

WiMi Hologram Builds Intelligent Network System

WiMi Hologram Cloud, a Hologram Augmented Reality Technology provider, announced the construction of a holographic intelligent network system that integrates 6G and artificial intelligence technologies to promote holographic digital sensing, complete quantitative aggregation, refined control, smart execution, and integrated services in urban governance. The system can collect multi-source and multi-dimensional data, such as urban traffic ...
Senzabarriere.App Arriva Ad Arezzo Al Via La Mappatura Dei Luoghi Pubblici

Senzabarriere.App Arriva Ad Arezzo: Al Via La Mappatura Dei Luoghi Pubblici

Una mappatura attenta e capillare del centro di Arezzo per comprendere, ed eventualmente migliorare, l’accessibilità dei luoghi pubblici della città. Grazie alla Fondazione Arezzo Comunità e al Comune di Arezzo arriva la, un’applicazione che permette agli utenti di trovare i punti di interesse di un centro cittadino mostrandone il livello di accessibilità, rendendo così ...

Cuidar Las Zonas Verdes Aplicando Tecnología Geoespacial E Inteligencia Artificial

Cuidar las zonas verdes aplicando tecnología geoespacial e inteligencia artificial ya es posible y Fuenlabrada será la primera ciudad de España en aplicar este innovador proyecto. A través de satélites y sensores, recopilan información más allá de la que se capta a simple vista proporcionando una completa y exhaustiva comprensión sobre lo que ocurre en ...
Phone-based Measurements Provide Fast, Accurate Information About The Health Of Forests

Phone-based Measurements Provide Fast, Accurate Information About The Health Of Forests

The researchers, from the University of Cambridge, developed the algorithm, which gives an accurate measurement of tree diameter, an important measurement used by scientists to monitor forest health and levels of carbon sequestration. “When you’re trying to figure out how much carbon a forest is sequestering, these ground-based measurements are hugely valuable, but also time-consuming,” ...
Lakes Can Change How Glaciers Move

Lakes Can Change How Glaciers Move

At the feet of mountain glaciers, melting ice forms pools of water that can be trapped behind moraines. And with warming temperatures, these pools are surging in both size and number. In Alaska and northwestern Canada, 183 new lakes appeared between 1984 and 2019, covering 483 square kilometers (190 square miles). New research showed that ...