

Airbus-backed Satellite Planned For Launch

Airbus-backed Satellite Planned For Launch

Called Carbsar, the mission is being developed by Surrey Satellite Technology and Oxford Space Systems. The project responds to the effective use of radar tech in the ongoing Ukraine conflict, currently used to monitor Russian movements, and is intended to fill a gap in U.K. surveillance. The work has been jointly funded by Airbus Defense ...

China Launches CubeSat Onboard Tianzhou-6 Cargo Craft

China launched an experiment satellite onboard the Tianzhou-6 cargo craft on Wednesday, according to the satellite’s developer Dalian University of Technology. The satellite is a high-resolution Earth remote sensing CubeSat that weighs 17 kg. It will serve to verify a series of innovative technologies such as high-resolution remote sensing imaging, a highly reliable domestic OpenHarmony ...
Esri Maps Out Routes As Migratory Birds Return To Ireland

Esri Maps Out Routes As Migratory Birds Return To Ireland

Esri Ireland, the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) operator, has created a digital map highlighting the flight paths of a number of migratory birds which have returned to Ireland’s shores after having flown south for the winter. The maps are to mark World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD), which falls on May 13th, an annual awareness-raising campaign ...
Hightech-quad Erfasst Den Zustand Des Straßenfernen Radwegenetzes In Dortmund

Hightech-quad Erfasst Den Zustand Des Straßenfernen Radwegenetzes In Dortmund

Vollbepackt mit Kameras, Scannern und Sensoren befährt ein spezielles Quad ab der kommenden Woche bis Ende Juni Dortmunds straßenferne Radwege. Dieses Fahrzeug ist unterwegs, um möglichst viele Details zum Zustand der Radwege zu dokumentieren. Die Informationen fließen nicht nur in die Arbeit des Tiefbauamts ein, sondern auch das Vermessungs- und Katasteramt wird damit die vorhandenen ...

“폭우 피해 막아라”…서울시, 전국 첫 ‘침수 예·경보제’ 도입

서울시가 올해부터 이상 폭우로 침수가 발생될 것으로 예상되는 지역에 선제적으로 경고하는 ‘침수 예·경보제’를 전국 최초로 시행한다. 침수를 차단하기 위해 각 시설별 맞춤형 방재시설도 설치한다. 서울시는 이 같은 내용의 ‘2023년 풍수해 안전대책’을 11일 발표했다. 지난해 여름 150년 만의 기록적 폭우로 막대한 인명 피해가 발생한 데 따른 추가 조치다. 이를 위해 이달 15일부터 10월15일까지 ‘풍수해 재난안전대책본부’를 24시간 ...
Chile Ahora Exporta Su Expertiz En Manejo De Datos Geoespaciales

Chile Ahora Exporta Su Expertiz En Manejo De Datos Geoespaciales

Acompañada de un equipo técnico de la IDE Chile, la ministra de Bienes Nacionales, Javiera Toro, llegó a Honduras para actualizar un convenio de colaboración con el Instituto de la Propiedad (IP) de ese país, que busca compartir experiencias en información geoespacial, administración de suelos y propiedad fiscal, ámbito en el que Chile cuenta con ...
Indo-American Chamber Of Commerce Signs MoU With Geospatial World Chamber Of Commerce

Indo-American Chamber Of Commerce Signs MoU With Geospatial World Chamber Of Commerce

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Indo-American Chamber of Commerce, India (IACC) and Geospatial World Chamber of Commerce(GWCC). Dr Lalit Bhasin, National President of IACC and Sanjay Kumar, CEO of GWCC officially signed the MoU with the purpose of establishing a framework for collaboration in Building Mutual Cooperation and Bilateral Trade Relations between ...
Pesquisa De Mestrado Mapeia Aspectos Socioculturais Das Tranças Afro

Pesquisa De Mestrado Mapeia Aspectos Socioculturais Das Tranças Afro

“O mestrado da Layla é inovador porque propõe um duplo sentido. Primeiro o de repensar a historiografia do DF, considerando a presença e o protagonismo das pessoas negras. Depois, contribui do ponto de vista do patrimônio e dos debates de história, ajudando a qualificar como um ofício o trabalho das trancistas”, destaca a orientadora da ...
Google Partners With Singapore Tourism Board For AI-powered Guided Tours

Google Partners With Singapore Tourism Board For AI-powered Guided Tours

At Google I/O 2023 on Wednesday, Google’s ARCore and the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) launched a preview of two new immersive AR experiences around Merlion Park and Victoria Theatre & Concert Hall in the Visit Singapore app. Powered by Google’s ARCore Geospatial API, visitors will be able to embark on an immersive guided tour. “Google’s ...

Foursquare Launches Its Geospatial Knowledge Graph

Foursquare, an independent geospatial technology platform, today announced its geospatial knowledge graph, a novel way of organizing geospatial datasets using graph technologies and the H3 grid system to transform how businesses derive value from location data. The Foursquare Graph eliminates common challenges in achieving results by pre-joining various geospatial data assets through well-defined relationships and ...
Google Releases AR Geospatial Creator For Unity

Google Releases AR Geospatial Creator For Unity

Google has unveiled its Geospatial Creator for Unity platform, allowing developers to preview 3D assets via the Unity Editor. Viewing spatially-linked assets on a hyperrealistic 3D planet map, the toolkit powers ARCore and Photorealistic 3D Tiles via the Google Maps Platform, it said on its website. Users can select locations, retrieve 3D geometry of the ...