
FCC Updates National Broadband Map To Resolve 4M Challenges

FCC Updates National Broadband Map To Resolve 4M Challenges
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released its second iteration of the national broadband map that provides availability data for stakeholders working to expand high-speed internet access across the U.S. The new map shows that more than 8.3 million U.S. homes and businesses lack access to high-speed broadband (nearly 330,000 unserved locations more than the first version, or a 0.2% increase). Late last year the FCC developed its first location-based broadband map using new tools to identify every household and small business in the country that should have access to high-speed internet service. FCC Chairwoman Jessican Rosenworcel said that map was “light years better than preceding maps because it no longer relied on census block-level reporting.”