

Albania’s First Satellites Launched Into Space

Albania’s first two satellites were launched into space from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station (CCSFS) on January 3. Tirana plans to use the satellites to detect crimes such as drug cultivation, illegal construction and logging. They will also make it easier to monitor traffic and border security, and fight wildfires — a growing problem in ...

Albania Secures 2 Satellites To Monitor Territory From Space

Albania on Thursday reached a three-year agreement with an American company for a dedicated satellite constellation to provide the country with satellite imagery capabilities across its territory. The Albanian government signed the $6 million (6.2 million euros) deal with Satellogic USA Inc. of North Carolina, the prime minister’s office said. The agreement will give Albania ...

UE Asiste A España Y Otros Cuatro Países Afectados Por Incendios Forestales

La Unión Europea (UE) está facilitando apoyo a España, Portugal, Francia, Albania y Croacia para la extinción de los incendios forestales que sufren, informó este viernes un portavoz de la Comisión Europea. “A petición de Croacia y España, la Comisión ha facilitado imágenes de satélite gracias a Copernicus”, que ofrece mapas de evaluación de daños, ...