

Esri Launches Online GIS Course For Climate Action

As the impacts of climate change increase and intensify around the world, one aspect that has become clear is the geographic nature of the issue. The ability to tackle such a wide-reaching geographic challenge requires technology that gives context, which location intelligence provides. To support the individuals working toward this goal, Esri, the global leader ...

Powstaje Mapa, Która Pomoże W Bezpiecznym Lataniu Dronami

Od kilkunastu dni, częściej niż zwykle, nad podwarszawskimi gminami można zobaczyć drony. W ten sposób realizowany jest projekt unijny „Usługi cyfrowe dla Bezzałogowych Statków Powietrznych”, w ramach którego powstanie specjalna mapa zwiększająca bezpieczeństwo lotów bezzałogowymi statkami powietrznymi (BSP). Drony tworzą mapę terenu, która w przyszłości pomoże w bezpiecznym poruszaniu się takich urządzeń nad danym terenem. ...

La UCLM Y El MNCN Desarrollan Un Método Que Obtiene Mapas Más Fiables Del Riesgo De Las Inundaciones Fluviales

Cuando un río se desborda, inunda los terrenos que lo rodean provocando numerosos daños y situaciones de peligro. La Directiva Europea de Inundaciones regula, entre otras materias, qué se puede cultivar, edificar o programar en las vegas de los ríos con la intención de minimizar los efectos indeseados de un desbordamiento. Un equipo de investigadores ...
StarNav Receiver Produces Positioning And Timing Results Using Simulated Xona PULSAR Signals

StarNav Receiver Produces Positioning And Timing Results Using Simulated Xona PULSAR Signals

In a recent demonstration, a StarNav receiver yielded 20 cm positioning precision from a cold start using simulated Xona PULSAR signals. StarNav’s receiver tracked up to 13 signals from Xona PULSAR satellites, StarNav CEO Joshua Morales said. The signals were simulated by a Safran simulator. Morales showcased the results at ION GNSS+ in Denver earlier ...

In A First, CIDCO To Use AI, Satellite Imagery To Detect Illegal Structures

The City and Industrial Development Corporation (CIDCO for the first time is eyeing the possibility of using automated technology to identify illegal constructions happening in its area. The application that CIDCO plans to develop will enable officials to do extensive area-based study with the help of high resolution satellite imagery. “This technological intervention will supplement ...
HHS Launches Climate And Health Outlook Portal To Identify Counties At Risk Of Climate-related Hazards

HHS Launches Climate And Health Outlook Portal To Identify Counties At Risk Of Climate-related Hazards

Today, in coordination with the White House Summit on Building Climate Resilient Communities, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Climate Change and Health Equity (OCCHE) and Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response’s (ASPR) Geospatial Team launched the Climate and Health Outlook Portal , an interactive tool that provides actionable, county-level ...
Ecologists Use Satellite Images To Predict Wheat Yield With 98% Accuracy Via Satellite Imagery

Ecologists Use Satellite Images To Predict Wheat Yield With 98% Accuracy Via Satellite Imagery

RUDN University ecologists found a parameter in satellite images that allows accurately calculating and increasing the wheat yield. Such technology helps agronomists monitor crops and make decisions. These results were published in The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science. Low crop yields are usually associated with disturbances in agro-climatic conditions, improper or untimely ...

Esri España Celebra Su Conferencia Geoespacial Con El Agua Como Temática De Análisis

La Conferencia Esri España, el mayor evento sobre tecnología geoespacial de Europa, organizado anualmente por Esri España, reúne el 4 y 5 de octubre en Ifema (Madrid) algunos de los proyectos más innovadores en la aplicación de tecnología geoespacial en España, entre ellos sobre agua. Bajo el lema ´Creando el mundo que queremos ver´, el ...

Trimble And Kyivstar Partner To Provide GNSS Correction Services For Agriculture, Construction And Geospatial Applications In Ukraine

Trimble and Kyivstar, Ukraine’s largest telecommunications company, are partnering to install a new Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) network to provide Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) correction services across the country. Available to users as an annual subscription service, the new network will be built using Trimble’s hardware and software positioning technology, which provides customers ...

As Wildfires Worsen, Canada’s Space Agency Wants To Become Firefighters’ Eye In The Sky

Canada’s fire forecasters will be getting a new tool in their battle against out-of-control blazes. In this year’s record-scorching fire season, provincial and federal wildfire agencies had to rely on a mix of European and NASA satellite instruments to help monitor and predict fire behaviour. Now, however, the Canadian Space Agency is preparing to launch ...

ISRO Working To Expand Navigation System NaVIC Coverage To 3,000 Km From 1,500 Km Beyond India

Isro is working on increasing the coverage of its Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System or NaVIC to 3,000 km from the existing 1,500 km (from beyond the Indian boundary), Isro chairman S Somanath informed on Tuesday. During the CSIR Foundation Day event at Bharat Mandapam, Somanath gave a presentation of the space agency’s activities where ...

