

Stadt Forchheim Ist „Smart-City“!

Stadt Forchheim Ist „Smart-City“!

Erfahren Sie Geoinformationen als digitales Erlebnis! Die Stadt Forchheim bietet ab sofort den „Digitalen Zwilling“ an. Ein geografisches Informationssystem (GIS) – dessen Daten zum Teil auch zur allgemeinen Nutzung (Bürger-GIS) zur Verfügung stehen – ist ein System zur Erfassung, Bearbeitung, Auswertung und Präsentation von Daten mit geografischen oder räumlichen Informationen. Über ein Jahr hat das ...

Terrabyte: Germany’s New High Performance Data Analytics Platform For Earth Observation

A new high performance data analytics platform called terrabyte has been announced that will enable researchers in Bavaria and Germany to use satellite and earth observation data for classical simulations and evaluation using artificial intelligence methods. The new system is jointly run by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), a national research center for aeronautics and ...
Laboratório Da UFG Colabora Com Projeto Que Mapeia Biomas E Uso Da Terra Na Indonésia

Laboratório Da UFG Colabora Com Projeto Que Mapeia Biomas E Uso Da Terra Na Indonésia

O Laboratório de Processamento de Imagens e Geoprocessamento (Lapig), da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), por meio do MapBiomas Brasil, recebeu convite para compartilhar conhecimentos e colaborar com o MapBiomas da Indonésia. Para tanto, o Lapig promoveu o treinamento da equipe indonésia no uso dos dados da Rede Global MapBiomas. O encontro durou dez dias, ...
AI To Stop Water Pollution Before It Happens

AI To Stop Water Pollution Before It Happens

Artificial intelligence will be used in south-west England to predict pollution before it happens and help prevent it. It’s hoped the pilot project in Devon will help improve water quality at the seaside resort of Combe Martin, making it a better place for swimming. Sensors placed in rivers and fields will build a picture of ...
China Delivers 1st 'Floating Oil Factory' With Digital Twin Technology

China Delivers 1st ‘Floating Oil Factory’ With Digital Twin Technology

China has delivered its first “floating oil factory” with land-sea integrated operation system, marking a new breakthrough in the country’s application of the digital twin technology. Haiyang Shiyou 123 (Offshore Oil 123) ship is a floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit that can process oil and gas on the sea, saving the process of ...
Underground Navigation May Be Possible With Cosmic-ray Muons, Research Shows

Underground Navigation May Be Possible With Cosmic-ray Muons, Research Shows

Superfast, subatomic-sized particles called muons have been used to wirelessly navigate underground for the first time. By using muon-detecting ground stations synchronized with an underground muon-detecting receiver, researchers at the University of Tokyo were able to calculate the receiver’s position in the basement of a six-story building. As GPS cannot penetrate rock or water, this ...