

Türkiye To Boost Earth Observation Capabilities With New Satellite Series

Türkiye will boost its earth observation capabilities with a soon-to-be-launched series of new satellites. Minister of Industry and Technology, Mehmet Fatih Kacir, told Anadolu that the new and indigenous Imece satellite project, consisting of two new satellite series, will be commissioned within four years. “A significant part of our country’s high-resolution Earth observation needs will ...
Satellite Imagery May Provide A Missing Puzzle Piece In Easter Island Saga

Satellite Imagery May Provide A Missing Puzzle Piece In Easter Island Saga

Hundreds of monumental stone heads dot the coastline of the remote Pacific island of Rapa Nui, or Easter Island. Settled by a small group of Polynesian seafarers about 900 years ago, it’s a fascinating place that has been the subject of fierce debate about how complex societies can sometimes ruinously fail. Some experts, such as ...

Tea Industry Goes Digital, Eco-Friendly In East China

As you sip a cup of tea, particularly tea from east China’s Fujian Province, two remote sensing satellites in orbit are monitoring the tea planting and maintenance. The two satellites, both launched in 2022, can obtain the images with a resolution higher than 0.5 meters and a width of 15 km. They serve the tea-producing ...
Mapping Ireland UL Researchers Create New Ordnance Survey Digital Heritage Resource

Mapping Ireland: UL Researchers Create New Ordnance Survey Digital Heritage Resource

Researchers at University of Limerick have created a new digital heritage resource centred on the early years of the Ordnance Survey in Ireland. Marking two-hundred years since the beginnings of the first Ordnance Survey of Ireland, the ‘OS200—Digitally Re-Mapping Ireland’s Ordnance Survey Heritage’ project gathered historic Ordnance Survey (OS) maps and texts, held in disparate ...
Saudi Arabia’s 1,200-Station Renewable Energy Mapping Project Aims To Accelerate Clean Power Goals

Saudi Arabia’s 1,200-Station Renewable Energy Mapping Project Aims To Accelerate Clean Power Goals

Saudi Arabia launched the Geographic Survey Project for Renewable Energy sites, according to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA). The Kingdom awarded contracts to Saudi companies to install 1,200 stations for measuring solar and wind energy across all regions of the country. Saudi Minister of Energy Prince AbdulAziz bin Salman bin AbdulAziz Al Saud stated that ...
Scientists Analyze Record Storm Surges To Help Predict Future Flooding

Scientists Analyze Record Storm Surges To Help Predict Future Flooding

Researchers at the University of Southampton have conducted the most detailed spatial analysis to date of storm surges along the coast of the UK and Ireland. The oceanographers found that coastlines in the north of the Irish Sea experience the longest and largest surges, while those occurring around the southwest coast of England have the ...
Interactive Map Shows Future Climate Of Your City Based On Emissions Scenarios

Interactive Map Shows Future Climate Of Your City Based On Emissions Scenarios

The impacts of climate change are being felt all over the world, but how will it impact how your hometown feels? An interactive web application from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science allows users to search 40,581 places and 5,323 metro areas around the globe to match the expected future climate in each ...
Karte Zeigt Hitze-Hotspots Für FußgängerInnen In Salzburg

Karte Zeigt Hitze-Hotspots Für Fußgänger:Innen In Salzburg

Die hohen Temperaturen machen gemütliche Spaziergänge durch Salzburg zu einer Herausforderung. Die Sonne heizt Gehwege und Straßen extrem auf, und schattenspendende Bäume für Fußgängerinnen und Fußgänger sind vielerorts Mangelware. Der Verkehrsclub Österreich (VCÖ) ruft daher die Bevölkerung dazu auf, Hotspots in einer Online-Karte zu markieren. Die Hitze belastet nicht nur die Gemüter, sondern auch die ...

El Municipio Veinticinqueño Se Suma A La Infraestructura De Datos Espaciales Bonaerense

El Municipio de 25 de Mayo se ha unido a la Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (IDEBA), convirtiéndose en uno de los 30 miembros comprometidos con la gestión eficiente del territorio. A través de esta integración, tendrán acceso a una serie de recursos tecnológicos que facilitarán el seguimiento preciso de ...