NWS Unveils New Experimental Flood Inundation Maps For Much Of East Texas, Central Pennsylvania And Parts Of The Northeast

Flooding is the most frequent severe-weather related threat and the costliest natural disaster in the United States. To improve flood warning communication and help emergency managers prepare for and respond to flooding, the National Weather Service (NWS) has begun to add new experimental flood inundation mapping services to its suite of forecast products. These new ...
Photogrammetry App In Major New Release Of Smart Drone Survey Software

Photogrammetry App In Major New Release Of Smart Drone Survey Software

Virtual Surveyor has added drone photogrammetry capabilities to the latest release of its popular Virtual Surveyor smart drone surveying software. The new Terrain Creator app photogrammetrically processes drone photos to generate survey-grade terrains which then transfer seamlessly into the traditional Virtual Surveyor workspace where the real survey work can be performed. “Virtual Surveyor software is ...

Cuba Se Apresta A Celebrar La X Convención De Agrimensura 2023

El citadino Hotel Tryp Habana Libre, acoge la X Convención de Agrimensura 2023, cuyas sesiones de debates y feria expositiva se extenderán desde este 25 al 30 de septiembre próximos, informó el Comité Organizador. Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez, presidente de la Unión Nacional de Arquitectos e Ingenieros de la Construcción de Cuba (UNAICC), organizador del encuentro, ...

Politechnika Lubelska Opracowuje Cyfrowego Bliźniaka Zamościa

Model cyfrowego bliźniaka Zamościa powstaje w ramach międzynarodowego projektu naukowego „Zero energy buildings for zero energy neighbourhoods ZEB4ZEN”. Jego budżet to ponad 2 miliony euro. Głównym celem przedsięwzięcia jest opracowanie ponadnarodowej metodologii i regionalnych planów działania, które pokażą, jak do roku 2050 przekształcić historyczne dzielnice miejskie w dzielnice o niemal zerowym zużyciu energii. „Miasta idealne” ...
Presentan Servicio De “Teledetección Con Drones” Para Digitalizar Y Registrar Información Geoespacial Forestal

Presentan Servicio De “Teledetección Con Drones” Para Digitalizar Y Registrar Información Geoespacial Forestal

En la Expoamazónica 2023, el Instituto Tecnológico de la Producción (ITP), a través del CITEforestal Maynas, presentó el servicio de “teledetección con drones”, el cual beneficiará al sector forestal de la región de Loreto. Durante la exhibición que albergó a un gran número de participantes, los especialistas del CITE mostraron como dicha tecnología de vanguardia, ...

Emater-MG Usa Imagens De Satélite Para Mapear A Citricultura Em Município Do Sul De Minas

A Empresa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural de Minas Gerais (Emater-MG) está realizando um mapeamento pioneiro das áreas ocupadas com a citricultura em Campanha, no Sul do estado. O trabalho de georreferenciamento, que poderá servir de modelo para outros municípios mineiros, é um cruzamento de diversas informações geradas por satélites, por imagens feitas por ...
PBH Apresenta Base De Dados Urbanos Em Evento Diálogos Urbanos

PBH Apresenta Base De Dados Urbanos Em Evento Diálogos Urbanos

A Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte realizará nesta quarta-feira (27), às 14h, no Teatro Francisco Nunes, o evento Diálogos Urbanos para apresentar as plataformas de dados públicos sobre o planejamento urbano da capital. A intenção é publicizar as ferramentas e permitir a participação da sociedade nas discussões. O evento é destinado a professores, estudantes, pesquisadores e ...
New Online Map Helps Track Leesburg Lanternflies In Real Time

New Online Map Helps Track Leesburg Lanternflies In Real Time

According to Leesburg Tree Commission Chair Earl Hower, the lanternfly slowly spread throughout the mid-Atlantic states since it was first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014. In the last two years, it has been found more commonly in D.C., Maryland and Northern Virginia. There’s a new invasive species locator map to see where the lanternflies are ...
Interactive Map Depicts Extent Of Worldwide Wildlife Exposure To ‘Forever Chemicals’

Interactive Map Depicts Extent Of Worldwide Wildlife Exposure To ‘Forever Chemicals’

Scientists have documented the widespread exposure of more than 600 animal species to toxic “forever chemicals,” in a new interactive map released on Tuesday. As contaminated wildlife crop up in every corner of the planet, humans may be playing a sentinel role in transmitting the adverse effects of these compounds — known as per- and ...
Esta Ferramenta Mostra A Cobertura Das Operadoras De Redes Em Tempo Real

