

Tribal Leaders And Researchers Have Mapped The Ancient ‘Lost Suburbs’ Of Los Angeles

Tribal Leaders And Researchers Have Mapped The Ancient ‘Lost Suburbs’ Of Los Angeles

For millions of Los Angeles-area motorists, the Whittier Narrows Recreation Area flashes by in an instant — a tattered oasis of wetlands, sycamore and oak that punctuates the monotonous sprawl of industrial parks, cinder-block sound walls and residential cul-de-sacs along the 60 Freeway and Rosemead Boulevard. But to Andrew Salas, chairman of the Gabrieleño-Kizh tribe, ...
RD Y Cuba Unirán Capacidades Para Desarrollar Atlas De Riesgo Climático

RD Y Cuba Unirán Capacidades Para Desarrollar Atlas De Riesgo Climático

República Dominicana y Cuba exploran vías de intercambio y colaboración para impulsar los Atlas de Riesgo Climático de ambos países, basándose en las capacidades y fortalezas que cada uno de ellos ha desarrollado en materia de observación geoespacial; recolección y sistematización de datos; y desarrollo de las plataformas tecnológicas. “Cuba ha desarrollado y actualiza cada ...
THEOS-2 Airbus-built Satellite For Thailand Successfully Launched

THEOS-2 Airbus-built Satellite For Thailand Successfully Launched

The Airbus-built THEOS-2 Earth observation satellite has been successfully launched on a Vega rocket from Kourou, Europe’s spaceport in French Guiana. The Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency of Thailand (GISTDA) selected Airbus as partner for its next-generation national geo-information system in 2018. Jean-Marc Nasr, Head of Space Systems at Airbus, said: “This successful launch ...
Geospatial Analysis Identifies Areas With Individuals Eligible For Lung Cancer Screening

Geospatial Analysis Identifies Areas With Individuals Eligible For Lung Cancer Screening

A model that incorporates demographic and smoking history data has identified regions populated with individuals eligible for lung cancer screening, according to study results presented at the CHEST annual meeting. “Geospatial techniques allow us to look at population-level trends as part of identifying next steps in lung cancer screening outreach and resource planning,” Christine Lambert, ...
New AI Algorithm Transforms 2D Photos Into 3D Maps

New AI Algorithm Transforms 2D Photos Into 3D Maps

A new method named MonoXiver uses AI to build up reliable 3D maps of a camera’s surroundings based only on 2D photos. The technology could be especially useful for navigation in self-driving cars. As 2D representations of a 3D world, photos are missing a huge amount of information about the actual sizes of the objects ...