Un Estudio De La Universitat Politècnica De Valencia Alerta Del Negativo Impacto Del Turismo Masivo En El Patrimonio Histórico

Un estudio liderado por el Centro de Investigación PEGASO de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) advierte de la “emergente necesidad” de identificar medidas preventivas que ayuden a garantizar la conservación de los edificios patrimoniales y a mejorar la gestión turística de dichos inmuebles y de los centros históricos de las ciudades. Realizado en el ...
AI Shows How Field Crops Develop

AI Shows How Field Crops Develop

Researchers at the University of Bonn have developed software that can simulate the growth of field crops. To do this, they fed thousands of photos from field experiments into a learning algorithm. This enabled the algorithm to learn how to visualize the future development of cultivated plants based on a single initial image. Using the ...
Fiscalización Ambiental SMA Asiste A Actividad De Cierre De Proyecto De Cooperación Entre Chile, Perú Y Alemania

Fiscalización Ambiental: SMA Asiste A Actividad De Cierre De Proyecto De Cooperación Entre Chile, Perú Y Alemania

La Superintendenta del Medio Ambiente de Chile y presidenta pro tempore de la Red Latinoamericana de Fiscalización y Cumplimiento Ambiental (REDLAFICA), Marie Claude Plumer, asistió el 13 y 14 de junio a la actividad de cierre del segundo proyecto de cooperación triangular entre la Superintendencia del Medio Ambiente (SMA), el Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización ...
New Way To Spot Beetle-Killed Spruce Can Help Forest, Wildfire Managers

New Way To Spot Beetle-Killed Spruce Can Help Forest, Wildfire Managers

A new machine-learning system developed at the University of Alaska Fairbanks can automatically produce detailed maps from satellite data to show locations of likely beetle-killed spruce trees in Alaska, even in forests of low and moderate infestation where identification is otherwise difficult. The automated process can help forestry and wildfire managers in their decisions. That’s ...
London Heritage Properties Marked For Demolition Digitally Preserved By City

London Heritage Properties Marked For Demolition Digitally Preserved By City

A growing number of heritage buildings primed for demolition in London will live on virtually with the help of high-end 3D technology. The city has amassed a small but growing number of virtual building replicas as part of its regular process to document and photograph heritage properties, or properties with heritage components, before their date ...
When In Drought Researchers Map Which Parts Of The Amazon Are Most Vulnerable To Climate Change

When In Drought: Researchers Map Which Parts Of The Amazon Are Most Vulnerable To Climate Change

In the late 2000s, Scott Saleska observed an unusual phenomenon in the Amazon rainforest. A severe drought in 2005 led to increased green growth in vast areas of the Amazon, contrary to field researchers’ observations of browning plants and some dying due to the drought. Recent research published in Nature by Shuli Chen, a doctoral ...
Albedo Takes Earth Observation Up Close And Personal From Very Low Earth Orbit

Albedo Takes Earth Observation Up Close And Personal From Very Low Earth Orbit

Satellite imagery startup Albedo is preparing for its up-close-and-personal debut. Albedo’s first satellite will take to orbit next spring as the company looks to turn the commercial Earth observation industry upside down with its novel approach and ultra-high-resolution cameras. The satellite, called Clarity, will hitch a ride to very low Earth orbit (VLEO) on SpaceX’s ...
Planetary Boundary Layer Revealed Satellites Illuminate Atmospheric Mysteries

Planetary Boundary Layer Revealed: Satellites Illuminate Atmospheric Mysteries

Unlocking the secrets of Earth’s planetary boundary layer (PBL), a pivotal zone influencing air quality and climate, a new study offers unprecedented insights into atmospheric thermal contrasts (TC). By scrutinizing satellite data, researchers have shed light on how the surface-to-atmosphere temperature gradient affects the detection of atmospheric pollutants. The endeavor to keep tabs on and ...
Study Reveals Stable Soil Moisture Variability Within Fields, Opens Door For Satellite Remote Sensing

Study Reveals Stable Soil Moisture Variability Within Fields, Opens Door For Satellite Remote Sensing

A multi-institutional study led by University of Illinois and Agroecosystem Sustainability Center (ASC) scientists concluded that, although soil moisture varies significantly both within a single field and from field to field due to varying soil properties and different management practices, soil moisture distribution relative to the field average remains consistent across time within each field. ...
NASA-Led Mission To Map Air Pollution Over Both U.S. Coasts

NASA-Led Mission To Map Air Pollution Over Both U.S. Coasts

This summer between June 17 and July 2, NASA will fly aircraft over Baltimore, Philadelphia, parts of Virginia, and California to collect data on air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. The campaign supports the NASA Student Airborne Research Program for undergraduate interns. The East Coast flights will take place from June 17-26. Researchers and students ...
Empowering Citizens To Map Air Quality In Overlooked Corners Of The City

