

Geoportal Und Stadtplan Überarbeitet

Geoportal Und Stadtplan Überarbeitet

Das Geoportal der Stadt Mannheim erscheint ab sofort in neuem Gewand und ist auf allen Endgeräten abrufbar. Federführend ist dabei nach Angaben der Kommune das Geodatenkompetenzzentrum im Fachbereich Geoinformation und Stadtplanung. „Im Sinne einer modernen Stadtverwaltung optimieren wir stetig unsere digitalen Angebote. Das Geoportal bietet kostenfrei und von überall zugänglich eine Vielzahl an nützlichen Informationen ...
IA Torna Mais Preciso O Mapeamento Da Intensificação Agrícola No Cerrado

IA Torna Mais Preciso O Mapeamento Da Intensificação Agrícola No Cerrado

Metodologia pioneira, desenvolvida com suporte da Inteligência Artificial (IA), permitiu o alcance de um nível de acurácia de até 97%, quando aplicada em análises de imagens de satélite do Cerrado do município de Sorriso (MT), um dos principais produtores agrícolas do País. A acurácia é um aspecto relevante nos levantamentos realizados por meio de sensoriamento ...

AWS Ties Up With ISRO And IN-SPACe To Advance India’s Space Capabilities With Cloud Technologies

Amazon Web Services (AWS) India Private Limited has signed a strategic Memorandum of Understanding with the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Centre (IN-SPACe) to support space-tech innovations through cloud computing. This collaboration will give space startups, research institutes and students access to cutting edge cloud technologies that accelerate ...
Microsoft And Esri To Speed Up Access To Earth-Observation Data

Microsoft And Esri To Speed Up Access To Earth-Observation Data

To speed up access to Earth observation data for millions of customers, Esri is closely integrating its ArcGIS geographic mapping platform with Microsoft Azure Space. “We’re putting the entire technology stack in Azure Space data centers,” Richard Cooke, Esri, imagery and remote sensing director, told SpaceNews at the World Satellite Business Week conference here. “We ...