

Calling On OEMS To Take Part In Survey To Enhance Precise Positioning Through SouthPAN

The Australian and New Zealand governments, with support from FrontierSI, are conducting a survey with Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to understand the opportunities and barriers for integrating SouthPAN signal support in your GNSS chips, devices and equipment. SouthPAN is the first Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS) in the Southern Hemisphere and provides improved positioning and navigation ...

공공데이터포털 전면 개편…246억 원 투입해 융합·분석 플랫폼으로

정부가 공공데이터포털의 데이터 접근성과 활용성을 사용자 중심으로 획기적으로 높이기 위해 본격적으로 전면 개편한다. 지능형 검색과 맞춤형 데이터를 추천하는 공공데이터 융합,분석 플랫폼으로 ‘업그레이드’하고자 오는 2026년까지 246억 원을 투입하기로 한 것이다. 한편 공공데이터포털은 2013년 서비스를 시작해 현재 8만 3000여 개 공공데이터를 개방하고 있는 명실상부 정부 대표 데이터플랫폼이다. 이 플랫폼에서 주요 공공데이터를 개방해 지금까지 공공데이터 민간활용 건수가 5300만 ...

German Start-Up And Airbus Defence Space Team Up On Datacubes

German Start-up Rasdaman GmbH and Airbus Defence and Space announce a collaboration towards the next generation of Earth Observation exploitation services, centred around spatio-temporal datacubes, to pave the way for a dynamic version of the CopDEM for analytics in the cloud. “We add new features by the week, inspired by the impressive quality the data ...

جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز تقدّم مشروع “أطلس الوديان في المملكة”

قدّم مركز أبحاث المياه بجامعة الملك عبدالعزيز، مشروعًا جديدًا يُعنى بأطلس الوديان في بعض مناطق المملكة، ضمن مبادراته العملية للحفاظ على الماء بوصفه من أهم الموارد الطبيعية لحياة الإنسان وجميع أنشطته الاجتماعية والاقتصادية في مختلف المجالات، وخاصة في مجال الزراعة والصناعة. تأتي فكرة المشروع مع تزايد النمو السكاني وازدياد استهلاك المياه من مختلف القطاعات التنموية، ...
Desarrollan Una Plataforma Con Información Espacial Para La Vigilancia De Enfermedades

Desarrollan Una Plataforma Con Información Espacial Para La Vigilancia De Enfermedades

La Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) finalizó el desarrollo de un sistema integrado de vigilancia basado en información espacial para enfermedades transmitidas por vectores, que próximamente estará online para el uso del público en general, gobiernos locales e instituciones de la salud pública. La herramienta fue desarrollada completamente con software libre y de código ...

Survey And Geospatial Information Authority Releases Official Map Of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information announced on Monday that it is the national authority responsible for producing the official map of the Kingdom with approved international borders. It also said it is responsible for providing maps to all government agencies, the private sector, the academic sector, individuals, and the media, Saudi ...
Galileo Becomes Faster For Every User

Galileo Becomes Faster For Every User

ESA satnav receiver vans – driving between the busy heart of Rotterdam, quiet countryside, and the Agency’s ESTEC technical centre – have confirmed that Galileo signals now provide a first position fix more rapidly, while also offering improved robustness in challenging environments and streamlined access to time information. The improvement comes from a new so-called ...