

Na PW Oficjalnie Ruszyło Centrum CENAGIS

Na PW Oficjalnie Ruszyło Centrum CENAGIS

Wczoraj (21 czerwca) odbyła się konferencja podsumowująca realizowany na WGiK PW projekt pt. „Centrum Naukowych Analiz Geoprzestrzennych, Obliczeń Satelitarnych wraz z laboratoriami testowania/certyfikacji produktów geomatycznych (CENAGIS)”. CENAGIS to centrum obliczeniowe do analityki danych o charakterze geoprzestrzennym. Bazuje ono na zaawansowanej infrastrukturze informatycznej pozwalającej na prowadzenie analiz geoprzetrzennych oraz obliczeń satelitarnych, a także na laboratoriach specjalistycznych. ...

Startup Danti Unveils Search Engine For Geospatial Data

A new startup, Danti, came out of stealth June 21 with a search engine designed for users of geospatial data. Danti is among a growing number of startups that are riding the artificial intelligence wave. Its search engine relies on natural language models to help users of its search engine find relevant information about places ...

Geospatial Mapping To Help Identify Threats To South Carolina Farmland

American Farmland Trust, in partnership with several South Carolina governmental and advocacy groups, is launching a tool that does precisely this to preserve vital farmland at risk of development. Palmetto 2040: Visioning Alternative Futures, Launching Solutions is a geospatial modeling and policy analysis tool designed to identify and model future outcomes, areas at highest risk ...
3d-Laserscanning Zeigt Ausmaß Des Fluchthorn-Bergsturzes

3D-Lasers­can­ning Zeigt Aus­maß Des Flucht­horn-Berg­stur­zes

Bereits 48 Stunden nach dem massiven Bergsturz am Fluchthorn in der Silvrettagruppe am 11. Juni 2023 war ein Forscher:innen-Team des Instituts für Geographie in Kooperation mit dem Spinoff-Unternehmen Laserdata und Heli Tirol für das Land Tirol an der Absturzstelle mit dem Hubschrauber im Einsatz. Mit hochpräziser 3D-Laserscanning-Technologie erfassten die Expert:innen 3D-Geodaten, mit denen das Volumen ...
Denizli Disaster Master Plan Will Set An Example For Turkey

Denizli Disaster Master Plan Will Set An Example For Turkey

Within the scope of the “Denizli Disaster Master Plan” announced by Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Osman Zolan, the first meeting with Turkey’s leading academics was held. In the first meeting with wide participation, where all stakeholders in the city, especially scientists, local governments, public institutions and NGOs, met, it was emphasized that Denizli Disaster Master ...
The Catholic Cartographer Who Wants To Help The Church Fight Climate Change

The Catholic Cartographer Who Wants To Help The Church Fight Climate Change

When Molly Burhans first started trying to map the Catholic Church’s global property holdings so the land could be put to work fighting climate change, the idea seemed so obvious to her that she was sure someone else must be doing it already. Burhans, a cartographer, was then an ecological-design grad student who had recently ...
La IA ayuda a los pequeños agricultores y viticultores argentinos a competir al tiempo que atrae a una nueva generación

La IA Ayuda A Los Pequeños Agricultores Y Viticultores Argentinos A Competir Al Tiempo Que Atrae A Una Nueva Generación

Balussi, quien creció como hijo de un carpintero en una comunidad de productores de maíz en Argentina, fundó Agrobit, una compañía tecnológica que comenzó con software agrícola hace 40 años y en 2019 empezó a usar IA y aprendizaje automático para armar el primer sistema agrícola inteligente del país. Agrobit trabajó con Microsoft para construir ...
How Satellite Imagery Helps In The Fight Against Malaria

How Satellite Imagery Helps In The Fight Against Malaria

For malaria elimination officer Jerry Maambo, protecting eastern Zambia’s residents from the mosquito-borne disease starts with knowing where people live. Maambo and his team are working to curb rising malaria cases in the Katete district, where cases surged by nearly 50% in 2020 over the previous year. Malaria infects more than 200 million people annually ...