Empowering Citizens To Map Air Quality In Overlooked Corners Of The City

An EU-funded initiative is transforming the way cities tackle air pollution by engaging citizens in the collection of high-resolution data on frequently visited spots – neighbourhoods, schools and lesser-known city pockets often missed by official monitoring. The EU boasts a rich and advanced history in pollution monitoring, offering one of the most advanced and detailed ...
Madatlas Digital Cartography For Madagascar

Madatlas: Digital Cartography For Madagascar

An ambitious project launched in 2021, Madatlas aims to build an LMD training program in digital cartography at the University of Fianarantsoa. With the aim of enabling the Malagasy people to play an active role in the creation of a digital atlas of the island, Madatlas has given rise to training, research and partnerships between ...
Türkiye To Create Digital Maps Of Water Bodies

Türkiye To Create Digital Maps Of Water Bodies

In a bid to better manage Türkiye’s water resources, the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry has initiated a project to create digital atlases mapping a total of 270 stagnant water bodies, including dams and artificial ponds currently being constructed. These water resources will be digitized in a geographic information system (GIS) center. “Drinking water basin and ...
New GIS Tool Offers Maps Of Safest Bike Routes, City Capital Improvement Projects, More In Menlo Park

New GIS Tool Offers Maps Of Safest Bike Routes, City Capital Improvement Projects, More In Menlo Park

Have you ever wondered who provides your sewer services, when your street is scheduled to be swept, what average daily traffic volumes are on streets near you or when the sidewalk in front of your house was last replaced? Menlo Park residents can now find the answer to these questions and more on Menlo Park’s ...
Iran, Tajikistan Sign MoU To Boost Coop. In Geomatic Sciences

Iran, Tajikistan Sign MoU To Boost Coop. In Geomatic Sciences

The director general of the National Cartographic Center of Iran (NCC) Ali Javidaneh and the chairman of the State Committee for Land Management and Geodesy of Tajikistan inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Tehran aimed at developing cooperation in the field of the geomatic sciences. Javidaneh said the MoU is a turning point in ...
Using Drones Will Advance The Inspection Of Remote Runways In Canada And Beyond, Research Suggests

Using Drones Will Advance The Inspection Of Remote Runways In Canada And Beyond, Research Suggests

With weather, limited flights and long distances, gravel runways at remote airports—particularly in northern Canada—are difficult to get to, let alone to inspect for safety. So Northeastern University researcher Michal Aibin and his team have developed a more thorough, safer and faster way to inspect such runways using drones, computer vision and artificial intelligence. The ...
School Of Geosciences Professor Leads Permafrost Thaw Study

School Of Geosciences Professor Leads Permafrost Thaw Study

A research initiative, funded by NASA and the Army Corps of Engineers, is underway to study permafrost thaw in Alaska and its significant impacts on the environment. This project aims to understand the landforms created by thawing permafrost, how it affects methane emissions and whether the rate of permafrost thaw is accelerating. Leading this research ...
Researchers Leverage Shadows To Model 3D Scenes, Including Objects Blocked From View

Researchers Leverage Shadows To Model 3D Scenes, Including Objects Blocked From View

Imagine driving through a tunnel in an autonomous vehicle, but unbeknownst to you, a crash has stopped traffic up ahead. Normally, you’d need to rely on the car in front of you to know you should start braking. But what if your vehicle could see around the car ahead and apply the brakes even sooner? ...
Lanzan Una Plataforma Para Acceder En Línea A Información Forestal Detallada

Lanzan Una Plataforma Para Acceder En Línea A Información Forestal Detallada

El Geoportal se destaca por su capacidad para integrar y superponer múltiples capas de información generadas por diferentes organismos nacionales, permitiendo la visualización de datos de alta precisión sobre la cobertura forestal, distribución de especies y otros aspectos centrales del sector foresto industrial argentino. El Gobierno Nacional lanzó la Información Cartográfica Forestal a través de ...
Remote Sensing Characterization Of Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery

Remote Sensing Characterization Of Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery

Remote sensing is a powerful tool to measure fire’s effects on plant life. How severe was the damage to vegetation? How quickly can a landscape recover? A new project is looking at those questions from a before, during, and after fire perspective, and the Wildland Fire Team at EROS investigates how using different remote sensing ...
Scientists Have Built A ‘Digital Twin’ Of Earth To Predict The Future Of Climate Change

Scientists Have Built A ‘Digital Twin’ Of Earth To Predict The Future Of Climate Change

Scientists have built a highly accurate digital simulation of planet Earth to provide reliable information about extreme weather and climate change. This AI-powered “digital twin” virtually simulates the interaction between natural phenomena and human activities to predict their effect on things like water, food and energy systems. In the past, climate and weather predictions have ...