Esta Ferramenta Mostra A Cobertura Das Operadoras De Redes Em Tempo Real

Já está disponível a plataforma Geoespacial, um novo instrumento que permite conhecer em tempo real a cobertura de redes de comunicações – de todos os operadores – no território nacional. Até agora a aplicação tem.REDE? fornecia informação apenas sobre a cobertura móvel. Já a nova plataforma agrega informação mais completa e com maior grau de ...
Türkiye Arıcılık Haritası Güncellendi

Türkiye Arıcılık Haritası Güncellendi

Tarım ve Orman Bakanı İbrahim Yumaklı, Türkiye Arıcılık Haritası’nın güncellendiğini belirterek, “Böylece arıcılarımız, illerin flora çeşitliliği ile bitkilerin çiçeklenme dönemlerine, bal ormanı alanları ile kovan kapasitelerine ulaşma imkanı bularak arılarını hangi bölgeye, hangi dönemde, hangi çiçek için götüreceklerini belirleyebilecekler” dedi. Bakanlığa bağlı Hayvancılık Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından arıcılığın geliştirilmesi ve bal üretiminin artırılması amacıyla projelendirilen ve ...
Bats Navigate Social Life With Brain’s GPS

Bats Navigate Social Life With Brain’s GPS

Bats use the same neurons for social navigation as they do for spatial navigation. The study involved wireless neural recording and imaging of groups of Egyptian fruit bats flying in a large room. The bat’s “place” neurons in the hippocampus fired not only to indicate the animal’s location but also the identity of other bats ...
Mapping Methane The Trio Of Sentinel Satellites Targeting Super-emitters From Space

Mapping Methane: The Trio Of Sentinel Satellites Targeting Super-emitters From Space

Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas and is the second-largest contributor to climate warming after carbon dioxide. A tonne of methane, despite its shorter lifespan of about 10 years in the atmosphere, can retain an astounding 30 times more heat than a tonne of carbon dioxide over the course of a century. This means that ...
Balko Tech Unveils Advanced Modular Drone Lidar Solution

Balko Tech Unveils Advanced Modular Drone Lidar Solution

Balko Tech, a Canadian innovator in the geospatial industry, has announced the launch of Connectiv, the next evolution of its modular drone Lidar system. This release also includes the introduction of the e-Connect application. Following the success of the e-ONE system in 2021, Connectiv represents a significant leap forward in technology, designed to offer geospatial ...
Merseyside Police Adopts Geospatial Technology To Support Crime Prevention

Merseyside Police Adopts Geospatial Technology To Support Crime Prevention

Merseyside Police is using technology to answer the “where and why” of serious violence across the region, to support crime prevention and to enhance public safety. Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM), powered by Simsi, focuses on places, not people, to prevent crime. Simsi is a startup out of Rutgers University in New Jersey. Analysts from Merseyside ...
국토위성영상, 누구나 사용할 수 있도록 제공

국토위성영상, 누구나 사용할 수 있도록 제공

전문가부터 일반인까지 활용 가능한 국토위성 산출물을 9월 22일부터 국토정보플랫폼(을 통해 누구나 사용할 수 있다. ’21년 10월부터 국토위성이 촬영한 영상은 위치정확도, 해상도 등이 보정된 위성정사영상으로 가공되어 국내 최초로 공공서비스를 하고 있음에도 불구하고, 여전히 위성영상 활용에 전문성과 많은 데이터 전처리가 요구되어, 누구나 편리하게 데이터에 접근하고 분석에 즉시 활용할 수 있는 기반을 마련해야 한다는 필요성이 제기되어 왔다. 새롭게 ...
Guelph Study Aims To Improve Access To Public Washrooms

Guelph Study Aims To Improve Access To Public Washrooms

The Guelph Lab, a collaboration of The College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, University of Guelph and the City of Guelph, is working with the university’s Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics to identify areas in the city without public washroom access so that facilities can be considered for the future. Guelph Lab facilitator ...

Chinese Researchers Reveal How Vegetation Structure Biases Satellite Observation

Vegetation is a crucial part of terrestrial ecosystems and an important indicator of climate change. A team of Chinese researchers has reported that the structural complexity of vegetation may influence satellites’ remote sensing monitoring. Vegetation indices (VIs), derived from satellite data, are widely used for monitoring terrestrial ecosystems and tracking plant properties, vegetation changes, and ...
Using Remote Sensing Technology To Measure Vehicle Emissions

Using Remote Sensing Technology To Measure Vehicle Emissions

While laboratory-based emissions testing can help keep polluting vehicles off the road, they alone are not enough. What is needed is new technologies, such as remote emission sensing (RES). RES uses sensors and cameras to automatically measure exhaust emissions from vehicles in real-world operation. While RES may be a proven technology, it is not widely ...