaborates A Map Of Armenia’s Mining Industry

A map of Armenia’s mining industry is being elaborated in Azerbaijan, Chairman of the Public Association of Cartographers of Azerbaijan Mugabil Bayramov said, Trend reports. He mentioned that 40 percent of the map has already been elaborated at the moment. “The map is being prepared in two formats. It will be used to find out ...
Azercosmos, Bayanat Sign Agreement On Development Of Geographic Information Systems

Azercosmos, Bayanat Sign Agreement On Development Of Geographic Information Systems

Azercosmos and Bayanat company of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have signed a cooperation agreement. According to the agreement, the parties will cooperate in the area of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This includes promoting potential projects and opportunities for the acquisition, processing and application of remote sensing data, geospatial data capabilities, experience and knowledge sharing. ...

Signing Ceremony Of New Documents Of Cooperation Between Tajikistan And Azerbaijan

Following the meeting and negotiations at the highest level between Tajikistan and Azerbaijan, a ceremony of signing of new documents of cooperation took place. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan on cooperation in the field of geodesy, cartography, land surveying, cadastre and remote land ...