
Digital Renaissance: NVIDIA Neuralangelo Research Reconstructs 3D Scenes

Digital Renaissance NVIDIA Neuralangelo Research Reconstructs 3D Scenes
Neuralangelo, a new AI model by NVIDIA Research for 3D reconstruction using neural networks, turns 2D video clips into detailed 3D structures — generating lifelike virtual replicas of buildings, sculptures and other real-world objects. Like Michelangelo sculpting stunning, life-like visions from blocks of marble, Neuralangelo generates 3D structures with intricate details and textures. Creative professionals can then import these 3D objects into design applications, editing them further for use in art, video game development, robotics and industrial digital twins.
Prior AI models to reconstruct 3D scenes have struggled to accurately capture repetitive texture patterns, homogenous colors and strong color variations. Neuralangelo adopts instant neural graphics primitives, the technology behind NVIDIA Instant NeRF, to help capture these finer details. Using a 2D video of an object or scene filmed from various angles, the model selects several frames that capture different viewpoints — like an artist considering a subject from multiple sides to get a sense of depth, size and shape. Once it’s determined the camera position of each frame, Neuralangelo’s AI creates a rough 3D representation of the scene, like a sculptor starting to chisel the subject’s shape. The model then optimizes the render to sharpen the details, just as a sculptor painstakingly hews stone to mimic the texture of fabric or a human figure.
The final result is a 3D object or large-scale scene that can be used in virtual reality applications, digital twins or robotics development.